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Automatic Role Setting

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If by any chance a developer comes across this post, would there be any chance that an Automatic role setting will be added to the following roles in the future; BWM - AuDM - AuDLP - AuMEZ - AuAP - Au

BWM - Au, DM-Au, DLP - Au are roles in particular I would like the Automatic setting for, for the defensive midfield strata, as an avid adherent to switching between Balanced and Attacking (and to a lesser degree Positive, which wouldn't have an impact on Automatic roles) mentality. 

This change would be a game changer for me and make tactical versatility more seamless and convenient during matches which in turn would make the game and certainly match experience more enjoyable. 


Edited by FM Tactics Fanatic
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1 hour ago, WelshMourinho said:

Automatic just switches between defend, support and attack based on your mentality, and none of the roles you've mentioned have an option to be set as all three. 

For example you wouldn't have a defensive midfielder on attack duty, or an advanced playmaker on defend duty. 

I would imagine that it would be possible for the developers to code it to switch between Support and Defend (or Support / Attack) for the roles in question based on MentalitySweeper Keeper is another role speaking of one with all three settings which does not have Automatic which I would like it to have.

Edited by FM Tactics Fanatic
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18 hours ago, WelshMourinho said:

Automatic just switches between defend, support and attack based on your mentality, and none of the roles you've mentioned have an option to be set as all three. 

For example you wouldn't have a defensive midfielder on attack duty, or an advanced playmaker on defend duty. 


That depends on tactical approach, especially in the last 15 minutes of a game where a lot is decided. If you can´t make more substitutions or you simply think your DM is good enough to be commanded forward and leave the defensive duties to the two CBs ... then you put him on attack, happens a lot in real life when everyone is pushed forward. That can however be done in the tactical screen manually, no problem, I think the OP is just looking for a 90 minute solution where everything is automated.


Another solution would be to have game plans working when you are in a charge as well, I think they only work if you are on holiday. 1-0 up and certain tactical adaptations are made, 1-1 ... and change again automatically, never used game plans or whatever they are called, so not sure.


I am fine with how it is now by the way, leaves me something to do when watching the team. I can understand others wanting more automation though.



Edited by AurioDK
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