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Staff screen question

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3 hours ago, simonthornley said:

Ok the formatting is off, apologies, my question was what do the highlighted numbers mean on this page?

A good question. Is that the total number of staff in that role in the league? I too have no idea.

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This next text is copied from FMInside (didn't copy pictures here)

"Team Comparison

Here you can see how these three teams can be compared to the staff of other clubs in your league.

The bars show how your team scores in a certain attribute and you see both the highest and lowest average of the competition.

Try to score above average at all times, although you will always have to strive to contract the best staff."


You can see the highest value in your league upon the yellow line, and the lowest in the bar below. That thin line that can be seen in some bars is the average line, like in Judge A in middle. But it's on that dark background, if your team's level is below average.


What that MEANS? I'm not completely sure, but...

Let's take Recruitment. You have two persons there, Chief Scout and Scout. In Judge P green bar there are that value from your staff members added. And the same with Judge A and Ana D.

And compared to that thin average line you can see, that your team's Judging Potential is below average in your league, but Judging Ability is a bit higher than average.

Those high max values can be caused by the fact, that some rich team can have many more staff personnel than you do, like if a team would have DoF, TD, Chief Scout and 4 Scouts.


And if one bar is much below the highest line, that might not mean anything. Like, Analyzing Data is not a common skill for Scouts, but Judging Potential should be.

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I've always wondered that. It's presumably some kind of calculation to work out which club is best or worst overall for that category. But it probably shouldn't be visible as it doesn't give you the score for your own club, so you can't compare it to anything.

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