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Message for buyout fees for selling clauses


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I love using the clausules when selling players. Sometimes you can buyout these clauses. Currently you have to look under transfers -> clauses if there are any clauses available for a buy out or if existing possible buyout will have a different buyout value. This is pretty tedious and you have the possibility to miss a potential great buyout deal.

I have two possible options to solve this. Maybe both can be implemented as well:

  • You will a frequent message, no matter what about all the possible buyout fees. It should work the same as the frequent meetings with your staf about training, transfers, ... 
  • You will get a message in your inbox if something changed.

If your board do these negotiations about the buyout and you get the last word about selling a clause, then it make sense if the board notifies you about your possible options. So it make sense to me if they email you if they were able to negotiate something. 

Edited by MisterX
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