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Setting up Awards in Advanced Rules


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Sorry for the silly question,

I am wanting to set up various awards in the Advanced Rules for tier 1-6 in the nation I am making.

I know that it is easy to do it in Basic set up, but if I go into Basic, my leagues do not want to verify, and thus, makes the change pointless and more work.

So, any way around it? Can regular awards be made in Advanced Rules?

Any help is much appreciated.

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Yeah, awards aren't in either basic or advanced rules. You don't need to add any rules to add awards. Just add them here:


You can add new awards and set them up to your liking there. You can also duplicate existing awards and just change their continent/nation/competition/rules etc. if you want to. Although if you do duplicate make sure to edit both the long and short names of the award (if you don't edit the name it will show up in game with no name).

Although bear in mind if you want to create monthly awards you have to duplicate existing monthly awards. Strangely monthly isn't an option for award period, but if you duplicate an existing monthly award it will still be awarded monthly, even if you change everything else about it (just don't touch the Award Period).



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