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Finding ways to counter the 5-2-2-1 tactic EDIT: Possible counter added

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Hello fellow tacticians!
I've come to you today with a simple question (hopefully). You see, I'm having some issues when facing the 5-2-2-1 tactic and it seems the AI knows it because it's already the 3rd or 4th time a team uses it against me...
I'm using a 4-4-1-1 but sometimes I do an asymmetry by changing the ML to AML (Inverted Winger position) or my CM's to DM's (BWM - AP or VOL - DLP), depending on match situations/opponents. I'm almost half way through the season and near the top places in the League.
What I see is that my STC (AF) and my AMC (AM) always have low ratings too.
How can I balance the match when facing it? Should I try to use a Wide Attacking Width but Focus Play Through The Middle to force them to open space?

Edited by Arel
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After some matches against 5-2-2-1 / 5-2-1-2, I finally have a nice countertactic, based on my 4-4-1-1.

Using a 4-4-1-1 asymmetric with the LM as a LAM (IW (S)) and the CM's as DM's (BWM (S) - DLP (S) OR VOL(S) - DLP(S)), with narrow width and overlapping both sides seems to do the trick and it really balances the match. 

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  • Arel changed the title to Finding ways to counter the 5-2-2-1 tactic EDIT: Possible counter added

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