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Change the positioning and colour of highlighted section in sidebar


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In this years FM, the section you have selected on the sidebar shows a thin rectangle to the right, rather than the left in previous versions.

It's also blue, rather than a more subtle variant of the sidebars colour.

I find this to look out of place and messy, is there any way to change this?


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33 minutos atrás, bluehefner disse:

In this years FM, the section you have selected on the sidebar shows a thin rectangle to the right, rather than the left in previous versions.

It's also blue, rather than a more subtle variant of the sidebars colour.

I find this to look out of place and messy, is there any way to change this?



You can change the colours and placement of this small square here: \graphics\tables\custom\sidebar\selected

If you don't have such folder/files, just create them and add the three attached files there.

To edit the colors, open the row.xml:

<colour id="red_replacement" name="XXX"/> indicates the colour of the square itself
<colour id="green_replacement" name="XXX"/> indicates the tiny vertical border you circled

Clear cache and restart the skin. And here you can find colours suggestions: https://materialui.co/colors/




Edited by lugui
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