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Should I scrap the back 3?

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4 hours ago, thefmveteran86 said:

So should I scrap using tjhe back 3 from my formations? given I've been told it's a lot weaker than a flat back 4 or has any winning team used a 3 at the back?

It's more straight forward to play with a back 4 usually, but I wouldn't say one is stronger than the other.

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I'm doing great in my save right now with a back 3.

Granted I'm in the national league, but my first season after getting promoted from national South and I'm in a play off spot after about 15 games and my roster isn't insane either.

I run either a direct 5-3-2 DM against stronger sides or a vertical Tiki Taka 5-3-2 AM against weaker sides or when I'm feeling confident in home games.

The 5-3-2 AM formation is a new development for me but it has blown away expectations so far and got me a win against a league 2 team in the FA cup which is insane considering we are barely removed from the National South league.

I love the three at the back, my middle CB is my captain and the staple of defense, it's my first time using 3 at the back and I love it on this team in this league so much i don't plan on changing any time soon.

It has one apparent weakness that consistently gives me problems and thats diagonal runs and  low thru passes between my middle CB and L/R CBs. Wide attacking midfielders with speed and strikers with the smarts to know when to break on the ball. But with some practice at opposition instructions I've learned how to take care of those threats as well.


In my experience in lower leagues, if you get an athletic player with decent IQ on the pitch and AERIAL ABILITY (aerial ability is key) he doesn't have to have much else to be a stud middle CB. On your L/R CBs get a little more speed over aerial ability and some basic ball playing skills and your back 3 is set. You don't even necessarily need a DM in front depending on what else you do.


I imagine it could lose some appeal as the quality of league increases as I feel it's strength is really in stopping more simple direct styles of play and you may want to go with 4 at the back as your quality increases.


I for one, just love wing back, and enjoyed the type of creative flexibility I have when using 3 at the back with wing backs.

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