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Building a Champions League Team - #BHAFC

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Cool team, been interested in them as well, good writeup :) 

As for your development/training: If that's your normal schedule, there are way too many recovery sessions in there. Some argue you need none but even trying for a more real life approach that's way too many. Personally i use 1-2 depending on density of schedule. Managing Santos in Brasil (so lots of games as well) my base schedules for 1 and 2 game weeks look like this:







For the 1 week schedule i always manually add a match review on Monday (you can't do it in the schedule creator menu but can do it in the calendar ...), the 2 game schedules i roughly alternate as there's a lot of 2 game weeks in brasil and this way i won't have certain elements i want in there not be trained for weeks at a time.

I also adjust it a bit for the month ahead based on feedback from players but also situation. For example i might scrap the physical session every other week when there's a lot of 2 game weeks in a row or replace one with one of the Saturday sessions if they get cut due to traveling. Ot just put in a Rest session or two.

Not a light schedule obviously and i definitely rotate my squad maybe more than others would (in brasil you just need to anyway) and am fine with a couple injuries here and there.

Edited by Marinho
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As for your development/training: If that's your normal schedule, there are way too many recovery sessions in there. Some argue you need none but even trying for a more real life approach that's way too many.

@Marinho I know there are too many recovery session. I recognize I have a problem with the injury risk bar. I want it to be always as low as possible. :lol:

I'm gonna try to stick with this approach that last year gave brilliant result in terms of injuries. Only 54 in a whole season.

This year we are playing LOTS of matches if compared to last years' schedule so I don't expect the same result but I don't want the injuries suddenly become a problem.
During the season, I'm implement also the old fashioned way of resting the starting eleven after a match and try to swap some of the recovery with either Attacking or Defensive session that I found thanks to a famous YouTube channel based on stats and empirical experiments on FM being the most useful in terms of developing attributes.


Thank you for the reply anyway :)

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