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how to go about selecting your duties?

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One thing that has been on my mind lately when selecting roles is the balancing act of duties. It sounds silly but I can't really wrap my head around it, I have read somewhere that the make up of duties are ;

attack duty - focuses on the attacking phase of the game

support duty - focuses on both phases of the game 

defend duty - focuses on the defensive phases of the game 

This all of course makes sense but what I'm always confused by is how do you know what to pick out of the three, I always think to myself have I got the right amount of attack duties or too many? Have I got too many support duties etc.

Its a stupid question maybe:ackter: but if anyone more experienced on this subject could give me some clarification that would be greatly appreciated !

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Depends on the roles you give them really, a Complete Forward on Attack will support the team more than a Poacher on Attack will so playing a Poacher and an Advanced Forward together in two striker partnership might not be the best of ideas whereas a Poacher and Complete Forward on Attack might not be so bad. There's no need to stress about X number of Support or X number of Attack duties in that case really

I find the easiest way to spread my Attack duties is thinking about how early in an attack the role will get forward, a Wingback on Attack will break forward earlier than a Wingback on Support, a CM on Attack will go forward a lot earlier than on Support etc  that's normally an easy way to set the defence and midfield 

Probably not the best and most in depth answer to your question

1 hour ago, silentventus said:

Its a stupid question maybe

There's no stupid questions around here :thup:

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19 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

Depends on the roles you give them really, a Complete Forward on Attack will support the team more than a Poacher on Attack will so playing a Poacher and an Advanced Forward together in two striker partnership might not be the best of ideas whereas a Poacher and Complete Forward on Attack might not be so bad. There's no need to stress about X number of Support or X number of Attack duties in that case really

I find the easiest way to spread my Attack duties is thinking about how early in an attack the role will get forward, a Wingback on Attack will break forward earlier than a Wingback on Support, a CM on Attack will go forward a lot earlier than on Support etc  that's normally an easy way to set the defence and midfield 

Probably not the best and most in depth answer to your question

There's no stupid questions around here :thup:

Honestly, thank you. When you put it that way in terms of doing it by the roles you select it actually makes it a lot easier to understand, so just using an example to make sure I got this (Tell me if I'm wrong of course). Say an IF(A) will look to burst into the box a lot earlier than a IF(S) right?

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12 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

I find the easiest way to spread my Attack duties is thinking about how early in an attack the role will get forward, a Wingback on Attack will break forward earlier than a Wingback on Support, a CM on Attack will go forward a lot earlier than on Support etc  that's normally an easy way to set the defence and midfield.


How do you usually go if you are on a lower mentality (let's say balanced) and you want to be more aggressive in attack? Change some roles to attack duty or shift to higher mentality?

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Just now, ejleal said:

How do you usually go if you are on a lower mentality (let's say balanced) and you want to be more aggressive in attack? Change some roles to attack duty or shift to higher mentality?

I normally just use the TI's, Higher Tempo, Higher Lines, Higher Press etc If I go messing around with duties too much, I risk unbalancing the set up 

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Ok, my take on it.

The formation doesnt matter much to me, even if I fancy some. I usually play on Standard mentality, sometimes Positive, but mostly Standard.

Duties allow me to balance the team in more precise way than Mentality does. (Because Mentality change a lot of things).

So let say I'm playing a 4-3-3. If I have: 3xD  5xS  2xA, my team is "balanced" in 3-5-2 with a 4-3-3 formation. With 5 Supports and 3 defend duties,  I know the team will play with more possession and solidity  than penetration (2 Attack duties), During the highlights, if I see my team having a hard time getting shots, or good shots position, its the game telling me I'm lacking penetration. So I could change 1 Support for 1 Attack duty to add some.

If i'm 1 goal up, and I want to close the game, but without changing Mentality or other thing (tempo, defensive block...), I would change 1 Support for a defensive duty (so balancing the team in a 4-4-2, without changing formation).

I know some roles add penetration or solidity (or both) on their own, but its just an easy way to see if I need to change something, just by looking at what the game is telling me.

Hope it helps.

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Il y a 1 heure, SpecialOne Miko a dit :

Ok, my take on it.

The formation doesnt matter much to me, even if I fancy some. I usually play on Standard mentality, sometimes Positive, but mostly Standard.

Duties allow me to balance the team in more precise way than Mentality does. (Because Mentality change a lot of things).

So let say I'm playing a 4-3-3. If I have: 3xD  5xS  2xA, my team is "balanced" in 3-5-2 with a 4-3-3 formation. With 5 Supports and 3 defend duties,  I know the team will play with more possession and solidity  than penetration (2 Attack duties), During the highlights, if I see my team having a hard time getting shots, or good shots position, its the game telling me I'm lacking penetration. So I could change 1 Support for 1 Attack duty to add some.

If i'm 1 goal up, and I want to close the game, but without changing Mentality or other thing (tempo, defensive block...), I would change 1 Support for a defensive duty (so balancing the team in a 4-4-2, without changing formation).

I know some roles add penetration or solidity (or both) on their own, but its just an easy way to see if I need to change something, just by looking at what the game is telling me.

Hope it helps.

Hum... Interesting. I knew this theory but exposed like this... Interesting. 🤔

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11 hours ago, SpecialOne Miko said:

Ok, my take on it.

The formation doesnt matter much to me, even if I fancy some. I usually play on Standard mentality, sometimes Positive, but mostly Standard.

Duties allow me to balance the team in more precise way than Mentality does. (Because Mentality change a lot of things).

So let say I'm playing a 4-3-3. If I have: 3xD  5xS  2xA, my team is "balanced" in 3-5-2 with a 4-3-3 formation. With 5 Supports and 3 defend duties,  I know the team will play with more possession and solidity  than penetration (2 Attack duties), During the highlights, if I see my team having a hard time getting shots, or good shots position, its the game telling me I'm lacking penetration. So I could change 1 Support for 1 Attack duty to add some.

If i'm 1 goal up, and I want to close the game, but without changing Mentality or other thing (tempo, defensive block...), I would change 1 Support for a defensive duty (so balancing the team in a 4-4-2, without changing formation).

I know some roles add penetration or solidity (or both) on their own, but its just an easy way to see if I need to change something, just by looking at what the game is telling me.

Hope it helps.

Thank you very much for this take, it is definitely a good way to view the distribution of duties and one I'm 100% gonna put into use! :D

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