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FM23 - To Praise a Player or Not

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Hi All,


I am having issues with FM23 praising players for the good training development.  When I enter player profile and i see his stats showing positive arrows and that my training coaches are telling me the player has performed well in training, i then praise the player.  To my surprise where the player was showing "Positive" status before i praised them I then get a player who drops from "Positive" status to "Neutral" and at times offended.

I basically made sure that the players rating was in the green and making sure my coaches were also saying they have trained well.  It feels like I am being mislead into a situation that spirals the mood of players from a positive status to negative for performing well in training.  I am really baffled at this and feels like I am stepping on peoples nerves and makes me feel to just not say anything at all in this version.  Feels way more sensitive compared to previous version.  Am i doing something wrong? 

Please help me.




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15 minutes ago, Murtiniiii said:

I tend to only praise if they're 8.0 or higher AND have trained better this week than the last. Doing it that way I've encountered no issues.

Cool thank you, it was lurking in the back of my mind if i should only praise them above a certain level.  I will give it a shot and see how it works out.

Much appreciated.


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It also depends on their personalities. It seems to me some players have certain thresholds, like one might be happy to be praised if he's over 7.5, another would be offended at that point. I try to make mental notes to avoid praising certain players unless their training rating is particularly high.

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9 hours ago, ctfm2012 said:

...my training coaches are telling me...

There's your mistake right there -- taking any notice of the rubbish your staff tell you :D:D:D

I seldom praise, seldom criticize. Two exceptions: one is that I'll normally criticize a poor training performance, and if the player talks back he pretty much puts himself on the transfer list. The other is achievements -- goal of the month, player of the month, first international cap etc. I always congratulate the player. You get a choice of things to follow up with, and I always go with the simplest option. 

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I think a manager's "motivating" attribute also has an influence on if players accept what you tell them or not.. There's also player personality and hidden values like controversy which turn players into d-heads.. Weekly training between 7.75-8 is usually the minimum, never praise the same player three times in a row..

Edited by SC00P0NE
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Above 8 training rating I have never had a player complaining about been praised for training even if its every week. Between 7 and 8 it depends. In that case it can work if you havent praised them recently and depending on the players personality. A playing that its very exigent with himself (professional, ambitious...) tend to react more negatively towards less deserved praise. A player that has lower standards or confidence due to recent events does appreciate it more. Of coruse the higher the rating the safer it is, I would avoid it below 7.5.


When you praise recent development you have to be mroe careful though. EVen when the staff report says it has improved check if its been noticeable. If its too small it can easilly cause rejection too. From my experience the staff recomendation to praise them tends to be right 50-60% of the time only.

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3 hours ago, du Garbandier said:

There's your mistake right there -- taking any notice of the rubbish your staff tell you :D:D:D

I seldom praise, seldom criticize.

I'm doing a youth challenge so all my players are aged 15-17. The flaky wains need constant reassurance, tedious though it is. One day they'll be old enough to stand on their own feet.

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I criticise poor training every week but I only praise training once a month which I do at the beginning of each month. I prefer only to praise for a performance of 8.0 or higher but at the beginning of the season when nobody ,or virtually nobody, is hitting 8.0 I praise for 7.6 and higher. This works fine for me although I occasionally have a youngster tell me that I'm criticising him too often which I interpret as an indication of a poor personality and he's immediately on the unwanted list.

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Z recommends praising player for either good training or a good performance if his rating for either is 7.75 or higher and criticizing if it's 6.4 or lower. In FM22, I found this a solid guideline. In the beta of FM23, though, I found that a player's body language would sometimes drop a level or two when praised, especially for training. This has continued in the official release. But in the first season of my new Santos save, I actually had a player who'd garnered a match rating of 8.05 go from "expressionless" to "angry". 

One of the things that bothers me about the entire "human relations" aspect of the game is the lack of ability to resolve issues like this. There is no way to read the player's character, no way to address a growing problem. If a coach suggests reducing a player's expected playing time, there is no way to reverse it other than the pejorative "back down" option when he complains. Why changing expected playing time isn't an option on the contract menu is a mystery to me. In fact, I'm coming to the conclusion rule of thumb is to never accept a coach's suggestion on expected playing time. Another is to never promise a player more playing time than I'm comfortable giving him.

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Player interactions and the 'story' aspect of the game are so weak it's laughable.

Especially because they market the game as though the stories are one of it's strong points.

But with proper attention and time paid to improving the story part of the game, it could potentially be incredible.

But I don't think the designers have the ability to do this and fulfil the games potential.

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On 14/12/2022 at 02:07, phnompenhandy said:

I don't know - I'm doing an academy challenge. My current crop are aged between 15 to 18.

I must admit to getting terribly bored with this. I do maintain that narrative-wise, young kids are particularly sensitive to praise and criticism, so I set training feed back to every week, and I've found to my cost that a slightly harsher approach to criticism can rather quickly destroy a kid's confidence and their future at your club. Consequently, I'm having to ask the club physio to fix my right arm - putting it around the shoulders of wee boys 30 times a month is proving detrimental to my body and mind!

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  • 8 months later...

I think the reason, training feedback like this is such a bad system, the way it is implemented, is because they have to code a similar system for the AI to use. It is so poor right now It shouldn't even be in the game in my opinion. Not fun or intuitive at all.

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