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Is it just me or is do other encounter this outrageous Switch bug?

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I'm still playing a FMT23 save on FMT24. It appears that the crashing bug has ported over with the save................ (IT'S SO FFFFFF frustrating!)

Even worse, on previous games I just had to restart the game and load the save again, but now it 'resets' the entire game. The saves are still there but I have to reset EVERY setting. Language, preferences, formats, every 'are you sure you want to do XXX' ticking box...

I know swearing is frowned upon here, but FOR ****'S SAKE. This is soooo irritating. Instead of just fixing the bug in the previous years, when I moaned about it as well but nothing happened, you made me import it in this year's version???

Anyone else have this or is it really just me? SOO annoying.

Apologies for the rant, but I had to let this one out.

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  • SI Staff

Hello, we're sorry you are having issues. Can you please create a post using the link below, providing as much information as possible. 


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