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Picking an affiliate club

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Hi all,

I've been given the opportunity to pick an affiliate club to start a commercial link with in FM23.

Does the fee paid to the affiliate have any reflection on how successful the commercial opportunities will be or is this just a random fee?

I have 3 Japanese players in my ranks so because of this I picked one of those Japanese clubs to start up with, but I had the option to select an Australian club for a much higher fee instead and I could also have picked a Chinese club however for a lower fee.

FM23 is the first FM I've properly played through and had time to play so I am not 100% certain if the fee is actually an indicator of how successful this will be for my side.

I've learned quite a bit using trial and error but the board have only finally ok'd this request so don't think I'll be able to request another affiliate for quite a while so just wanted to gain some insight for future reference on picking the best club from the list, in future.

Any insight gained from picking affiliates over the course of the FM games would be appreciated!


Some screenshots:



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Not sure if the fee dictates but as you have Japanese players I'd say you made the right choice. I'd go China or USA next. Took me 6 or 7 seasons for my board to let me make a commercial link after initially making both affiliates a youth system thing first from South Korea and USA. My board seem very reluctant with affiliates despite lots of success and cash in the bank.

Edited by mdaw1985
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Thanks for the insight.

Yeh, the board have been very reluctant to offer up much despite success and decent money coming in. Was trying to increase number of coaches too but that is still not for happening. At least them accepting the affiliation request is some progress. Will try again later in the season, hopefully it won't be 6 or 7 seasons for that ha!

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Just wondering... If your a top league in a country is it possible to get an affiliate in another country or only a parent club? For example I am doing a Building a Nation in Canada in Canadian Premier League. My youngsters not all will go down to the next level down in Canada so i wanted to send them out to other countries. Obviously it depends on their talent but was just courious?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a quick question. I am trying to build an "empire" by having a merchandise affiliate and a youth academy affiliate in each of the 6 (obviously not counting Antarctica) continents as well as 2 clubs (one in the same nation and one abroad) where I can send players to develop. Is there a maximum number of affiliates a club can have? I'm on 8 now and the board don't seem keen to grant my request for another. 

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