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[NEED HELP] Can anybody (i wish all of you, especially tactic gurus) help me for creating my tactic?

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First of all, this is what i want: 


In football, i always love creator/scorer link-ups. Like old times 4-4-2 strikers. Henry/Bergkamp - Kovacevic/Nihat, Yorke/Cole... This is always inspired me. The beautiful link-ups. In my football philosophy, a good team needs scorer-creator link ups in every part of the field. So i wantna create a team and a tactic with scorers and creators in every part of the field.

In my Hamburg squad, i just have right-footed wingers, so first of all i think i need to use a winger. And by nature, wingers are creators(or not?). So, for me, if a winger is a creator, then right midfielder is need to be a scorer. So, for me, central midfielder with an attack role is suits for the connection. This is the first scorer-creator connection. 

If a right midfielder is a scorer, my left midfielder must be a creator. So, i think advanced playmaker with a support role is good for this link up. And if i have a creator on the left part of midfield, then i need a scorer in front of this guy. IF with an attack role is good for this. On the left side of field, i have a scorer, i think i need an another creator. 3 scorer, 3 creator, i think this balance is good. So, CWB with a support role suits for this. 

And of course we need to set up a game. For this, i have 4 players: For short and basic passes, i have a central defender with sweeper role (sweeper because i want to play with higher defensive line). For fancy passes, i have a bpd with defend role. And for basic passes and defensive holding, i have a defensive midfielder with support role. In the right side of the field, i have a winger, so wide areas are occupied by my winger. I want to play out of defence, so inverted wingback with support role is good for this. 

I want to go to the goal with quick short passes. I don't wanna too many crosses, just low crosses in the penalty area. I want to play out of defence with a slightly higher tempo. I don't wanna too many long shots of course. I want to see beautiful link ups and goals. Short, quick passes, low crosses from my right winger, creating too many beautiful possessions and scoring with my striker, inside forward and right midfielder, that's all i want.

I'm sharing my demo tactic with you. Please help me guys. And maybe, maybe if i'm too lucky, @Rashidiwill help haha. 

Tactic photo: 



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  • SI Staff

There will be some great people on the forum that can help you I'm sure.

For a start point I would suggest if you want your IF to be that narrow as you've posted in your image, you would want your team width to be a little narrower, set a Sit narrower PI on him and finally (maybe most importantly) change your AP role. The AP role is rotating forwards and will keep your IF wider because of this. You would need a "non rotating" CM role such as DLP or CM-S to prevent this. 

@Rashidi did a thread about the positional rotations feature where the roles that trigger rotations are listed and this thread can be found here: 


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I agree with CM(s) idea instead of AP. Also, I would think about B2B or MEZ(s) instead of CM(a). They could involve build up phase more than a CM(a) and be still scoring thread with right player and traits, if CM(a) was going forward too early than you like. Other than that, WB(a) could be a choice instead of CWB as a more consistent wide option on the left side because of being extra narrow with IF. 

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1 saat önce, Jack Sarahs said:

There will be some great people on the forum that can help you I'm sure.

For a start point I would suggest if you want your IF to be that narrow as you've posted in your image, you would want your team width to be a little narrower, set a Sit narrower PI on him and finally (maybe most importantly) change your AP role. The AP role is rotating forwards and will keep your IF wider because of this. You would need a "non rotating" CM role such as DLP or CM-S to prevent this. 

@Rashidi did a thread about the positional rotations feature where the roles that trigger rotations are listed and this thread can be found here: 


I'm a follower of rashidi's post but thank you again. I'll try your narrow team width suggestion. A DLP idea sounds good too! Thank you. 


40 dakika önce, ibrahim.akbyk said:

I agree with CM(s) idea instead of AP. Also, I would think about B2B or MEZ(s) instead of CM(a). They could involve build up phase more than a CM(a) and be still scoring thread with right player and traits, if CM(a) was going forward too early than you like. Other than that, WB(a) could be a choice instead of CWB as a more consistent wide option on the left side because of being extra narrow with IF. 

I'll try wingback suggestion but both attack duties in the left wing isn't sounds good. It looks too much for me. What's your opinion about that?

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En 13/1/2024 a las 18:25, batsy23 dijo:

I don't wanna too many crosses, just low crosses in the penalty area. 

You are playing two roles that "crosses more often" as creators, that means that most of your assits will come from crosses. Maybe WBIB can help you with this, but if your approach is to get more through balls I think that inverted roles that encourage central play will be more effective. If you dont want to change the W(s) I would suggest to train him with cuts inside trait or maybe cut inside PI will help as well. On the other side instead of a CWB I would play a normal WB(s) with "cross less often", so you get the width that him provides but you dont get that over crossed player that dont cutback, remember that with the CWB you can sometimes lose that width because is a roaming role, so sometimes he can be inside and disrupt your AP(s) and your IF(a) movements.

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30 dakika önce, batsy23 said:

I'll try wingback suggestion but both attack duties in the left wing isn't sounds good. It looks too much for me. What's your opinion about that?

In this version of FM, I tend to pay more attention to positional play and “rest defence.” With choice of CM instead of AP, you are getting kinda 2-3 rest def with your CM/DM/IWB. Because your CM doesnt move like AP for positional play. Having defensively reliable CM could help here. Though I prefer 3-2 rest def for coviring wings. 

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