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Best way to get new players to gel properly at their new club?

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Say I was Wrexham and I wanted to offload players but then bring a whole new squad what's the best way for them to gel I know most will have their own cliques but I think what's been holding me back when playing FM as I keep conceding goals :seagull:

Edited by thefmveteran86
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Concerning the 'Social Groups' in 'Dynamics' - I like to make 2 or 3 groups in 'Mentoring' under 'Training' depending on how many Social Groups there are.

For Example

For the Core Social Group in Dynamics will I make a 'Social Group 1' under Mentoring and put everybody in the Core Social Group in there

For the Secondary Social Group or Social Group A I will make a 'Social Group 2'

And for Social Group B or 3 or more 'Others' I will make a 'Social Group 3'

Remember you have to have at least 3 people in a group to make the mentoring worthwhile so essentially 2 'Social Group B' or 2 'Others' won't make a mentoring group.

I find it a nice way to keep track of the movements in Dynamics too and in my head it makes sense to keep people who are getting in with each other.

You also have to constantly check your Mentoring groups to keep track of movements I'd say on at least a weekly basis if you follow these rules.  

Here is a screenshot to show you what I mean if it isn't clear


Edited by SOULjah
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Insert Team Bonding, Community Outreach and any other Training session that improves Team Cohesion. Play at least 2 friendlies every week during Pre-Season. If you were planning on this in a prior season ensure that you shorten the off-season to minimum allowed.

I disagree with the mentoring methodology used above in the mentoring  because player mentoring should focus on Player Position first. In addition simply clumping players together because they are in the same social group for mentoring is not mentoring it is Social elitism. Mentoring is, in my belief. a system of imparting Personality traits and Player traits from Senior players to young players. In order to get the best results I suggest you choose someone from your as high in your Social structure with the right Personality Traits to "lead the group" and add players 23 and below that play in a similar position. Simple methodology E.G.  - Create Player Mentoring Group "Defence" - Add all Defensive Players from available List. Remove any Player over 25 that has a undesirable Personality trait. Remove any Player that has "None" under "Influence on Group" and "Influence from Group".

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I see sense in your reasoning @thecaveman . However, as the 'Social Group' is a default column seems silly not to incorporate said dynamic.

Maybe incorporating mine and your theories together might be a great idea. 

I don't honestly believe that putting people together that don't socialise with each other is particularly going to work based on positions solely.

They aren't particularly "clumped" together like you suggested, I am honestly checking on social movements at least every other game day to see what needs changing if anything at all 


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It simply takes time, and huge upheavals within a squad can cause some substantial issues in my experience. I've found often the simplest solution is just time, but you need to hold things together and keep getting results during that period. Otherwise it just begins to unravel. With most young, non-domestic signings I typically expect there to be a 1-2 year period before I'll see that player settled. I've recently signed a batch of 18 year olds (0 homegrown players in my own team after having achieved CL qualification, so I need to manufacture some who are good enough to play) who I don't think I'll even make a serious assessment of their long term future until they're almost 21. They have attributes which suggest they're sufficient to play in the Premier League & Champions League, but their performances are often underwhelming right now and I'm generally okay with that. I use them sparingly and let them spend more time playing with the U21 side as they settle.

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Figure out who your Core Guys are (Preferably high leadership and good personalities) make them the leaders of your mentoring groups.  Mentoring is for teaching PPM's and Personality Traits mainly. I think it has some effect on Group Dynamics.

Divide Mentoring groups by role GK's and Defenders, Midfielders, Attackers/Strikers. Make sure there is at least one core/leader (with correct tactical role) type for every three mentees (under 23 players)

Also put at least one team bonding practice session in during the week. ((This will help the group dynamic)

Like an above responder said it all takes time.....


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