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New Save Idea - Transfer Deadline Day!

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This save idea goes against what the majority of FM players do, which is forward planning,  but I’d be fascinated to read/ listen to how people would get on if they were only allowed to sign players on Transfer Day!

Could you pick up loads of bargains that have been shunned by desperate clubs trying to get them off the wage bill? 
or will you get stung by clubs really not keen on selling, and therefore charging a much higher fee? 
I’d assume quality free transfers for instance would be much harder to come by, as pretty much all of the good ones will be gone. 

You could make it easier/ harder by deciding if you make this just for incoming transfers, or you could make it even harder by only being able to sell on deadline day aswell! 
If something like this already exists, I’d appreciate a link to follow previous attempts, especially with English teams, at any level. 

A positive for this would be given you’re youngsters some precious game time before signing up some senior positions, but the negative could be possibly getting the season off to a very slow start.

I’m currently engrossed in a different save, but really want to take on this save as my next attempt. 

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