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FMM now stuck behind a Netflix subscription!?

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Looks to me like this is part of a larger picture - of football itself chasing greater corporate profits at the expense of "heritage fans".  I think part of the popularity of football computer games is as compensation for lovers of football who have long been priced out of ticket prices and TV subscriptions. It's a real shame the game world chooses to follow the same path. If there's a bright side, it's that FM23 is good enough to be enjoyed for as long as it takes for SI to change their attitude.

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5 ore fa, StephenCronin ha scritto:

The newer more casual community they're chasing won't be as dedicated and maybe they will play the game one year and maybe they will play something else and won't bother the following year. 

This means closing the project progressively, earning the last money. 

The other products remain there. But, after being forced to abandon the mobile version, with what trust one of your customers will buy other SI products?

There is also a big SI communication problem over the whole situation. 

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5 hours ago, StephenCronin said:

Translation: FMM was not profitable enough* for us to continue its development in the current manner. Therefore our only alternative was to shift to a new business model that would allow us to continue its development. We know this will upset you, but if we couldn't find a way to make it more profitable, we could not have continued to invest in it. This move will allow us to continue it's development and keep giving you (or whoever the new users are after you've left) this great game. <optional statement about the new business model allowing us to add exciting new features for you!>

*it's important to note that for a tech company in 2023, a product being profitable might not be enough to justify it's continuation. It has to be profitable enough. If you spend 10M on a product and have a profit of only 1M, then you need to consider how much more you could have earned if you spent that 10M elsewhere. And if a product is only making a small profit, you're better off retiring that product and spending the money on another product that will give you greater profits. And on top of that, if you want to attract investors, then you have to get the company profits into a certain ratio and can't be carrying any products with smaller profits. 

I'm guessing that although FMM sells a lot, it also has a lot of costs and just isn't profitable enough from a business perspective

Of course, I could be totally off on all of this.

I think you’re spot on with this. To me it’s about milking every last penny from FM Mobile and attracting the casual fans (how many people will download for free and it rocket up the standings on the app stores’ charts at least temporarily allowing for new people to try it) before eventually killing off the series? With the Unity change and the Mobile series not getting this I dread that FM Mobile will become another FM Touch or FM Console where it’s just a streamlined PC version ported to a new system. I for one would hate this as I don’t have the time to play FM Touch and that’s why I love FM Mobile.

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The cheapest plan for Netflix in Australia is $7, I paid $15 for FMM23, so if you didn't have Netflix, it would be $84 dollars to play FMM24 each year compared to the usual price of $10-20 and you would get to keep it forever. What a joke. Thankfully, I have Netflix but I'm all for providing a critical review and making sure the team knows that this is shameless.

Edited by LeanOn1749
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It’s great that people are sharing their stories + views 👍 

Personally I’m quite ok to wait for this blog post / Q&A / further comms. to come out. While I’m ‘disappointed’ (understatement) at what the decision seems to be, I can wait a few weeks to learn more.

Again there could be very good reasons why they can not communicate this asap: maybe a key leader is on leave / ill, maybe they are deliberately waiting to assess user sentiment on this decision so far (!), maybe they are waiting for a Netflix user research study results (?), or some technical details still need to be finalized, or need a joint communications working session with the Netflix team … 

… like most new corporate partnerships, it’s unlikely that any SI team member (Miles may be an exception) will completely open up their feelings / thoughts on this subject, they kind of need to wait for ‘management’ to agree + launch those comms first and be a little cautious about what they say.

Only they (SI) will know why there needs time before more communications - so in the meantime I’m ok to continue discussing / sharing in places like this and continue playing the existing game we all love :-) 


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This whole thing reminds me of when clubs decided to create the European Super League and the fans revolted and actually forced the clubs to give it up, so the question here is, will SI actually listen to their die hard fans? I have doubts, the Netflix thing is probably signed and no way back. 

The discord server also has shown people from some countries who find the game expensive/can't afford them/kids without a income yet. Netflix might be good for these kids for example if their parents have a subscription but for everyone who usually can't afford the game for it's normal price, how did SI think they can afford a Netflix subscription? 

Overall where the fans taken into account or just a financial cutthroat corporate move? 

Edited by Hildor
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2 hours ago, Remicchi said:

We can get into my disdain for exclusivity deals another time, that's my gripe with Netflix and others who offer exclusivity deals

As for companies who sign those exclusivity deals, I definitely had a sinking feeling that this was a really corporate decision when it was first announced. I didn't say much till we knew more, but this pretty much confirms it


"If you wanted JUST a meal, then it would be $X a year. Which is a lot of money. But given it comes with a whole ton of cakes sent to you, it's odd to look at it this way". Except I just wanted a meal. Yet there's a little coercion to be committed into something way bigger without the option of just having that meal, and once I'm in that eco-system a lot of psychological immersion to pull out.

But I don't need to hear Netflix's side from SI, I'd like to hear SI's side from SI. I'm keen to see what will be in the blog you mentioned a couple of times, I hope it mentions how specifically FMM would be better when now bundled with Netflix, what the consumers (especially those who don't want/need a Netflix subscription) stand to benefit in exchange for losing FMM as a standalone product or perhaps there's already a giant leap forward in many aspects of FMM24 that will capture Netflix's existing target audience rather than nerds who like resource management + watching dots move on a screen.

Whenever Miles opens his mouth he always makes a mess out of this stuff. 


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23 minutes ago, Hildor said:

This whole thing reminds me of when clubs decided to create the European Super League and the fans revolted and actually forced the clubs to give it up, so the question here is, will SI actually listen to their die hard fans? I have doubts, the Netflix thing is probably signed and no way back. 

The discord server also has shown people from some countries who find the game expensive/can't afford them/kids without a income yet. Netflix might be good for these kids for example if their parents have a subscription but for everyone who usually can't afford the game for it's normal price, how did SI think they can afford a Netflix subscription? 

Overall where the fans taken into account or just a financial cutthroat corporate move? 

We're seeing the same by the 31k members on the Facebook group too. It seems universal within the community that not many like this move and it's alienating fans further even though the main complaint has always been the price for specific regions.

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After twenty years (november 2023.) of being registered on this forum and buying all editions of Football Manager, if the information is indeed true that I must be a Netflix subscriber, this will mark the end of my gaming journey. Perhaps it's not a loss for the company, one player more or less. But such an approach will certainly drive away many long-time players. 60 Euros for a mobile game is too much. I'm not a fan of Netflix, nor do I want to follow it, let alone pay for it. That's why I'll conclude my gaming with the previous version. Competing games in the same category even distribute for free with the aim of gaining new players. The number of subscribers on the Google Play Store will increase because the game will be free there, but the number of players will certainly decrease in reality. I wish Miles Jacobson and the other creators luck in pursuing such misguided ideas, with the hope that one day they'll realize that money from Netflix will never replace the people who have been with them for years. This year, for principled reasons, I won't even buy the version made for the computer.


Edited by Zeljeznicar
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40 minutes ago, Four_Eyed_Matt said:

Where is this mythical FAQ that is going to right all the wrongs of this decision? I thought it was being released last night, a hasty rewrite is underway perhaps?


Miles said end of the week or beginning of next.

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Miles has progressively gotten more and more out of touch with both the playerbase, and based on his response to the backlash here, society as a whole.

Pay £8 or whatever for FMM vs pay £60 for FMM and a bunch of stuff I don't want. 

The fact he finds it weird people don't want Netflix (hell, or even can afford Netflix) reeks of outstanding arrogance.

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I really hope that there is at least one long term FMM player thinking 'I've never heard of this' Netflix' before, sounds great though' as that would be funny, to me at least anyway 

As others have said, if people don't have a Netflix account by now, it's purely because they don't want one. Miles pointing out the huge amount of TV shows and movies on there isn't new information 

People on Twitter were asking Miles to point out some good shows on Netflix, and he was ignoring everyone, so he knows how annoyed people are 



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5 hours ago, Four_Eyed_Matt said:

Where is this mythical FAQ that is going to right all the wrongs of this decision

I think there is some confusion around the purpose of the FAQ. This will be like our other FAQs, targeted at addressing troubleshooting/questions about playing on Netflix Games.

The next dev blog/Miles blog will explain the decision as he's mentioned on Twitter.

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3 minutos atrás, Dan Sheppard disse:

I think there is some confusion around the purpose of the FAQ. This will be like our other FAQs, targeted at addressing troubleshooting/questions about playing on Netflix Games.

The next dev blog/Miles blog will explain the decision as he's mentioned on Twitter.

Hello Dan. The team at SI acknowledges that much of the current fanbase is going to boycott the next iteration of your Netflix Game right?

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They are just seeing if they can pull this off. They are testing this thing with the Mobile version to see how it goes, how people react, and if things go well they will implement this on the full version.

Because why people should be paying a one time fee when they could pay 2x or 3x more in monthly installments?

I happen to have a Netflix account, but I will not play FM Mobile 24 and I really hope people to understand what's at stake here and boycott the new version.

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First they abandoned us and left us on the tablet version of FMT21. Now do we need a signature? Even though I have it, I won't download anything. And I'll say more, I'm going to rate the game with 1 star. You are no longer thinking of us as players, as fans. you are just trying to get an idea of how to get money from us. How can a mobile version have such a high value compared to the PC version? It's the end of FM for me. I give up. In the last two years I still had hope for the return of the Touch version for tablets. But I see that this is a waste of time. The mobile version, in addition to being limited, now requires a subscription. Make a version of the game with the fans in mind, consequently you will have a financial return.

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2 hours ago, Black_Hawk said:

They are just seeing if they can pull this off. They are testing this thing with the Mobile version to see how it goes, how people react, and if things go well they will implement this on the full version.

Because why people should be paying a one time fee when they could pay 2x or 3x more in monthly installments?

I happen to have a Netflix account, but I will not play FM Mobile 24 and I really hope people to understand what's at stake here and boycott the new version.

Exactly my thinking. Apple Arcade last year, Netflix this year, and a “brand new” FM next year. I guarantee it’s not a one time buy either, they have been testing the waters the last 2 years.

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Wow, seems SI really don't want me as a customer. First they ruined FMT for pc (the current version is not the same), so I stopped buying that. And now they're tying FMM to Netflix, of all things. I don't have Netflix, I have no interest in Netflix, and, yep, Miles is right, I'm not paying £60 for a mobile game. 

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Having had every release of fmh/fmm dating back to 2006 on my psp initially before moving to smartphones I have to say I am disgusted by the comple lack of appreciation from SI for the core loyal customer base.

I used to play the full game but like so many on here, no longer had the time to sit and play hours of the full game, that's why finding fmh back in 2006 was  such a great thing, it allowed me to play when I could. With the advent of smartphones this became even easier.

Every release day I would eagerly buy the game, no matter if the changes year on year were big or small. 

Sadly and without warning it looks like 2023 will be my last purchase of FMM.

I do not have Netflix, I do not want Netflix, and I am not going to pay a minimum £4.99 per month for a mobile game.

Thanks SI for all the hours of fun you have provided over the last 18 years of FMH/FMM, its a shame though you have decided to dismiss your loyal customers and instead bow down to Netflix.

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Sad reality is that there are many many upset and disgruntled FM mobile players who will be boycotting, but to be quite Frank, SI won’t give a flying **** because they’ve already got their money from Netflix.

Never saw FM going the way it’s going but I’m pretty sure over the next few years the series will be viewed the same as FIFA and NBA 2k etc is now.

Hopefully over the next few years someone else will come along and create some improved competition for those of us who don’t have time to play the full game and are done with the constant subscriptions, lack of communication and transparency etc. 

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This is an interesting debate and conversation. Also interesting to hear everyone’s opinions. I have purchased the mobile game every year since the 18 or 19 version. I won’t slag anyone off, Marc or anyone else that works on the mobile game, they work hard to give us an enjoyable game and although the game each year has minimal improvements, each edition has been an escapism for me while I have battled severe and chronic depression and suicidal thoughts and much more besides but this year I won’t be buying the 24 edition, I don’t do subscriptions and especially Netflix, also being someone who is unemployed, every pound is important especially in this day and age. I can’t help feeling that the majority on here who say they won’t play this years edition will still play it, look at FIFA, same game year in year out and everyone still purchases it regardless, people spend insane amounts on that game. I have said it on these forums before that they ain’t pushing the mobile game to the max, similar to how the game was on the Sony PSP, I still play FM on the PSP every now and then and it’s as close to bare bones as you can get. I say thanks to Marc and the team for the hard work they put in to each edition but I guess I’ll have to find an alternative now. 

Edited by Hummingbird Saltalamacchia
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6 hours ago, Hummingbird Saltalamacchia said:

This is an interesting debate and conversation. Also interesting to hear everyone’s opinions. I have purchased the mobile game every year since the 18 or 19 version. I won’t slag anyone off, Marc or anyone else that works on the mobile game, they work hard to give us an enjoyable game and although the game each year has minimal improvements, each edition has been an escapism for me while I have battled severe and chronic depression and suicidal thoughts and much more besides but this year I won’t be buying the 24 edition, I don’t do subscriptions and especially Netflix, also being someone who is unemployed, every pound is important especially in this day and age. I can’t help feeling that the majority on here who say they won’t play this years edition will still play it, look at FIFA, same game year in year out and everyone still purchases it regardless, people spend insane amounts on that game. I have said it on these forums before that they ain’t pushing the mobile game to the max, similar to how the game was on the Sony PSP, I still play FM on the PSP every now and then and it’s as close to bare bones as you can get. I say thanks to Marc and the team for the hard work they put in to each edition but I guess I’ll have find an alternative now. 

PSP FM was brilliant for it's time, I miss those days. Can imagine its quite hard to go back to now though. 

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12 horas atrás, Hummingbird Saltalamacchia disse:

This is an interesting debate and conversation. Also interesting to hear everyone’s opinions. I have purchased the mobile game every year since the 18 or 19 version. I won’t slag anyone off, Marc or anyone else that works on the mobile game, they work hard to give us an enjoyable game and although the game each year has minimal improvements, each edition has been an escapism for me while I have battled severe and chronic depression and suicidal thoughts and much more besides but this year I won’t be buying the 24 edition, I don’t do subscriptions and especially Netflix, also being someone who is unemployed, every pound is important especially in this day and age. I can’t help feeling that the majority on here who say they won’t play this years edition will still play it, look at FIFA, same game year in year out and everyone still purchases it regardless, people spend insane amounts on that game. I have said it on these forums before that they ain’t pushing the mobile game to the max, similar to how the game was on the Sony PSP, I still play FM on the PSP every now and then and it’s as close to bare bones as you can get. I say thanks to Marc and the team for the hard work they put in to each edition but I guess I’ll have to find an alternative now. 

There's a difference there, sure FIFA has some insane microtransactions (can it still be called micro?) but the base game isn't locked behind a monthly subscription like FMM24. You can buy the base game and not spend any more money, it's your choice to spend money or not while with a monthly sub to get a mobile game the choice is taken away from the user who just wants to play the game. 

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3 minutes ago, Hildor said:

There's a difference there, sure FIFA has some insane microtransactions (can it still be called micro?) but the base game isn't locked behind a monthly subscription like FMM24. You can buy the base game and not spend any more money, it's your choice to spend money or not while with a monthly sub to get a mobile game the choice is taken away from the user who just wants to play the game. 

Also true of a game that comes as part of a subscription. The choice is not taken away at all.

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8 minutes ago, TopToffee said:

Also true of a game that comes as part of a subscription. The choice is not taken away at all.

There's still a choice but the choice is now:
A) Not buy the game
B) Spend 6x more than previously on the game


This is of course presuming those fans who buy a Netflix subscription have done so just for the game. But you can argue that Netflix has a huge brand recall, therefore, most of those who don't have Netflix currently are not interested in getting it.

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18 hours ago, jPKroniK said:

Hello Dan. The team at SI acknowledges that much of the current fanbase is going to boycott the next iteration of your Netflix Game right?

Nothing like speaking for the vast majority of FMM players who have yet to comment on this thread. It's very possible that SI may have been boycotting FMM 24 themselves, without Netflix stepping in to help out - which is something I'm sure Miles will talk about in his upcoming.

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33 minutes ago, Declan Barry said:

But you can argue that Netflix has a huge brand recall, therefore, most of those who don't have Netflix currently are not interested in getting it.

You are likely right. 

Evidence - a quick poll on Vibe suggests +95% (49 of 51 so far) of engaged FMM community players who do NOT have Netflix access will not subscribe to Netflix to get FMM24.


- this is just a relatively simple poll. 
- this is only 80 responses (but in <2 days).  
- people may change their mind.
- this has some bias.

But still is helpful for understanding current sentiment.

Edited by Daniel.M
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18 minutos atrás, Scotty Walds disse:

Nothing like speaking for the vast majority of FMM players who have yet to comment on this thread. It's very possible that SI may have been boycotting FMM 24 themselves, without Netflix stepping in to help out - which is something I'm sure Miles will talk about in his upcoming.

You have any proof or piece of evidence from sales to support your claim?

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Just now, jPKroniK said:

You have any proof or piece of evidence from sales to support your claim?

Do I need to prove that more than the handful of people who've commented on this thread have bought FMM 23? If less than 5 people bought it, I don't think FMM24 would even be in conversation.

You are reacting to a headline, have been told the decision will be explained shortly, but still choosing to speak for the FM Community yourself.

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26 minutes ago, jPKroniK said:

You have any proof or piece of evidence from sales to support your claim?

I'd question whether simply saying something is "possible" is really a claim that needs a great deal of evidence... but since you asked, given that FM Touch was canned due to being commercially inviable and was only resurrected because a deal was signed with Apple, it's hardly beyond the realm of possibility that there's a similar situation at play with FMM.

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17 minutes ago, TopToffee said:

I'd question whether simply saying something is "possible" is really a claim that needs a great deal of evidence... but since you asked, given that FM Touch was canned due to being commercially inviable and was only resurrected because a deal was signed with Apple, it's hardly beyond the realm of possibility that there's a similar situation at play with FMM.

this is the likely scenario yes.

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1 hora atrás, Daniel.M disse:

You are likely right. 

Evidence - a quick poll on Vibe suggests +95% (49 of 51 so far) of engaged FMM community players who do NOT have Netflix access will not subscribe to Netflix to get FMM24.


- this is just a relatively simple poll. 
- this is only 80 responses (but in <2 days).  
- people may change their mind.
- this has some bias.

But still is helpful for understanding current sentiment.

We have our own poll in the discord server that started about a hour ago and the numbers are quite interesting so far, half the voters have Netflix but the vast majority consider this a negative move 🤔


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Just some more thorough thoughts.

I imagine this is similar to exclusivity deals done with Epic and other similar services including Netflix on other games in the past where there's a set figure and SI have the certainty of the money, either at the same level or higher compared to what they're currently making on the store. This does also ultimately ramp up the price of FMM significantly for people who may play this on a much more regular basis but have no interest in Netflix.

This isn't me (and arguably I'm more likely to play FMM now than I was before because I regularly use Netflix as a family account) but I can clearly see how this would damage relations with the significant part of the base who pay for FMM as a solo product year in year out. More generally I intensely dislike products locked in to third parties outside of the platform that I had already paid to use it on (see Fall Guys using Epic authentication after buying on Steam, as one example).

I think overall this announcement could have been communicated better, because there's seems to be a lingering air of uncertainty over what exactly is required (Is any account on Netflix acceptable? Does the account require a subscription? Will there be an option to pay for the game separately? Will this version still require a Netflix account?).

I don't really get the rush to get this news out of the door without getting the obvious questions that people would ask out of the way. Clearly the responses from SI expected a level of animosity (just look at tweet responses).

This is pure speculation, but a thing I also think is a factor here which Miles and SI regularly bring up is people getting access without paying for it. Gabe Newell has always said that this is a delivery/service issue and ultimately making the game more difficult to access may be an impacting factor. I won't get into more details because most forums get squeamish about talking about that sort of thing but it's a thought.

It took the treadback statement on the PC game from earlier this year (once the bulk of sales on 23 were through) to accept that the level of progress on the PC game was not as hoped for last year and that this year may be a bit of a transitional step. SI is generally very headstrong in pushing through on these things, so anybody hoping for any sort of recant on this is probably going to be disappointed. I feel your pain though and I think this is a net negative for everybody, but if it's the only thing keeping FMM from being cancelled then ultimately it may be the only option.

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SIGames, please get the explanation post out as soon as possible. This isn't a feature tease... "We know some of you will be upset... Check back for more exciting details on why you'll be upset on Friday!!"

Really if you knew people would be upset, then you should have had the full explanation ready to go at the same time as the announcement. 

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You'll own nothing and be happy

The unfortunate truth is this is the kind of commercial model towards which things are heading and the concerns of the people in this thread will likely be negligible in such terms.

What is the volume of sales that has enabled the game to top the charts year after year? How does that compare to the number of users registered to this community and/or the number of posters in the FMM forum specifically?

It may be the case that most purchasers of the game are casual users and not registered here. Further, most of those people probably have Netflix subscriptions. And the number of Netflix users that will now be exposed to the game and added to the volume of casual users will outweigh the number of die hards that are prepared to boycott the game as a result of this.

If the above is accurate, people like Miles should just be frank about it instead of bullshitting us with the "odd way to look at it" comment.

What this means for the long term quality of the game is another question. One would think that Marc Vaughan is a very trustworthy and safe pair of hands, but when does the commercial pressure from above and/or the temptation of riches trump all else?

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One big point to be raised, if the game is only accessible via Netflix accounts, and FM versions typically are only on sale for a year for licensing reasons, then does the game completely disappear from existence after a year because people can no longer buy it and it's locked behind a subscription? A troubling thought.

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22 minutos atrás, HighFlyingDwarf disse:

One big point to be raised, if the game is only accessible via Netflix accounts, and FM versions typically are only on sale for a year for licensing reasons, then does the game completely disappear from existence after a year because people can no longer buy it and it's locked behind a subscription? A troubling thought.

I hadn't thought of that and it is indeed troubling, if that is the case then we would have to basically rent the game for a year 😅

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6 horas atrás, Scotty Walds disse:

Do I need to prove that more than the handful of people who've commented on this thread have bought FMM 23? If less than 5 people bought it, I don't think FMM24 would even be in conversation.

You are reacting to a headline, have been told the decision will be explained shortly, but still choosing to speak for the FM Community yourself.

As opposed to your fact-based claims. Gotcha

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For me, a Netflix subscriber for almost 10 years, this feels like a negative move. Not because of the player base implications (people will always be upset), but from a business perspective.

This feels like ominous foreshadowing of something worse. At this time, my guess would indeed be that the company was either about to fold on the game and Netflix (hugely investing in gaming) saw an opportunity, or it's a Saudi thing: too good an offer to pass on. I'd imagine Netflix will take over hosting costs as well? Not sure how the hosting thing works for games in the play store. What the impact will be in the long term (will players still be able to play 3 years on?) is only a guess at this point.

For those with subscriptions, like myself, it's a bit more 'meh', but I don't like what this is building up to. From a communications perspective (I work as a PR professional myself), it's a bad move from SI - get the expanded explanations out to your fans asap, not possibly a full week later - but a great one for Netflix. 'Look what we're bringing you, for no extra cost.' But of course, I can't help but feel that Netflix subs aren't familiar with something like FMM and will just shake their heads and move on with their day.

We'll know more soon though, and we can evaluate more when we have something tangible to analyse. Until that time, I can't help but give the people at SI the benefit of the doubt. They've always worked for their fans, I can't imagine that changing, even though the outlook is grim.

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