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Mbappe vs Walker pace

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Sorry if this has been posted already

During the England v France game, the commentary stated that Mbappe and Walker had been measured for pace and Mbappe was 1mph quicker.


In the minds of the developers, is that the difference between a 19 and a 20 for pace?

That is saying that Mbappe is the quickest player in the world. I haven't checked the database, but my question above the 1mph being the difference interests me.



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I think it's hard to look at it in raw numbers. Walker's positioning and the double marking of Mbappe did a good job of nullifying his pace for most of the match.

Mbappe did beat Walker once in a straight shot, so you could make the argument there, but another battle between the two it was Mbappe's movement which slowed Walker down and gave him an advantage.

I Imagine the devs have to look at all these factors before making a decision. Is Mbappe faster then everyone else? Or does his movement and decisions supplement it etc.

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its not just pace its acceleration that has a big part to play. I'm not sure there is a great deal of difference between Walker and Mbappe in pure overall speed terms but Mbappe has a clear edge in the acceleration stakes as seen last night when for a brief second he stood him up and blasted away from him

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17 hours ago, Ferocious289 said:

Pace doesn't really matter I've seen 19 pace wingers outsprinted by sunday league level players on the game when you get outplayed and the ai suddenly starts playing like they're on steroids.

Just make sure the sunday league player doesn't have 20 pace.

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Am 11.12.2022 um 23:03 schrieb Wolf_pd:

Just make sure the sunday league player doesn't have 20 pace.

Well he has a valid point, at least since the last ME update. Pace and Acceleration seem heavily nerfed, probably to reduce the power of physical strong strikers like Haaland. It might have been over the top before, but now it seems weird, i.e. overnerfed as well. I just had Haaland up against West Hams aging Craig Dawson (Acc/Pace 11 each) and he wasnt able to outrun him (no carries!) all match long. I was actually expecting a tough one vs Kurt Zouma, who is a beast, hoping for the 1-on-1s vs Dawson to decide the match. But it absolutely didnt matter which of the two Haaland was against, as there was no noticeable difference between Zouma and Dawson.

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