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Santi Mina

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So I have noticed a couple of things with this player.

Firstly - 'apparently he is truly one of the worlds global superstars', I have never heard of him until I googled him. 312 appearances and 88 goals (15 while on loan to Al-Shabab) for a Forward and no caps for Spain is not a global superstar!

Secondly, I understand he is suspended from playing football in Spain for personal reasons but PSG tried to sign him and the club would not authorise the deal (presumable Celta Vigo). PSG then come in with another bid even though the club would not authorise the previous bid and a second team also tried to sign him with the same result.

Surely, if you are Celta Vigo and the player is banned in Spain until 30/6/26 would you not be desperate top sell the player to get what ever you could for him and get rid of £25k a week in wages?



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35 minutes ago, albertluque said:

he's in prison, surely? sentenced to 4 years in spain.

He literally played two days ago in Saudi. Apparently you don't go to jail in Spain until all appeals are exhausted, so that will likely buy him 1-2 more seasons. FM isn't really set up to handle something like this, but considering he has been found guilty of sexual assault in court, SI should probably just remove him from the game entirely. 

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