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Why do I have to micromanage training instensity?

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I like to let the game sim in the background between games because I have a ton of leagues loaded. Playing this way guarantees me a bunch of injuries because there is no way to automatically set training intensity to "physio recommendation" when players have increased injury risk.

Appearing in 3 games in a 14 day period means you have increased injury risk. The game shows "minutes played" but it actually doesn't matter. Playing in 3 games = heavy match load = high injury risk.

The game tries to force you to put a recovery session after a match but it's actually less than useless, because it's considered a training session. So the players who are really tired and actually need recovery won't attend. (also the players that do attend can get injured, lol). There really should be a way to send individual players to recovery sessions, it really doesn't make sense it's the entire team or nothing. You can individually rest players but that doesn't reduce injury risk and it also lowers match sharpness... which increases injury risk.



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How do I lower this guy's injury risk? He's fresh, has a very light training load, very low injury susceptibility, yet he has high injury risk?

What else can I possibly do here? The physio also wants to put him on double intensity for some reason.



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26 minutes ago, starbugg said:

Indian223666 I'm not sure why you just cut and pasted part of VicVinegar's post, very confusing.

Case of spambot which I purged just now.

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