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Loan strategy? Premier Lg vs Champions Lg

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TLDR.... Better to loan to a middling team in a top league, or a Champions Lg team in a good league.

I have a promising young forward stuck behind my superstar and a wonderkid.  He's only 20, and I think my superstar is going to force me to sell him to the Premier League soon, so I'd rather keep developing this kid for now than sell him.

The guy is good enough that I've gotten some nice loan offers.  I can either send him to a bottom half Premier League team (West Ham or Southampton), a mid tier Bundesliga team (Freiburg) or top Belgian or Scottish teams (Genk, Celtic).  What's making my decision difficult is that Genk and Celtic are both in the Champions League, the others are not in any European competition.  The player is most interested in Genk.  Genk and Freiburg have state of the art facilities, while the UK teams have good to excellent.  At all clubs he'd be a regular starter.

What do we think is best for his development, both in talent and sale value if I do choose to sell him?  Normally I'd be overjoyed about being able to place a guy on loan in the Premier League, I know that will juice his value and reputation.  But the same could be said for playing Champions League football.  And while the Scottish and Belgian leagues aren't the Prem, they're good leagues (7th and 8th in my game right now), leagues I often have success loaning players to.

Bit of a dilemma.  Any thoughts? 

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