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6 minutes ago, RenatoDonarinho said:

Has anyone experienced an issue where the editor believes that you advanced rules are verified (even though they are not) and will not allow you to test them but the game can see they are unverified and therefore won't let you load the custom database?

Yes, I have! DO NOT revert back to basic rules as a work around, that will cancel most of your changes since going advanced.

What seemed to work for me was verifying one level at a time, rather than all levels -- even though it says each level is verified, it let me re-verify them one level at a time.

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17 minutes ago, SaintsCanada said:

Yes, I have! DO NOT revert back to basic rules as a work around, that will cancel most of your changes since going advanced.

What seemed to work for me was verifying one level at a time, rather than all levels -- even though it says each level is verified, it let me re-verify them one level at a time.

awesome, thank you

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