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New laptop- Do I need to buy FM again?

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So long as you remember your steam account and password, you can obviously install any games you purchased in steam in any computer. To transfer your saves, the easiest way is if you were already saving your saves in the cloud. Then the game in your new computer will automatically download them. If you didn't, you would need to access the data in the hard drive. Depending on what is broken in your old computer this can be straightforward (like just connecting the old drive to the new PC) or simply impossible 

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On 07/12/2023 at 15:33, Bill_Shankly said:

Hi. My laptop has broken down, so need a new one. If I get a new one will I be able to download FM24 from Steam and play, or will I need to pay again?
Also, how can I transfer my game across


yes, you don't need to do that, it is in the cloud. fellow financial explorers! My journey led me to the $200 cash advance app and the experience was nothing short of exceptional. The app's user-friendly design, speedy approval, and competitive interest rates exceeded my expectations. For those in search of a reliable financial tool, I'd casually recommend exploring this app – it could be the solution you've been looking for.


yes, you don't need to do that, it is in the cloud.

Edited by PriceYundt
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1) If you purchased FM on Steam, you don't need to buy it again. You just download FM24 onto your new laptop.

2) As for the save, it depends. If your last game was saved in the cloud, then you just need to download it from the cloud onto your new laptop. Or, you could try to transfer the file using a pen drive.

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