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[FM22] Riazor Reignited


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Hello and welcome to the first story to ever be told by TheGamingHakawati. This tale takes us to the seaside city of A Coruña in the year 2021, where a once mighty football club can barely keep its footing in Primera Federación, Spain’s 3rd tier. However, one of its long-lost sons returns to take the helm, hoping that his passion for the club rekindles the fire that once burned through all of Spain and Europe. Can Santiago be the man to revive the fallen, or will his stint be as chaotic as the club’s recent history?

Santiago Mendoza was a man born and bred in the heart of A Coruña, a city that breathed football as much as the crisp Atlantic air. The sailors may have sung their shanties, and the nanas may have hummed their canciones, but to little Santi, only one song truly spoke to him: “Y digo Deportivo!”. The spirited echoes of the Riazor Stadium reverberated through the city, a beacon of pride and passion that united the people. The taste of salty sea spray mingled with the electric anticipation of match day, a unique blend that marked the soul of A Coruña.

As a child, Santi was obsessed with football. His madre would often reminisce about how her chico ran the length of Coruña’s coastline with the football every single day, his dark curls damp with sweat and determination. And run he did; Santiago’s quick feet and agility saw him scouted into the hallowed youth ranks of Deportivo La Coruña, his hometown club and the epicenter of his devotion.

Young Mendoza bore witness to history in 1995 when the mighty Depor clinched their first Copa del Rey title in front of over 80,000 fans at Madrid’s hallowed Santiago Bernabeu. He marveled as he saw legends like Bebeto and Rivaldo don los blanquiazules. The taste of victory was sweet, and the rise of Deportivo up the ranks of La Liga even sweeter, but bittersweet it became when fate intervened three years later. On the cusp of breaking into the first team, Santiago tore his ACL after a horrendous tackle, sidelining him for more than a year. The pain in his knee was only matched by the ache in his heart, as he watched the club he loved so dearly release him. As Santiago hobbled along the rocky path of recovery, Deportivo embarked on a journey to see them evolve into the legendary Super Depor.

And what a team that was. Diego Tristan, Roy Makaay, Juan Carlos Valeron, Albert Luque, Joan Capdevila, Walter Pandiani, and Fran, just to name a few of the greats who were part of this once-in-a-generation team. In five years between 1999 and 2004, Depor was on another level, defeating clubs like Manchester United, Arsenal, PSG, Juventus, and AC Milan. This formidable team would go on to conquer La Liga in 2000, the Copa del Rey again in 2002, and reach the UEFA Champions League semi-finals in 2004.

The team dazzled, leaving an indelible mark on Spanish football history. But for Santiago, the bright lights of their success cast a shade on his modest career. He wore the colors of CD Lugo, Pontevedra CF, and SD Compostela, but in his heart, he remained a Turco — a true son of Deportivo.

His once quick feet were accompanied by a quick mind, and his eye for the tactical side of the game was evident, even if his legs had failed him. Realizing that his intellect and tactical acumen could be his ticket to footballing success, Santiago retired early at the age of 29 to earn his coaching badges.

Years of hard work and dedication saw Santiago’s reputation grow, his name spreading throughout the local football community of Galicia. In 2016, as the once-mighty Depor found themselves struggling to retain their place in La Liga, let alone regain their former glory, they turned to a familiar face. Santiago Mendoza, the former youth product who still carried the fire of Deportivo in his heart, was asked to join the coaching staff. Over the years, his role within the club expanded, even as managers came and went, and results continued to spiral downwards.

Now, with Deportivo languishing in the 3rd tier of Spanish football and their latest managerial hire backing out, the board took a chance on Santiago. The responsibility was enormous, but the dream of becoming the club’s savior was even more immense. Santiago Mendoza knew the weight of history and the burning passion of the Turcos. He understood the importance of reigniting the Riazor fire that had once scorched its way through Spain.

For Santiago, this was more than just a job — it was destiny. Deep within, he felt the stirrings of doubt and fear, but he refused to let them hold him back. He would stop at nothing to restore the pride of A Coruña, to bring Deportivo La Coruña back to the pinnacle of Spanish football, and to make the Riazor roar once more.

As Santiago prepared to face the challenges ahead, he knew the road would be arduous and fraught with obstacles. He would confront the ghosts of the club’s past, as well as his own, and grapple with the pressures that came with his newfound responsibility. But he had a vision: to see the Riazor ablaze with the passion and determination of its people once more.

The time was now for Depor to become Super again; the time was now for the Riazor to reignite. And so began the journey of Santiago Mendoza, the prodigal son who dared to dream of a new era for Deportivo La Coruña, one in which the Riazor would once more be a fortress, and its people united in their love for the beautiful game.

Edited by thegaminghakawati
Removing pictures in line with FMS house rules. Further edited by Mod to remove the link to 3rd Party website. Further edits to beautify the first post.
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Hi The Gaming Hakawati, welcome to the FMS Stories area.

Thank you for taking the time to read the House Rules and self-edit your piece. I have also removed the link to 3rd Party websites as well, as they are also not allowed here.

I will be very interested to see how this goes for you, as trying to put life back into Deportivo is also a story I have earmarked for the future, so I'll be looking to see what I can learn from your efforts with them. Best of luck.

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Santiago Mendoza entered the boardroom, his heart pounding with excitement and trepidation. As he sat down, he looked around the table at the faces of the leadership.

"Caballeros," he began, "We have a talented squad, but the missing ingredient is a strong identity. We must reconnect with our history and create a vision for the future. We are not a run-of-the-mill club destined to remain in the 3rd division. Nosotros somos Super Depor! We took down giants once, and Caballeros, if we work at it, we can do it again!"

The board members exchanged glances, intrigued by Santiago's passion. Chairperson Antonio Coucerio leaned forward. "Go on, Santiago. We are listening."

Santiago explained his plan to recreate Deportivo's identity, envisioning a competitive, sustainable, and respected club. His tactical approach involved an aggressive possession-based 4-2-3-1 formation, focused on quick passing, ball retention, and a high press. Attacking full-backs would dominate the wings, and the team would play with creativity and intensity.

After the meeting, Santiago gathered his staff. As he discussed their responsibilities and plans, Technical Director Liberto Bauza interjected, "O mi malditos dios, Santi! For once, can you get off your train of fantasies? We need to be rough and tough here, not a bunch of tiki-taka maricas! I'm sorry, Santiago, but I cannot be part of this journey. I request to be relieved of my duties."

The room fell silent. Santiago's eyes narrowed. "Very well, Liberto. We will discuss the terms of your departure in private."

During his first meeting with the squad, Santiago faced skepticism from the players. Captain Alex Bergantinos crossed his arms and said, "You have to prove yourself to us, Santi. This ain't you coaching us anymore. You run this place now, and you better be up to it."

Santiago looked him in the eye and replied, "I understand, Alex. You guys have been burned a lot. By the higher-ups, by former managers...yeah, things have been messy. I get it. There is a lot of responsibility on my plate. I will show you that I am up to the task, but we must work together as a team. Because this club deserves better. You guys deserve better."

As the meeting continued, Santiago managed to win over most of the players. But, veteran striker Miku remained unconvinced. "You think you can waltz in and change everything overnight, amigo?" he scoffed.

"I am not expecting miracles, Miku," Santiago responded calmly. "But I believe in this team, and I know we can achieve great things together. Do you believe we belong in the 3rd division, Miku? By God, we are better than that. Nosotros somos Super puto Depor, Miku. SUPER. PUTO. DEPOR!". Every player could see the fire in Santi's eyes as he screamed these words from the bottom of his heart, and they knew Santi meant every word he said.

Santiago then met with the club's finance and infrastructure officials. While the facilities were in good shape, the financial situation was worrying, with a 25 million euro debt looming over the club. They needed to generate cash, but Santi knew that to generate money, they needed to win games. And now.

To foster transparency, Santiago took to social media, encouraging supporters to communicate with him directly. He even held a virtual Q&A session with fans. One fan asked, "Santiago, how do you plan to tackle the financial crisis at the club?"

"I understand your concern," Santiago replied. "We will work diligently to stabilize our finances while building a competitive team on the pitch. This club has been in a downward spiral for too long, and the way to turn that around is to work and play for that blue and white. Once we all do that, the money will sort itself out."

Santiago soon discovered the reason behind Liberto Bauza's sudden resignation. Liberto had been unhappy with the club's direction for years, as he had different ideas for the team's future. Santi’s appointment, to him, was the final straw. His public resignation was both a final act of defiance and a way for him to make a statement about his unwavering commitment to his vision for Deportivo, even if it would cost him his job. Despite their disagreement, neither man held any ill will towards the other. Santiago wished Liberto the best in his future endeavors.

Before the day was done, Santiago stood near the copy machine, hearing it buzz as it made out the copies of his club DNA statement. This paper carried the details of his ambitious plans for the club, for the brighter future he envisioned for them. Santi drifted and started to daydream. About the past. The infectious roar of the Riazor faithful. The heights he watched his club soar to, the darkness he faced in his life, and the darkness he finds his club in now. He knew the road ahead would not be easy, but he was ready to face the challenges and bring Deportivo La Coruña back to glory, one step at a time. Maybe that will subdue his inner demons…

Edited by thegaminghakawati
Revising and proofreading.
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A Legacy of Excellence - Our Vision, Mission, and Philosophy for a Proud Future

Club Name: Deportivo La Coruña

Division: Primera División RFEF

Club Description and Honours: Established in 1906, Deportivo de la Coruna is a distinguished Galician football club steeped in a rich tradition and illustrious history. Over the years, the club has secured one La Liga title, two Copa del Rey trophies, and three Spanish Super Cups while reaching the UEFA Champions League semi-finals on one occasion.

Vision: To evolve into a highly competitive, financially sustainable, and respected football club that instills a sense of pride in its supporters and the broader community.

Mission: To foster and showcase exceptional talent, playing with unbridled passion, unwavering commitment, and distinct flair in line with a transparent and consistent club philosophy.

Recruitment Policy

Scouting Policy: To prioritize the identification and development of local talent and leverage an extensive global network of scouts to discover players who embody the club's DNA and style of play.

Recruitment Models (Players & Staff): To recruit players and staff who share the club's values, demonstrate commitment to hard work, and continuously improve.

Transfer Policy: To adhere to a sustainable wage budget and only sign players who align with the club's DNA and playing style, emphasizing the development and promotion of youth players.

Player / Youth Development: To emphasize the growth of young players from the academy and Galicia while offering a transparent pathway for their progression to the first team.

Future Goals

To secure promotion to LaLiga 2, and ultimately LaLiga, while solidifying the club's position as a consistent competitor in the top tier of Spanish football. To achieve domestic and European glory. To produce a continuous stream of exceptional talent representing the club and the Spanish national team.

Principles of Play

Our playing philosophy is founded on a harmonious blend of technical prowess, tactical discipline, and attacking panache, underscored by teamwork, work ethic, and unwavering dedication to the club's values. The club's formation will be a 4-2-3-1.

Style of Play

In Possession: Establish control from the back and advance through the thirds using a blend of short passes and incisive vertical balls. To generate overloads and seize space out wide. Attacking full-backs work to supply width and support to the offensive line.

Passing Style: To emphasize possession retention and build-up play, focusing on swift interchanges and one-touch passes.

Width: To create width through the full-backs. They will overlap and deliver crosses into the box.

Out of Possession: To apply high and aggressive pressure. Aim to regain possession quickly and limit the opposition's time and space. To maintain a compact defensive formation and coerce the opposition into making errors.

Pressing Style: To aggressively press the opposition within their half and midfield, aiming to recover the ball swiftly and generate counter-attacking opportunities.

In Transition: To execute counter-attacks with speed and precision, capitalizing on the pace and movement of our attacking players to exploit gaps within the opposition's defense.

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Santiago’s heart raced with anticipation as he stood before the press, ready to be unveiled as Deportivo de la Coruña’s new manager. The journalists were skeptical at how Depor would hire a rookie coach for such an important role, but they could not take their eyes off the new man in charge. “I am so, so happy. This is a club I have supported for a long time, and it means everything to me to be given this opportunity,” he said with a warm smile. He spoke passionately about his love for the club and responsibility toward the fans. With each heartfelt word, Santiago became more determined to give them everything they had dreamed of and more.

As Santiago settled into his new role, he faced the inevitable highs and lows of managing a football club. One such low point was William De Camargo pulling his ankle ligaments during training. Santiago’s heart sank as he learned that his starting right winger would be out injured, joining 3 important players already out before he came in. However, the medical team reassured him William would only be out for three to four weeks and should be fit for the start of the season. He knew that setbacks were part of the game, but it was still a blow to the team’s preparation.

Despite the challenges, Santiago and his staff worked tirelessly to create a comprehensive training plan tailored to the club’s DNA and playing style. They focused on fostering each player’s technical, tactical, physical, and mental growth, nurturing teamwork, and commitment to core values. With the training plan in place, the players bonded during training sessions and began to show progress, which lifted Santi’s spirit.

Amid the trials and tribulations of training, Santiago experienced the satisfaction of tying down key players and staff. One of the club’s most important players, Diego Villares, signed a new three-year contract, securing his future at Depor. Talented youngsters like Diego Gomez, Dani Barcia, Pablo Trigo, Hugo Padin, Juan Rodriguez, and David Mella committed their futures to Deportivo. Santiago beamed with pride as he saw the dedication to nurturing Depor’s youth.

The staff hirings and renewals brought further excitement. Adding former USA football legend Brian McBride and Canadian legend Colin Miller infused the coaching staff with fresh ideas and a wealth of experience. While Colin returning to football with Depor after a 4-year absence raised some eyebrows, Brian McBride quitting his position as USMNT GM to join Depor truly shocked the footballing world. Santiago knew their expertise would be invaluable in guiding Deportivo toward a brighter future; he pulled out all the stops to ensure the board gave the okay for such high-profile coaching additions.

Finally, it was time for Deportivo to showcase their progress in a friendly match against Peterborough. Santiago felt nervous and excited as he watched his team take the field under his leadership for the first time. As young Noel Lopez dribbled past defenders and set up Alberto Quiles for the opening goal, Santiago’s heart swelled with pride. When Rafa De Vicente scored a screamer from outside the box to secure a 2–0 victory, Santiago could not help but pump his fist in the air, ecstatic to see his tactical plans bearing fruit. The defense was rock-solid, the attack creative and dynamic, and the passing crisp. Yes, the quality of chances could improve, but Santi knew this would be fixed in time.

With each passing day, Santi felt more and more confident that he could lead the club to greatness. The road is long, and the honeymoon period is bound to end at some point. But, for some reason, all Santi could think of was a quote by Outkast’s Big Boi: “Life moves so fast. You gotta document the good times, man.”

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Empowering Excellence through Holistic Development: A Deportivo Training Manifesto

Our training philosophy is designed to align with the club's DNA and playing style, focusing on fostering the growth of each player's technical, tactical, physical, and mental abilities, while nurturing a strong sense of teamwork and commitment to our core values.

Key Components:

  1. Technical Mastery: Implementing a variety of drills and exercises aimed at refining players' ball control, passing, dribbling, shooting, and decision-making skills, with an emphasis on quick interchanges, one-touch passes, and exploiting space in wide areas.
  2. Tactical Awareness: Enhancing players' understanding of the team's tactical approach through regular video analysis, positional training, and practice matches. Players will be encouraged to develop their ability to read the game, adapt to different scenarios, and execute the club's pressing and counter-attacking strategies effectively.
  3. Physical Conditioning: Developing players' speed, strength, stamina, and agility through tailored fitness programs, injury prevention measures, and recovery protocols. Physical training will be designed to support the demands of our high-pressing, fast-paced playing style.
  4. Mental Resilience: Cultivating a winning mindset by fostering self-confidence, concentration, and emotional control. Players will be encouraged to embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and exhibit a strong work ethic in both training sessions and matches.
  5. Teamwork & Communication: Promoting a cohesive team environment by encouraging clear communication, mutual trust, and shared responsibility. Team building activities and group exercises will be integrated into training sessions to strengthen interpersonal relationships and foster a strong collective spirit.
  6. Individualized Development: Recognizing the unique needs of each player and providing personalized feedback, guidance, and support to help them reach their full potential. Regular progress reviews and goal-setting sessions will be conducted to ensure players remain motivated and committed to their growth.
  7. Integration of Youth: Prioritizing the development and promotion of academy players by providing opportunities for them to train with the first team, learn from experienced players, and participate in friendly matches to gain valuable experience and exposure.

Our training philosophy is dedicated to empowering each player to excel within the context of the team, creating a unified and driven squad that embodies Deportivo de la Coruna's commitment to excellence, passion, and pride.

Nosotros somos Super Depor. Solo avanza hacia las victorias.

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Santiago was deeply engrossed in the training session. The Depor squad had been working on a 4v4, thirds of the field drill. "Left-wingers to the left, right-wingers to the right, Ds and target in the middle. ¡Vamos chicos!"

Possession drills were Santi’s specialty. He did lead work on attacking and defensive techniques, but the mental side of the game was where he shined. Whenever it was time for a drill with Santiago, the boys were in for some good hard work. Today was no exception. Santi hassled and harried the players, ensuring they perfected every move. Then he gave the boys space to apply what they had been working on.

An hour passed, with Santiago engrossed in watching his players. He observed them run through drills and execute the tactical plays designed for them. The sun beat down on the field, casting long shadows as the players moved with precision and focus. Then, like that, Santiago was not quite there anymore. He had zoned out. His inner darkness had come back to consume him.

He was transported back to his family's home when he was five. The tension in the room was palpable. His father and mother argued, their voices escalating into a cacophony of anger. In an instant, the conflict took a dark turn. Santiago watched in horror as his father's fist connected with his mother's face, sending her crashing to the ground. Consumed by rage, his father continued to strike her as she lay helpless, pleading for mercy.

Young Santiago, terrified and desperate to help his mother, let out a piercing scream. A scream nobody would hear. Everything was drowned out by the chaos in the room. Tears started streaming down his face. He felt powerless, unable to do anything to stop the violence unfolding before him.

Santiago reeled from the painful memory; he felt the crushing weight of his childhood trauma bearing down on him. For a moment, he was lost in his thoughts, oblivious to the world around him. If you looked closely enough at Santi’s sweaty face, you might have caught a tear rolling down his cheeks.

On the training field, the players could sense that something was amiss. Their movements slowed. Their focus shifted from the ball to their lost-in-thought leader. One of them, seeing Santiago's distant gaze, decided to pass the ball to him to try to snap him out of his reverie.

The ball sailed through the air, and as it reached Santiago, his instincts took over. He juggled the ball with almost effortless grace, captivating the entire squad. The simple act of connecting with the ball seemed to bring Santiago back to reality. With a deep breath, he resumed his role as the manager of Deportivo de La Coruña.

As Santiago pushed through the rest of the training session, a thought lingered: How much did the pain and suffering of his past shape him? And would he ever escape its grasp? The flashback served as a reminder of his scars and the profound healing power that football held over his life. For over 40 years, football kept him going. Depor kept him going…but for how long?

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As the pre-season progressed, Santiago was pleased to see some of his efforts in developing young talent pay off. 2nd choice goalkeeper Brais Suarez, following in the footsteps of his fellow youngsters in the B-team, signed a professional contract. It was a positive sign for the team and a testament to the club's focus on nurturing talent.

Injuries and setbacks, however, plagued the squad. Rafa De Vicente was out for up to two months with a double hernia, Victor Garcia had just returned after a two-week injury, and the trio of Jean Carlos Menudo, Juergen Elitim, and Diego Aguirre were still out injured. William De Camargo's recovery was a welcome surprise. He returned to the squad a week early and would be ready for the match against Leicester City.

The pre-season matches provided invaluable lessons for Deportivo de La Coruña. In the game against Espinho, Santiago watched as a defensive lapse late in the game led to their defeat. He clenched his fists in frustration, knowing they had let victory slip away. In the aftermath, Santiago vowed to address these defensive issues.

The 4-0 beating at the hands of Leicester City revealed the vast gap in skill and experience between the two sides. Santiago's brow furrowed as he watched his team struggle against the Premier League opposition. The humbling defeat served as a stark reminder of the challenges ahead, an example of the level Depor would have to reach to mix it up with the best.

In captain Álex Bergantiños' testimonial match against La Liga 2 side Sporting Gijon, Deportivo demonstrated great resilience and character. Santiago felt a surge of pride as the team returned from a two-goal deficit, led by Alberto Quiles' hat trick, to secure a well-deserved 4-2 victory. Brais Suarez would also shine in the match, presenting himself as more than capable of carrying the burden of the goalkeeper's gloves when Ian Mackay was having an off day. 

The performance against Gijon showcased their potential to rise against the odds and punch above their weight, but the defense needed work. To fix the issues at the back, Santiago instructed the team to lower their line of engagement and force their opponents outside.

A convincing 9-0 win against lower-league affiliate Negreira provided a much-needed confidence boost. Santiago clapped his hands enthusiastically as his team dominated the match, making sure to offer words of encouragement to his players.

The Riazor Blues, a group of passionate ultras, accompanied the squad to Le Mans and Albacete to support the team during the friendlies. Their unwavering loyalty and spirited chants provided a vibrant atmosphere, despite the matches being away from home. Santiago appreciated their dedication, knowing the players would draw strength from the support.

Narrow 1-0 victories over Le Mans FC and Albacete revealed the club's newfound defensive solidity. It also displayed attacking inconsistencies that needed work. Santiago's eyes darted across the field as he analyzed the team's offensive moves. He noticed Depor relied too heavily on the right side for attacks and struggled to create high-quality chances. They couldn't depend on set pieces alone to score goals. Depor shifted from working the ball into the box to a shoot-on-sight strategy to get the attack rolling. However, it didn't yield the desired results; Depor's attacking efficiency remains a sticking point as they head to league competition.

Reflecting on the pre-season, Santiago was cautiously optimistic about the upcoming season. He recognized the squad's potential and development but acknowledged that there were areas in need of improvement. He held staff meetings and set up plans to fine-tune tactics and bolster the team's weaknesses.

Determined to address these issues, Santiago devised plans to ensure the team's defensive solidity and mental strength. He emphasized maintaining discipline and focus during games, knowing that a lapse in concentration could cost them in crucial moments.

With the stage set for the season ahead, Santiago held firm in his belief that the team could secure promotion to La Liga 2. As long as they continued to grow and develop, they would be prepared for the upcoming challenges. The pre-season had laid the groundwork for battle. Now was the time for Deportivo de La Coruña to make their mark on the pitch.

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Santiago Mendoza couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he looked at the league standings. His Deportivo de La Coruña sat at the top of the table, with a perfect record of five wins in their first five matches. The excitement surrounding the team was palpable, and the fans had high hopes for a promotion this season. With season ticket sales reaching an unexpected 18.5k, Santiago knew he had to deliver on the field.

The season had kicked off with a dominant 3-0 victory over Athletic Bilbao B. Santiago's tactical prowess and ability to get the best out of his players was displayed from the get-go. New signing Mario Najera made a great first impression, scoring within four minutes of his debut. Noel López, a product of the club's academy, also stepped up, delivering a pinpoint cross that led to the second goal. The match concluded with a beautiful free-kick from Alberto Quiles, leaving the opposing goalkeeper helpless.

Injuries to players like Rafa de Vicente and Diego Aguirre forced Santiago to shuffle his bench for the next matches. The A Coruña Derby against Ferrol was a particularly satisfying win, with a 3-0 scoreline cementing Deportivo's dominance over their local rivals. Despite an early scare when Ferrol hit the crossbar, Deportivo's defense held firm. A brace from Mario Najera and a late strike from Alex Bergantinos secured the victory.

The match against Unionistas proved more challenging, with both sides struggling to find the back of the net. With the score tied 1-1, goalkeeper Ian Mackay was the day's hero, pulling off a string of stunning saves to keep the opposition at bay in the final 10 minutes. In the 89th minute, a moment of brilliance from substitute Alvaro Rey saw him curl a shot into the top corner, snatching all three points for Deportivo.

Santiago's interaction with the media became a focal point after the 4-0 victory against Real Majadahonda. Despite the win, some controversial refereeing decisions had gone against Deportivo, most notably a clear goal denied for offside. In the post-match press conference, Santiago criticized the referee's performance but refused to condemn the man personally. By not falling into the media's trap, Santiago likely saved himself from sanctions by the Spanish FA.

Deportivo's fifth win came against DUX Inter Madrid, where they faced a formidable adversary in goalkeeper Loic Badashillie, whom they could only get past through a penalty scored by William De Camargo. Badashillie's star-making performance kept DUX Inter in the match despite Depor's dominance; the game remained tight till the end as a result.

In the locker room, Santiago praised the efforts of players like Alberto Quiles, Alex Bergantinos, and Ian Mackay, who had been instrumental in the team's strong start. He also stressed the importance of maintaining their high standards and putting in the hard work every day in training.

The first month of the Primera Division RFEF season had been an exciting and rewarding experience for Santiago Mendoza. He had proven that he was up to the challenge, and his tactical acumen and man-management skills had earned him much respect and admiration. As the season progressed, Santiago would need to maintain this momentum and keep his team focused on the ultimate goal: promotion to the Segunda Division.

Only time would tell if Santiago Mendoza's Deportivo de La Coruña could continue their impressive run and return to the heights of Spanish football. But for now, their rookie manager could look back on his first month in charge with pride and satisfaction, knowing that he had set his team on the right track.

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October proved to be another successful month for Santiago Mendoza and Deportivo La Coruña. Building on their impressive start, the team continued to dominate the Primera Division RFEF, extending their winning streak to eight games before experiencing their first taste of adversity. Santiago's relationship with his players and his tactical prowess played a significant role in the team's success.

Santiago maintained a close bond with his players, working with them individually to help them improve and reach their full potential. He held one-on-one meetings, discussing strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement, motivating his players to perform at their best. Santiago's open and approachable demeanor fostered a strong sense of unity and camaraderie within the team.

In the match against Real Irun, Santiago's tactical adjustments at half-time changed the course of the game. He encouraged the team to play more directly and express themselves, which eventually led to a magnificent volley from Noel Lopez, securing a 1-0 victory. Similarly, in the game against SD Logrones, Santiago's tactical changes enabled the team to bounce back from their loss against Badajoz, securing a 2-1 win.

The team welcomed back Trilli and Simao from their injuries, bolstering the squad's depth and providing additional options for Santiago. Their return made an impact on the team's performance, with Simao almost scoring in his first match back. Santiago carefully managed their reintroduction to the team, ensuring they were fully prepared to contribute to the field.

Diego Villares, William De Camargo, Victor Garcia, Noel Lopez, and Adrien Lapena received special praise for their outstanding performances, with loanees De Camargo and Garcia firmly establishing themselves in the starting lineup. Youth players, such as Noel Lopez, also demonstrated their potential and value to the team. Santiago was instrumental in their development, offering guidance, support, and opportunities to excel.

Despite their on-field success, Deportivo faced financial challenges, making a loss of 1M euros for September. The club recognized the need to generate money from player sales and trim the wage bill in the upcoming January transfer window. Santiago was aware of the situation and worked closely with the board to identify potential transfer targets and possible outgoing players.

Santiago was satisfied with the team's performance so far, acknowledging the need to overcome financial challenges and maintain momentum. He reflected on the individual accolades and recognition he had received, humbled by the praise from club legends. His focus remained on the well-being and development of his players, fostering a winning mentality within the squad.

Deportivo La Coruña's strong start to the season, under Santiago Mendoza's guidance, had fans and pundits buzzing. Santiago's relationship with his players and his tactical acumen played a vital role in the team's success. However, adversity loomed on the horizon, with financial challenges and the January transfer window presenting new obstacles. UD Logrones also loom on the horizon, keeping the title chase closely contested. Despite these challenges, Santiago remained determined to continue the team's success, prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

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Santiago Mendoza, Deportivo La Coruña's passionate manager, stood on the sideline, basking in the glory of another victory. It was a perfect November, with his team winning every single game in the Primera Division RFEF. That defeat against Badajoz was but a blip, and wins against teams like Zamora, Racing Santander, and Celta Vigo's B team re-established a winning streak carrying the club forward. The atmosphere in the locker room was electric, and Santiago's tactical adjustments and player management had worked wonders, establishing Depor as the top dog of the league. However, his personal struggles were beginning to take a toll on him. The weight of the past, combined with his mental health struggles, cast a shadow over the team's successes.

One chilly evening, as Santiago sat alone in his office, he stared at a photograph of himself as a youth player for Depor. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he remembered the dreams he had once held so dear – dreams that were never realized. He had been a promising young talent, but fate had not been kind. An injury had derailed his playing career, leaving him with nothing but memories and regrets.

As he pondered his past, he heard a knock on the door. It was Juan Carlos Menudo, the team's rising star, who had played a crucial role in their recent victories.

"Coach," Menudo said, hesitating at the door, "I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity you've given me. Your guidance and support have made all the difference."

Santiago looked up and forced a smile. "You've earned it, Juan Carlos. Remember, never take this opportunity for granted. I know what it's like to have your dreams slip through your fingers."

Menudo nodded solemnly, and Santiago could see the fire in his eyes – the fire that had once burned within him. The two shared a moment of understanding before Menudo left the room, leaving Santiago to his thoughts once more.

The next day at training, Santiago watched as his players practiced, their determination and energy contagious. He felt a surge of pride as he saw them push themselves to the limit. However, with the recent injuries to key players like Diego Villares and Miku, he knew they would have to dig even deeper to maintain their winning streak.

Santiago gathered his team around him and shared his experiences as a Depor youth player. The players listened intently as he spoke about his struggles and the opportunities he had missed. He urged them to seize every chance and make the most of their talents.

"You never know when it might all be taken away," he told them, his voice cracking with emotion. "Give it everything you've got, every single time you step on that field."

The players took his words to heart, their respect and admiration for their coach only growing. As they embarked on the next chapter of their journey together, Santiago's personal struggles served as an inspiration and a lesson for the entire team, driving them to strive for success and reach their full potential.

In the weeks that followed, Deportivo La Coruña continued their strong form, beating Calahorra and Celta Vigo's B team. Santiago's bond with his players grew stronger than ever. He knew that his past and his personal struggles would always be a part of him, but he refused to let them define him. Instead, he used them as a source of strength, propelling his team toward greatness.

Edited by thegaminghakawati
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  • 2 weeks later...

As the cold winds of December swept through A Coruña, Santiago Mendoza found himself in the eye of the storm. With his team riding an impressive winning streak, the pressure to keep it going weighed on his shoulders. Financial troubles threatened the club's stability, and Santiago knew that the winter break would be the perfect time to make some tough decisions. But for now, he had to focus on the next challenge: the Copa Del Rey match against Sevilla.

The city buzzed with anticipation as the match drew closer. Santiago had already guided Deportivo to a series of victories in the Primera Division RFEF, including a hard-fought win against Cultural Leonesa and a dominant performance against Extremadura. The fans were hopeful, and the players were confident.

In the locker room before the Sevilla game, Santiago addressed his players with passion and conviction.

"Today, we face an opponent unlike any we have encountered this season. Sevilla are a top-tier La Liga side. I know that very well," he began. "But remember, Nosotros somos Super Depor! We have fought tooth and nail to get this far, to become the team we’re becoming. No matter what happens, I want you to hold your heads high and play with the same determination and spirit that has brought us to this day."

The match began, and the Riazor roared with energy. The early minutes were a flurry of activity, with both teams testing each other's defenses. In the eighth minute, Sevilla appeared to break through with a well-taken free kick, but the goal was disallowed for offside. The reprieve was short-lived, as Deportivo earned a penalty a minute later. William De Camargo stepped up and slotted the ball home, sending the home fans into a frenzy.

Sevilla pushed back, and soon, their efforts were rewarded with an equalizer from En-Nesyri. The match was a rollercoaster of emotions, with both teams trading chances through both halves. As the second half began, Mario Najera's long-range effort found the net, and once again, Deportivo took the lead, to the ecstatic roars of the Depor crowd.

The Riazor crowd held its breath as the minutes ticked away. The tension was palpable, and Santiago paced the sidelines, urging his players on. In the 77th minute, disaster struck as William De Camargo conceded a penalty. Rakitic stepped up and converted, leveling the score once more.

With only 10 minutes left, youngster Juan Rodriguez’s hurried clearance landed at Sevilla's Oliver, who unleashed a knuckleball that evaded Ian Mackay's desperate dive. The ball nestled in the back of the net, and A Coruna's heart sank. Despite a valiant effort, the match ended in defeat for Depor. Goliath had beaten David on this occasion.

In the silence of the locker room after the game, Santiago looked at his players with pride. "Hold your heads high, Caballeros," he said softly. "We may have lost today, but we played with heart and determination. We'll come back stronger and more determined than ever. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll beat them next time."

As December continued, Santiago navigated the challenges of player contracts and financial constraints. Several B-Team and U19 players were placed on the transfer list, while Davicin and Simao signed new contracts. Santiago knew it was vital to secure the future of his young talent. However, he had to let some players go to achieve this purpose, including Miku, Rafa De Vicente, Diego Aguirre, and Pablo Trigueros.

As the winter break approached, Santiago received glad tidings from HOYD Fran: the upcoming youth intake could be a golden generation for Deportivo. With his sights set on La Liga 2 and integrating this new generation of talent, work was on the horizon.

But for now, as the snow began to fall over A Coruña, Santiago looked back on a December filled with triumphs, challenges, and a fierce determination to succeed. He knew the path ahead would be filled with even more obstacles, but he was ready to face them head-on.

As the new year approached, Santiago gathered his players for a meeting. "Caballeros, we've come a long way together, and I'm proud of what we've achieved so far," he said. "But our journey is far from over. The second half of the season will test us, and we must rise to the challenge."

The players listened intently, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination. They knew their hard work and dedication had brought them this far, but there was still much to do if they wanted to achieve their goal of promotion.

With the January transfer window looming, Santiago faced difficult decisions. He needed to balance the financial constraints of the club while ensuring that he had a strong squad capable of competing at the highest level. He worked tirelessly, identifying potential targets and negotiating deals, all while preparing his team for the battles that lay ahead on the pitch.

As the winter snow began to melt, Santiago and Deportivo were ready for the second half of the season. With the promise of a golden generation of talent on the horizon and a fierce determination to succeed, they knew that the future was bright.

And so, Santiago Mendoza's journey continued. His passion, resilience, and unwavering belief in his team drove them forward, forging a new chapter in the storied history of Deportivo de La Coruña. Together, they faced each challenge head-on, united in their pursuit of glory and their quest to return the club to the heights it once knew.

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As January 2022 unfolded, Deportivo la Coruña's financial projections looked increasingly positive. The club's financial situation appeared more stable, with a reduced profit-loss margin and a projected lower wage bill for the next season. However, the board was still not satisfied and demanded further reductions in the wage bill as soon as possible.

Santiago Mendoza's efforts were acknowledged when he won the Primera Division RFEF Manager of the Month award for November. In an interview with the club's official media, Director of Football Carlos Rosende expressed his pride in Santiago's work and his excitement for the push towards promotion as Depor aimed to return to the top of Spanish football. The board was pleased with Santiago's management of the team and looked forward to continued success under his leadership.

Youth development at the club continued to show promise, with 17-year-old full-back Quique turning professional and 18-year-old Noel Lopez demonstrating remarkable improvement. Club coaches believed he was ready to play at a La Liga 2 level, which boded well for Depor. Young players Mario Dominguez and David Suarez also extended their contracts with the club until 2023.

The scouting and recruitment efforts were bolstered by the addition of AS Monaco icon Manuel Amoros and Malmö and Mönchengladbach icon Patrick Andersson as scouts, who joined Deportivo to strengthen the club's backroom staff. Santiago offered a pre-contract agreement to Almeria's Ivan Martos, who would be a valuable player for the squad should he join Depor. In addition, youngsters Brahim Belkhayat, Daniel Lowey, and Lion Bello were signed on free transfers for the U19 squad.

Throughout January, Deportivo played a series of matches, with victories against Sanse, Bilbao B, Ferrol, and Unionistas, and a loss to UD Logrones. These results showed steadfast progress for the team, but Santiago knew they needed to maintain momentum and focus on nurturing and developing their young talent.

Regarding player contracts and transfers, center-back Adrian Lapena, talisman Alberto Quiles, and talented young right-back Trilli all committed their future to Deportivo. Several young players were loaned out for development, while veteran striker Miku was sold to Venezuelan club Aragua. The club also brought Laurent Koscielny on trial to potentially strengthen the defense in preparation for a possible promotion.

Despite injuries to Victor Garcia, Noel Lopez, and Juan Rodriguez, Santiago's players received praise and recognition for their standout performances. William De Camargo, Alberto Quiles, Trilli, and Brais Val all excelled during the month, with Quiles and De Camargo being named in the Primera Division RFEF Team of the Week.

Santiago felt a mix of satisfaction, concern, and determination as the month drew to a close. He was pleased with the team's progress and development but remained concerned about the impact of injuries and the need to maintain momentum. Santiago's focus on nurturing and developing youth talent, as well as his desire to strengthen the team for a potential promotion, drove him forward as Deportivo continued their journey back to the top of Spanish football.

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