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Stuck in the match

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Hello. I have a problem in the game. When I play matches everytime stuck in some minutes, pausing and can not continue. I tried everything ( changed highlight, changed cameras, go to holiday) but nothing happened and I am tired of restart the game all the time. Anyone know the solution for this? Thanks in advance.


Edited by Ak.AnL
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Not easy to see what's going on in that screenshot, but pressing space should always "continue" if anything is stopped...?

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  • Administrators

Yeah when we've seen examples of these in the past it's often been related to custom aspects, either related to the skin or in-match popups. If you have any of those in game, we'd suggest removing them for now and seeing if that stops the issue from occurring.

Unfortunately it's likely that once stuck you can't become 'unstuck' without leaving the game itself I'm afraid. 

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Sometimes i have this issue that the game seems stuck but goes on having outside the view an injured player that gets some treamtent by the medics or players are substituted and the walk slowly of the field and the whole scnene is shown - especially medicinal treatment can take a long time.

Sometimes the game becomes sort of unresponsive when one of these mouseover actions hangs where you mouseover something and i.e. a statswindow should open that hangs and does not close again.

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