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Squad Planner - Suggestions


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I may have raised this before or mentioned it in a general forum. I really want this to work but as it currently stands I'm still favouring a pad and pencil. 

Suggestions - 

Current Season - Next Season - Season After - These do make sense but I have had many scenarios where I've been chasing promotion (relegation not so much... :lol:) and I've been running two lists of targets for "Next Season" one based on gaining promotion the other on staying in the same league. There really ought to be a facility for this, "Next Season Scenario A" and "Next Season Scenario B".

The current listing structure for each position works for players I already have and for future transfers I've already completed. But, it falls down when I want to replace my first choice DM next season and I have 3 targets to replace him. There is no way I can show that "plan" or intention in it's current form. For a planner that's a flaw. I'd like to see a "placeholder" that I can drop into any position and any number in the player list. This "placeholder' could for instance have my top 3 transfer targets for that particular position. It would say 1 target, 2 targets, 3 targets and hovering over it would reveal those.  It would then be a more complete and concise reference point. I could also use the placeholder in "Season After" to highlight my "plan" or intention to sign other players even if I am yet to finalise those targets.

The "placeholders" could be embellished further for example "Leader", "Experienced", "Cover Option" "Set Piece Specialist", "Future Prospect" all the things I write on my pad with my pencil. :D

Making the screen views editable would also be a great enhancement. 




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