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Is it possible to “frustrate” opponents?

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This talking point is brought up a lot by pundits and coaches alike that defensive teams can show up to their opponent’s ground, set up in tight defense, and frustrate their opponents and the home crowd by not letting the home side control the game tempo. 

This concept has left me wondering, is this even possible in FM? 

Edited by bielsadidnothingwrong
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I think so, even if I don't know. I think the "likes to beat opponent repeatedly" trait in the game indicates it. Being beat repeatedly would make anyone frustrated, I think.

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I definitely feel the morale impact, but I feel like that’s a constant thing over time. I am meaning more on an individual match basis. Can a team set up in a defensive way that stifles and frustrates a more attack-minded opponent? Do players grow frustrated in games they should win but somehow can’t figure out how? I do see some players in my squad have their own psychology that sometimes can’t be influenced by my encouragement, so I wonder how robust this actually is. 

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I don't know if it actually frustrates them, but I always like to tackle harder on technical players I have a physical advantage on. In the game preview screen I've seen players worried about their matchup against a more physically imponent opponent, so I assume it might have at least a slight impact? Just a personal assumption though

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