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Help Me To Improve My 433 and Variations

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Hey everyone. I'm a casual FM player and I try to create a tactic (and 2 other variatons of it) but since I'm not a pro or genius, I need your help. My main goal is posses the ball and shoot more on target, avoid from pointless shoots. I created and tested 2 tactics so far but I want to create a 4-2-3-1 DOS Wide variation later, for lower teams. I didn't create any set pieces and avoid from any exploit. Here's my testing teams, tactics and results.

Tactic Testing League
-Premier League Only (Playable)
-Small Database
-No Transfers
-On Holiday Until End Of The League
-Two Managers in a Save (Liverpool and Aston Villa)


Season Preview(Liverpool&Aston Villa)

I tried to test with a monster team and a mid table team.



Competitions(Liverpool&Aston Villa League-Only)

Aston Villa knocked out in 5th Round FA Cup and 3rd Round Carabao Cup (to Liverpool)
Also, Aston Villa scored 4 more goals than Liverpool but concede 31 more goals too...

Liverpool Tactic Board (4-3-3 DOS)

AP > Roam From Position
DM > Tackle Harder
WBs > Stay Wider, Ease Off Tackles, Mark Tighter


Liverpool Squad



Aston Villa Tactic Board(4-2-3-1 Wide)

AM > Dribble Less, Hold Up Ball, Roam From Position
DLP > Close Down More
WBs > Stay Wider, Ease Off Tackles, Mark Tighter



Aston Villa Squad


I played FM's 3 or 4 series until this time but I never tried to create any tactics. I was using those all winner tactics people shares but this year, I want to be winner by myself. I'm using 4-3-3 DOS in a career with Fenerbahce, I'm in 3rd season and it is not bad at all. However, when it compares with other tactics people make or even when you compare it with Man City in this example, they are way good than us in scoring goals. Anyways, I need some improvements and keep in mind that I'm a noob in creating tactics. I don't like to read a lot of informations about creating tactics and roles or watching a lot of videos... Instead of, I try my tactics in my careers or simulating seasons like this. If you need more informations about this 1-year simulated season's results, just ask it. Or I can share my tactic files if you want. I'm not unhappy with my tactics, I love this game when it is realistic and those are my own tactics, but if you have any suggestions please comment below.

This is my first thread, I'm sorry if its messy or hard to read...

Edited by sisou
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