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when to attack & when to defend?

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What statistics do you look out for? How do you know when to switch from Standard to Attacking, Standard to Defensive etc?

In 08, looking at the opposition formation was helpful, because the farrows (or lack of) on their wingers basically showed you how attacking they were playing. Now it's not so easy.

I read (on a TT&F article maybe) that when you're not having enough shots, you should go more attacking, but when you're having lots of shots but they're going off target, you should go more defensive. This isn't particularly useful...

The only obvious thing to me is that when the opposition plays 4-2-4, you must go defensive.

Any tips? Some of these sets of 5 or so tactics look great, but I don't know when to use which..

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What statistics do you look out for? How do you know when to switch from Standard to Attacking, Standard to Defensive etc?

In 08, looking at the opposition formation was helpful, because the farrows (or lack of) on their wingers basically showed you how attacking they were playing. Now it's not so easy.

I read (on a TT&F article maybe) that when you're not having enough shots, you should go more attacking, but when you're having lots of shots but they're going off target, you should go more defensive. This isn't particularly useful...

The only obvious thing to me is that when the opposition plays 4-2-4, you must go defensive.

Any tips? Some of these sets of 5 or so tactics look great, but I don't know when to use which..

With my team, i change tempo and width (mainly) when the opposition seem to be getting back in the game. do you watch key/ extended or none? i watch extended and can see when to make which changes. i only have one tactic a season which may seem like a weird approach as a lot stick with one or have a set but i see it as i will be defending more now as i am a poor hull team in the premier league so will need to be much more defensive. anyway i make very subtle changes here and there depending on how fast the oppositions possession rises or if they have a few shots in succession and so on, anything which may suggest they are doing better than me.

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