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How authoritarian do you get with players who want to leave?

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I got relegated and sacked, but was "magically" instantly rehired. About a third of my squad want to leave, but I've put my foot down and rejected all bids for them. I have almost daily team meetings in which half the squad complain at me. All the players that loved me last season now hate me. During matches, most of the team are complacent or disinterested and they perform below par.

I'm sticking with my guns, though, and hoping to get re-promoted this season. I tied the players down with long contracts and huge release clauses, so they aren't going anywhere.

What about you?

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In the case of a relegation or breaking of a promise (which I rarely grant), I'm actually better off taking all reasonable offers and rebuilding the team for a quick rebound, because in those cases...it's absolutely my fault. In the case of players signing a contract of some length and then having them kick off because I won't let them leave or renegotiate their contract after a year...I clamp down hard on them - send them to the reserves, leave them off the game-day squad, etc. I can be VERY petty when provoked. 

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Depends on a lot of circumstances here.

I start off as a lowest league manager with all 1s as attributes. My squad has no respect for me - that comes over time and has to be earned. In this situation, one minor grumble can quickly escalate into wholesale rebellion. So I do act to snuff out the first signs of trouble. Any lip over training from a gobby youth and he's out of the door before anyone else gets wind of it. I weed out all of my bad personality types pretty quickly this way, although it can leave me with a thread-bare squad!

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It can be hard to shift players on at times, especially if the team is doing well, so having a player say "I want to leave..." can sometimes be a blessing.

On the whole I will let them go. If a player comes to say they want to leave then their attitude might not be up for being part of the team I am trying to develop, 

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Personally more often than not if someone wants to leave, I'll be happy to move them on. Generally I play as a smaller club so it's perfectly natural for bigger clubs to come calling. Definitely will play hard ball with transfer fees and that can sometimes mean players stick around and eventually drop their concerns. 

Remember much older FM's where it was just too easy to keep players indefinitely - whilst I know the happiness and interaction system has its detractors and isn't perfect, it has allowed AI teams the ability to unsettle your squad and mean you do have to think longer term when it comes to building a squad and replacing players. 


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For me it is a realism factor.

If I'm playing with Feyenoord and Hull City knocks on my door for my 21 year old striker I carefully mined of Serbia a year before and that young Serb wants to go, Hull City can shove right off and the young player needs to get over it. 

When Everton calls for that striker and he wants to go, I shake his hand, take the money, and see if my underpaid scout who I've forced to live various Eastern European nations has found any more gold.

My big sliding scale is influence. If one of my influential players is showing signs of unhappiness, I send him out of town first opportunity. Young players get fined and warned until morale/determination improves.

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Id like to be hard on them but if they get support from the rest of the team I have to ship them out asap. Can't be arsed pandering to them when I normally have a younger replacement near to ready and eyes on others to fill the backup slot.

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2 hours ago, Ricsi said:

You make it sound like living in an Eastern European country is like living in Mordor...

Greece, Serbia, and Croatia are wonderful places, but I imagine after a couple years away my scout misses his family back in Denmark. Alas, someone with his combination of adaptability and determination at a low price point means he is never returning from southeastern Europe.

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