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Building a mid-block 442 to counter high-press 443 and 4231

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I just found out about @Daveincid realism custom database update which I'm planning to try out. One of the most interesting feature of this database is added realism around injuries (i.e. 20% more injuries) which makes intensive counter-press tactics less viable due to the constant sprinting. In anticipation of that, I'm trying to develop a mid-block 442 inspired by @crusadertsar's previous article on the 442. Essentially, it works like a mid-block counter-attack tactic.


  • Defensive Phase: Defend in a traditional 4-4-2 mid-block, hopefully overcoming 5 or 6 men forward which is usually what we see in the meta these days. TI stay on feet to keep the shape while defending
  • Attacking Phase:
    • Attack can originate from a few scenarios
      • Left FB (FB-A) overlapping down the left and sending crosses in
      • LM (IW-S) cutting in and supplying passes into the final third
      • RM (WP-S) either cutting in or roaming depending on rest of the team
      • RCM (SV-S) arrives late
      • Right Wing Back (IWB-S) provides a ball from deep
    • Other TIs
      • Overlap left and Underlap right to enhance the above attacking scenarios


  • Both CDs to stay winder to cover Right FB attacking runs or Left FB inverted runs
  • DM to take fewer risks


  • Will my PF and AF who are both on attacking position be too far away from the rest of the team in the attacking phase?
  • Should I figure out how to stretch the field on the right as both my WP and IWB sitting narrower at this point? Maybe IWB becomes a CWB instead.

PS: Unfortunately, I won't be using Liverpool in the new save but likely a Tier 2 (Championship) or Tier 3 (League 1) team just using my most recent save to build a tactic.



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59 minutes ago, CapitalismReimagined said:
  • Will my PF and AF who are both on attacking position be too far away from the rest of the team in the attacking phase?
  • Should I figure out how to stretch the field on the right as both my WP and IWB sitting narrower at this point? Maybe IWB becomes a CWB instead.

I'd probably have the PF as a CF(s), CF+AF is a great combo. Players often don't use CF because of the highlighted skill requirements, but it's really not that important.

I'd change the WP to DW or W with get further forward PI, just to get up the field and wide.

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23 minutes ago, lied90 said:

I'd probably have the PF as a CF(s), CF+AF is a great combo. Players often don't use CF because of the highlighted skill requirements, but it's really not that important.

I'd change the WP to DW or W with get further forward PI, just to get up the field and wide.

Could you share why that's a great combo?

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19 minutes ago, CapitalismReimagined said:

Could you share why that's a great combo?

Because CF(s) drops deep enough to link up with the midfield, while also being high enough to link with the AF. Lots of striker support roles just drop too deep to do both as good as CF(s).

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33 minutes ago, lied90 said:

Because CF(s) drops deep enough to link up with the midfield, while also being high enough to link with the AF. Lots of striker support roles just drop too deep to do both as good as CF(s).

Thanks. My initial idea was that the WP would sit narrower and link up with the forwards. However, I guess the tradeoff there would be width on the right. Any thoughts about the CWB creating width because of its roaming PI? A combination of three changes: 1) IWB to CWB, 2) WP to Winger, and 3) PF to CF (s)


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I'd  give the CWB an attack role, tell him to underlap with a cut inside instruction. I have one I use on my team like that, and he constantly causes havoc and scores here and there as well. 

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16 hours ago, Bahnzo said:

I'd  give the CWB an attack role, tell him to underlap with a cut inside instruction. I have one I use on my team like that, and he constantly causes havoc and scores here and there as well. 

Just on this, CWB-A is a devastating role if you have the player for it (it’s very demanding). Opposition never seem to know whose job it is to mark him.

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