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Fantasy Football


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One of the things I love about the (once owned by SI!) Out of the Park Baseball series was the option to build completely unique universes with customized leagues and randomly generated players, and also to load up historical databases and play out historical eras etc.

I doubt there is much call for this in Football Manager, but if your going to have a suggestions forum I'm going to give suggestions, and think it would be a great feature to let people build fictional football worlds with truly random players and customizable leagues and rules.

Also, I am not sure how possible it would be with licensing issues, but it would be great to see SI utilize the 30 years of player data to allow historical leagues. Re-live Ferguson's early 00s United, or try to emulate The Invincibles etc. I'm sure there'd be a market for that, even if the cup and league names needed to be fudged a little be (UFEA Mug Winners Cup, please!).



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