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U-21 in Chile league

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Hi, I am playing with Palestino in the Chile league, and this league has this rule that players under 21 must complete in 70% of playing time. You could be deducted 6 points at the end of the year if you don't reach that number.

Well, until a couple of days ago, at the bottom of the Squad view you could see how well you were performing regarding to this rule. Like you can see in the first picture bolow.

Now this information is gone, like it shows in the second image. Anybody know where it is gone? I just can't find it anywhere.




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Correct me if I am mistaken, but you are looking at different teams in different leagues. Maybe the league in the second screenshot (Campeonato AFP plan vital) doesn't have that rule?

Edit: Also, at the bottom-right of the second screenshot you have "Campeonato AFP plan vital" selected. Probably that's why it is showing you the rules of that campeonato. Try to change it there to primera division chilena

Edited by el_manayer
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Thanks for answering... Indeed, the first screenshot is from the game I started in the beta (I was playing as La Calera in the Chile league) and the second one is from the current version (I am playing as Palestino in the Chile league, but I have downloaded the real names patch). I don't have an earlier screenshot from this Palestino save.

That being said, the issue remains. In this Palestino save, a couple of days ago, I could perfectly see that indicator that now is missing (I just don't have a screenshot). This indicator was also present in the Tactics view and now is gone, but when you check the league rules the rule remains, and once in a month I get an email remembering me about this rule.

Edited by aguaacrobata
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