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I'm at a loss as to where to start

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Hello everyone.

Some of you might have seen my initial post a few days ago, being new to FM and looking forward to FM24 I'm really lost as to where to start, which team to manage, I'm very curious about the Japanese league but i have no clue about their football, which teams there are strong or worth considering, there's just this bug on my head telling me that Japanese football and managing a team there could be super fun, even in countries like Croatia and Austria or even the Dutch league but my knowledge is very limited.

People have told me about challenges or team suggestions but i have no idea where i can look for those, is there a website or something i can go to to have a look a teams that could be a good start?

I was also thinking about the Isthmian League, does anyone here as experience with that league or the different divisions and has any team suggestions? 
I find that the Guernsey FC could be a cool experience to take on.

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I recommend starting with an orthodox team to learn the ropes. I remember back in the '90s when I got my first game, starting with Chelsea, then my home side Plymouth Argyle before gradually descending into the lower leagues and taking up challenges. It might be a bit overwhelming if your first experience is with that worst team in Gibraltar!


I also recommend wasting a few hours on YouTube following a few episodes of 'experts', especially the kind of 'zero to hero' campaigns. I just watched a guy last night finally win the Champions League with his Norn Irish side after over a decade of trying!  ['Load FM!' is his handle]

Edited by phnompenhandy
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hace 39 minutos, Freakiie dijo:

Step 1: Go here https://www.jleague.co/clubs/

Step 2: Look at the logos until you see one that makes you think "that's a damn cool logo". Sagan Tosu maybe?

Step 3: You found your club!

That's about as serious as you have to be when picking a club to manage. :D


This is more or less why I'm almost sure I'll do Cerezo Osaka in my Japan save. Those pink kits are fine.

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