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The 2022 FMS Awards Ceremony - **Live From The Trophy Room at Tottenham Hotspur FC**.........


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3 minutes ago, neilhoskins77 said:

Folks, we're now at the halfway point of this evenings proceedings. In classy events we would probably stop for a 'mid- session interval' or something equally fancy.

We won't be doing that here. I'm going to level with you, the coats over your head on the way in wasn't actually anything to do with paparazzi, or keeping your real identity secret.

I haven't actually paid to hire this venue at all, in fact we're technically trespassing. But as there's nothing to steal with someone beating us to the carpet, and very little to damage either, we might as well finish this event off, it's Spurs after all, everybody leaves early, let's be trend setters and stay till the end no matter how bad it is......

coats over your heads when you win an award is to stop you getting cheetos in your hair! 

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....and for the first time this evening we don't have a clear winner, with three stories tied for the award....

Och Aye The Noo The Wanderers Are Coming For You by Mark Wilson27 is a winner for the second year in a row, and is joined by Mission :- Conquer Scotland by neilhoskins77 and A Trip Down 'The Bann', The Return To Ulster - A Chance To Rewrite History Part V by neilhoskins77....

So as you can see the voting was very tight. Worth noting that the result would have been very different had some other members cast their votes....

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4 minutes ago, neilhoskins77 said:

....and for the first time this evening we don't have a clear winner, with three stories tied for the award....

Och Aye The Noo The Wanderers Are Coming For You by Mark Wilson27 is a winner for the second year in a row, and is joined by Mission :- Conquer Scotland by neilhoskins77 and A Trip Down 'The Bann', The Return To Ulster - A Chance To Rewrite History Part V by neilhoskins77....

So as you can see the voting was very tight. Worth noting that the result would have been very different had some other members cast their votes....


and don't worry. I have enough cheetos for you all! 

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The field is large, but the winner is declared by a landslide here, picking up over half of the votes submitted.....

A return to award winning for CFuller, and his '25 Years' story that has captivated many across the forum over the last year or so, and could well feature over many Awards Nights to come. Congratulations to you Mr Fuller!

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1 minute ago, CFuller said:


Didn't think a Championship Manager story would win an FMS award in the 2020s, but... er... thanks! Thanks to everyone who voted!

No Cheetos, thank you. ;)


least that's what I thought I heard.

And that way I can't take any of them home to drown my sorrows in. 

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Our last awards night saw a new entrant into the Hall of Fame for the first time in ten years, as my esteemed moderator colleague Mark Wilson27 was voted into the Writers Hall of Fame for his enormous writing contribution over the years here at FMS.

Sadly, we have failed to hit the mark for any writers or stories to be inducted this time around, though one writer did come within a couple of votes of joining Mark and others in the history books of our corner of the forums.

So please folks, don't forget to vote of course, but when doing so check the eligibility of both writers and stories, and give them your vote if you read a piece of work that you feel is deserving.

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I'm reliably informed that security have been made aware of trespassers in the stadium, and are being sent to deal with us!

Fun fact. After a Spurs fan attempted to kick Arsenal goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale in the recent North London Derby here, the club asked the guilty party to hand themselves in so they could ban him........7,462 fans claimed it was them who had aimed the boot at Ramsdale........

.....anyway, we're going off topic........

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...we're in to the last quarter of the evening now, I've thrown that reference in there as a nod to our transatlantic friends......

I'm told that this final trio of awards are widely considered to be the 'big three'. Not to demean any of the awards that have been given out so far of course.....but it would seem the consensus is that no one gives a sh*t about any of those.......#awkward.........wish someone had told me that before I spent so long counting votes and writing this lot......

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4 minutes ago, neilhoskins77 said:

I'm reliably informed that security have been made aware of trespassers in the stadium, and are being sent to deal with us!

Fun fact. After a Spurs fan attempted to kick Arsenal goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale in the recent North London Derby here, the club asked the guilty party to hand themselves in so they could ban him........7,462 fans claimed it was them who had aimed the boot at Ramsdale........

.....anyway, we're going off topic........

"I kicked at Ramsdale and so did my wife!"

Typical Spurs fans with their anti-social behaviour. :p


Edited by CFuller
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1 minute ago, neilhoskins77 said:

...we're in to the last quarter of the evening now, I've thrown that reference in there as a nod to our transatlantic friends......

I'm told that this final trio of awards are widely considered to be the 'big three'. Not to demean any of the awards that have been given out so far of course.....but it would seem the consensus is that no one gives a sh*t about any of those.......#awkward.........wish someone had told me that before I spent so long counting votes and writing this lot......

I shed a tear at not wining the comedy award... So I care about that one.

And don't mention the American Football, I'll be watching it after this ceremony is over. Sans cheetos 

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1 minute ago, Mandy42 said:

I shed a tear at not wining the comedy award... So I care about that one.

And don't mention the American Football, I'll be watching it after this ceremony is over. Sans cheetos 

I thought Leeds played yesterday...

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Just now, neilhoskins77 said:

.....and there is a brand new winner for this Award, as this year it goes to neilhoskins77

I'm out of cheetos so all the previous award winners will just have to hug you.

But congratulations and well deserved! 

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Just now, neilhoskins77 said:

.....and there is a brand new winner for this Award, as this year it goes to neilhoskins77

Well done on winning the soon-to-be-rebranded Terk/Raptor/Wilson/Hoskins Builder's Award of the Year. ;)

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That was very unexpected. I consider myself very fortunate to get moderator privileges for looking after a corner of the Boards that actually runs itself quite efficiently with not a great deal of need to 'moderate' people's posts at all. Thank you very much to all who voted, and also a huge thank you to Mark Wilson27, without who I'd never get much of anything done here, and certainly wouldn't have been able to cobble this event together. Thank you very much folks.

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2 minutes ago, Mandy42 said:

I'm out of cheetos so all the previous award winners will just have to hug you.

But congratulations and well deserved! 


1 minute ago, CFuller said:

Well done on winning the soon-to-be-rebranded Terk/Raptor/Wilson/Hoskins Builder's Award of the Year. ;)


1 minute ago, mark wilson27 said:

Well done sir, muchly deserved

Thank you very much guys 

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Next on the agenda, and the penultimate award for this evening is the much coveted 'Story of the Year' Award. With every story written or continued over the period between awards events eligible, it's easy to see why this Award is one of the highest honours that can be bestowed upon a piece of work........

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.....with a nod to the quality of work enjoyed by us all over this period, the voting was spread out widely, with one story just pipping the others to the award this time around....................

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and the winner is.........

Jon1982 wins it for the second successive year with his 'Ultimate World Football Manager Save'

Congratulations Jon, winning this award in successive years is a tremendous achievement!

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Just now, neilhoskins77 said:

and the winner is.........

Jon1982 wins it for the second successive year with his 'Ultimate World Football Manager Save'

Congratulations Jon, winning this award in successive years is a tremendous achievement!







Get in there Jon! 

As much for the consistency of posting as well as the quality of those posts. 

Now, can you threepeat?

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Okay then folks, thanks for sticking with us and not falling asleep or trashing the place. The final award of the night is certainly one of the most illustrious we offer, and has been won by some of the greats of these parts. It's the award for 'Writer of the Year'......

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1 minute ago, neilhoskins77 said:

Okay then folks, thanks for sticking with us and not falling asleep or trashing the place. The final award of the night is certainly one of the most illustrious we offer, and has been won by some of the greats of these parts. It's the award for 'Writer of the Year'......

leaving orange cheeto dust all over this white room isn't trashing the place?

Right, I'll be smashing some of those strip lights on the way out then 

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Just now, neilhoskins77 said:

.....it's EvilDave

Congratulations ED on a fantastic achievement and a nod of acknowledgement to your continued superb efforts on the Boards.


first and last award of the evening? 

Good job you didn't sneak out early! 

Congratulations to all winners.

And to our host / organiser.

Now unfortunately as a Chelsea fan I need to go an take a number 2 in a corner somewhere and then go home. 

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Well, that's it everyone. The Awards Night is all wrapped up for another year. Normally at this point you would see tables of information and stats showing historical winners etc. 

I consider that very much Wilson's baby. He wasn't made aware of any winners etc ahead of time this evening, so I'm sure when he has time, he will update and post those in due course, but I'm absolutely not going to take the risk of messing those up!

Thanks for attending or reading later on, and many congratulations to all the winners. I look forward as always to seeing where this forum of stories takes us all over the coming weeks and months.

Goodnight FMS'ers

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Congratulations to all the winners tonight. Will post the tables etc when I get from work.

Thanks Neil for doing an excellent job of hosting and setting up the awards, was nice to be on this side of the ceremony 

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Great job, Neil. You were sooo much better than last year's host. (Only kidding, Mark. :D)

Honoured to be taking home one award, which was one more than I was expecting in my first year 'back' on FMS. My relationship with FM23 is a bit... erm... complicated, so there probably won't be any new stories from me this year, but "25 Years" will resume some time next month after a short break.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading to the Tottenham museum, to look for the remains of Dele Alli's career...

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Guys, I'm honoured - I turn up late thanks to real life/being morally unable to spend time in a Spurs anything, and find out you've voted me for two awards including Writer of the Year?! Looking at some of those I've been up against, I'm surprised and delighted - thank you for reading and voting.

@Jon1982, @Cider Drinker, @CFuller - congratulations all on your awards, richly deserved.

@neilhoskins77 - the same to you, and thank you for stepping up so ably into moderator's shoes and organising us all tonight, you've done a fine job alongside some excellent writing.

@mark wilson27 - another boatload of awards and the Hall of Fame, what more is there to say? A true legend of FMS, and rightly recognised. Long may it continue!

Now, to figure out what I'm going to right this year. And get these Cheetos out of my hair...

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I've just logged in and I'm gutted I missed out on all the fun..  Well done to Mandy42, EvilDave, Cider Drinker, markwilson27, CFuller and the rest for your awards and neilhoskins77 for hosting. Thankyou to everybody who reads my story and voted for me to win three awards. I'd like to dedicate the Character of the year award to the memory of the real Pele, who sadly is no longer with us. If I'd known that the 'Cambodian Pele" (who was actually Somalian) was so popular I may have kept him in the story longer.... Anyway much planned for the future of the Ultimate World FM save so watch this space! When I started the story nearly 2 years ago I could not imagine how popular it would be. Overall across all platforms and socials it is posted on, including Facebook, Reddit and the Google blogger version plus on these forums, the story has had approx 20,000 views from across the world, including some in Cambodia itself. 🇰🇭 Up the EDC!

Edited by Jon1982
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3 minutes ago, Jon1982 said:

I've just logged in and I'm gutted I missed out on all the fun..  Well done to Mandy42, EvilDave, Cider Drinker, markwilson27, CFuller and the rest for your awards and neilhoskins77 for hosting. Thankyou to everybody who reads my story and voted for me to win three awards. I'd like to dedicate the Character of the year award to the memory of the real Pele, who sadly is no longer with us. If I'd known that the 'Cambodian Pele" (who was actually Somalian) was so popular I may have kept him in the story longer.... Anyway much planned for the future of the Ultimate World FM save so watch this space! When I started the story nearly 2 years ago I could not imagine how popular it would be. Overall across all platforms and socials it is posted on, including Facebook, Reddit and the Google blogger version plus on these forums, the story has had approx 20,000 views from across the world, including some in Cambodia itself. 🇰🇭 Up the EDC!

Well deserved win as with everyone elses awards

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15 hours ago, Jon1982 said:

I've just logged in and I'm gutted I missed out on all the fun..  Well done to Mandy42, EvilDave, Cider Drinker, markwilson27, CFuller and the rest for your awards and neilhoskins77 for hosting. Thankyou to everybody who reads my story and voted for me to win three awards. I'd like to dedicate the Character of the year award to the memory of the real Pele, who sadly is no longer with us. If I'd known that the 'Cambodian Pele" (who was actually Somalian) was so popular I may have kept him in the story longer.... Anyway much planned for the future of the Ultimate World FM save so watch this space! When I started the story nearly 2 years ago I could not imagine how popular it would be. Overall across all platforms and socials it is posted on, including Facebook, Reddit and the Google blogger version plus on these forums, the story has had approx 20,000 views from across the world, including some in Cambodia itself. 🇰🇭 Up the EDC!

Other than most handsome attendee (which I win by such a HUGE margin every year that its not even announced) I don't think I picked up an award this year. 

I could be wrong though and be suffering from cheeto induced blindness. 

And I think Cambodian Pele received my vote due to the fact he shined short and very bright! Keep up the excellent content!  

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Limited access in the first season means limited stats.

Callum played 22 times for Halifax in his first season. He scored 10 goals. His performances contributed to the clubs highest Vanarama National league finish in 15 years. Where they placed fourth, and earned themselves a playoff spot. Once again the lack of vision into the league means I can't actually get any indication of how they played in those playoff matches. Beyond the fact that they didn't gain promotion. 

Callum has also represented Wales this last season. Making four appearances in the U21 Championship qualifiers. He's scored two goals for his country. Opening the scoring with a brace in the 4 - 0 win over the Faeroe Islands. 

Wales are in group 2 of the qualifiers. Currently in third place behind Portugal (who have already qualified) and Sweden. If I'm honest I don't understand the playoff structure for the championship. There's a second phase playoff, then a further playoff. Wales sit three points behind Sweden. I believe they will make a playoff spot if they can over turn that deficit and make it into the second place spot.

Whether its his appearance on the international stage. Or just some in depth scouting of the football pyramid. But Callum has caught the eye of several Premier league teams. The only team of the "big six" in the English top flight not to be interested in him is Liverpool. Which surely puts the advantage for his signature in Chelsea's hands. As Callum's favourite club is (well technically its his hometown club of Welshpool) but in proper football its Leeds. Though shortly behind them is his step dad's club Chelsea. So fingers crossed on that front.

In the wider world over the past year:

Man City won the Premier league title with Liverpool runners up, and Chelsea finishing third.

Roma won the Europa Conference league, beating PSV in the final.

The Italian European dominance continued with Napoli and Atlanta battling it out in the Europa League final. Napoli coming out the victors.

But the biggest prize in European continental football went to Germany, with FC Bayern beating Liverpool in the final of that competition.


Italy won the Nations league against Spain, with France the third place team.  

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2 hours ago, CFuller said:

@Mandy42Had too many Cheetos last night? I think you've accidentally posted part of your new story in the wrong thread. :D

I'd like to be there when he goes back into his story and wonders why someone has pinched part of it.

Absolutely a case of Cheeto overload. I knew he was eating some of them and not throwing them all. 

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5 hours ago, CFuller said:

@Mandy42Had too many Cheetos last night? I think you've accidentally posted part of your new story in the wrong thread. :D

not where I left that post!

and I think that's the least embarrassing thing I've done in a cheeto coma! 

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25 minutes ago, Mandy42 said:

not where I left that post!

and I think that's the least embarrassing thing I've done in a cheeto coma! 

Now you've posted it where you intended to, would you like me to remove that post for you? 

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19 hours ago, neilhoskins77 said:

Now you've posted it where you intended to, would you like me to remove that post for you? 

Nah, I own my mistakes. Plus that would result in the posts coming after it not making any sense. 

I'm happy for it to stay there. Might even make it an award ceremony tradition! 

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With every Award Ceremony we have the three main Awards, which are CM/FMS'er of the Year, Writer of the Year and Story of the Year. We also have every so often someone earning their place in the FMS Hall of Fame. So here is the current list from 2004 to date

| Year | The Terk/Raptor/Wilson  | Writer of Year | Story of Year                                                      | Hall of Fame   |
|      |     Builder’s Award     |                |                                                                    |                |               
| 2004 | Simon F                 | BobBev         | Silver_blue just bit me! (Donners)                                 | N/A            | 
| 2005 | Terk                    | Faramir        | Leaving the past behind (FM edition) (Flipsix3) (HOF 2010)         | N/A            | 
| 2006 | Peacemaker7             | Peacemaker7    | To Boldly Go As Faroe As We Can Go... (Peacemaker7)                | N/A            | 
| 2007 | Terk                    | Amaroq         | Sharpening a Rusty Blade (Amaroq)                                  | Peacemaker7    |
| 2008 | Terk                    | tenthreeleader | American Calcio Padova FM 2008 (tenthreeleader)                    | N/A            | 
| 2009 | tenthreeleader          | tenthreeleader | Rob Ridgway’s “Rat Pack” (tenthreeleader)                          | Raptor         | 
| 2010 | Terk                    | copperhorse21  | Cheating the Reaper: A Copper Horse "Tail" (copperhorse21)         | flipsix3       | 
|      |                         | gavrenwick     | Tina's Super Saints of Paisley (gavrenwick)                        |                | 
| 2011 | mark wilson27           | mark wilson27  | A Tale of Two Brothers (offspring08)                               | tenthreeleader |
|      | tenthreeleader          |                | Luton Town: Staring Into The Abyss (ScottLeeSV)                    |                | 
| 2012 | mark wilson27           | mark wilson27  | The Ace of Spades (tenthreeleader)                                 | N/A            |
|      |                         | tenthreeleader |                                                                    |                | 
| 2013 | N/A                     | N/A            | N/A                                                                | N/A            | 
| 2014 | N/A                     | N/A            | N/A                                                                | N/A            | 
| 2015 | mark wilson27           | tenthreeleader | [FM15] Malone Again, Naturally (tenthreeleader)                    | N/A            | 
| 2016 | mark wilson27           | tenthreeleader | [FM15] Raising Cain (tenthreeleader)                               | N/A            | 
| 2017 | mark wilson27           | EvilDave       | House of Flying Daggers (CFuller)                                  | N/A            | 
| 2018 | mark wilson27           | CFuller        | Another Final (EvilDave)                                           | N/A            | 
| 2019 | mark wilson27           | CFuller        | An Impossible Man (CFuller)                                        | N/A            | 
|      |                         | EvilDave       |                                                                    |                | 
| 2020 | mark wilson27           | mark wilson27  | The Brief History of a Union Divided (EvilDave)                    | N/A            | 
|      |                         |                | Confessions of the greatest football manager of all time (Mandy42) |                |
|      |                         |                | (FM’09) The Indian Summer ….And Beyond –                           |                |
|      |                         |                | A Chance to Rewrite History Part III.V (Neilhoskins77)             |                | 
| 2021 | mark wilson27           | mark wilson27  | The Ultimate World Football Manager Save (John1982)                | mark wilson27  | 
| 2022 | neilhoskins77           | EvilDave       | The Ultimate World Football Manager Save (John1982)                | N/A            | 


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Name Total Main Other
mark wilson27 36 13 23
tenthreeleader 31 15 16
Peacemaker7 24 14 10
EvilDave 21 5 16
CFuller 17 4 13
Raptor 15 5 10
Terk 15 8 7
BobBev 11 4 7
gavrenwick 11 5 6
Spav 10 4 6
flipsix 10 2 8
Faramir 9 1 8
copperhorse21 9 4 5
Amaroq 9 4 5
neilhoskins77 8 2 6
John1982 6 3 3
chesterfan2 5 2 3
Dixie Flatline 5 0 5
Flann O'Brien 4 2 2
Andrew Downing 4 1 3
KingJeff 4 1 3
displaced_seagull 4 1 3
HD 4 1 3
Dalbeider 4 0 4
spurzgrrl 4 0 4
Elrithral 4 0 4
Mandy42 4 1 3
SCIAG 3 2 1
nickgreenan 3 1 2
Educated Hick 3 0 3
benny 3 0 3
Ell_G 3 0 3
Rien102 3 0 3
Brian of Nazareth 2 1 1
binny 2 1 1
Donners 2 1 1
maollelujah 2 1 1
OMDave 2 1 1
mikezone13 2 1 1
Chonner 2 1 1
mamtez1536 2 1 1
ScottleeSV 2 1 1
Brian W 2 0 2
Gino 2 0 2
ghostwriter 2 0 2
Harry Kure with the corner kick 2 0 2
Charnley 2 0 2
silver_blue 2 0 2
Lionel Perez 2 0 2
Wimb the Barman 2 0 2
-Xenon- 2 0 2
Makonnen 2 0 2
Celtic_1967 2 0 2
Bigmattb28 2 0 2
STFCDP_1990 1 0 1
LukeMorgan88 1 0 1
Richey 1 1 0
Sebs 1 1 0
Steve 'Wall 1 1 0
Bari for the Scudetto 1 0 1
Offspring88 1 1 0
gandycoleuk 1 1 0
Bozz 1 0 1
Dittohead 1 0 1
Jack O'Sullivan 1 0 1
Soldout 1 0 1
Tricky Winger 1 0 1
JimT 1 0 1
13litz 1 0 1
Attjen 1 0 1
Bad Dog 1 0 1
boo radley2 1 0 1
Dark_Soccer 1 0 1
Euan 1 0 1
glamdring 1 0 1
Harleqin 1 0 1
Jambo_4eva 1 0 1
Juni 1 0 1
Kazema 1 0 1
McRob 1 0 1
nerf 1 0 1
Orang_Utan Stan 1 0 1
SirFozzie 1 0 1
Texan 1 0 1
The RingMaster 1 0 1
bartley_m 1 0 1
Reddiablo 1 0 1
Silverfox 1 0 1
irishregan 1 0 1
Marmoset Junior 1 0 1
Gricehead 1 0 1
Panpardus 1 0 1
edtheguy 1 0 1
JoeyBaldwin 1 0 1
Pechorin 1 0 1
Abe Lenstra 1 0 1
Cider Drinker 1 1 0
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