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Deflected Goals

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I personally think this ME is the best, certainly in terms of capturing what a "real" football match should look and feel like. One of the vast improvements is the dynamic of the ball, the different goals that are scored, crosses/passes played etc. 

One thing that we all (well, most) have recognised is the high amount of goals in comparison to XG and shots taken, which feels about right. Is there a case that the deflections in the game are one of the reasons we are seeing more goals? I am happy that these goals are captured but it does feel like a high number of goals are scored because little deflections leave the keeper helpless....

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I was going to hold back from saying anything but given i'm not the only one and not alone.  I have noticed a bucket load of goals from deflections, I don't mind seeing deflections as in real life but it's the amount over several games.  Not sure if it needs to be toned down.  Guess will have to run more and more seasons to see what devs think about it.


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9 hours ago, ctfm2012 said:

I was going to hold back from saying anything but given i'm not the only one and not alone.  I have noticed a bucket load of goals from deflections, I don't mind seeing deflections as in real life but it's the amount over several games.  Not sure if it needs to be toned down.  Guess will have to run more and more seasons to see what devs think about it.


Yeah exactly. I feel it doesn't need to be toned down as long as it is balanced out in the overall context of the goals. 

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