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Broken Video Ad - Anyone Else?

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Hi all. Anyone else getting a really pixelated ‘Man vs Fat Football’ video ad? When I start a match (any match in any league from what I can see) I get a proper ad first (Prostate Cancer in the EFL, for example) and then it goes to this and only this for the remainder of the match.

The reason I’m curious whether anyone else has had it is that I’ve looked at a number of YouTubers recent videos and can’t find a single other example of it. I’ve logged this as a bug and I’ve had a reply from SI so hopefully they can resolve it. But I’m curious if anyone else has had it and if so, what did you do to fix it (I’ve searched through the ads graphics files using the Resource Archiver and can’t find any reference to this ad, either as a video or in the config).

Any help will be hugely appreciated - this is driving me mad and is a total immersion breaker for me at the moment.



Edited by DanBeats90
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