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FM23_Ref Pic on Inbox Items


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Has anyone managed it?

Specifically on the file attached in my case, but anywhere tbh.

Tried directly pasting code into the file, but that didn't seem to work. So have now gone the route of creating a dynamic image (also attached).

Have tried numerous, multiple ID's and layouts and nothing seems to work.

I am thinking there must be a way, I just need the right ID's and structure.

Any help appreciated.


inbox content with match preview panel.xml ref pic.xml

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I'm doing away with dynamic images as I do not believe they are required.

I have added club badges to the main bulk of code in "inbox content with match preview panel" with the structure below, so figured I could do the same for a ref pic.

Here is the code I believed should work with a picture for the referee, but alas, still nothing.

<widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="FRef" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="centre" width="65" height="65"/>

The widget is being read, as i have a blank space 65x65, where I put the code (just replaced the code pointing to the custom dynamic image), but no image is being shown.

I def have the image as it shows on the referee panel.

"FRef" should grab the details of the ref for the match. But it isn't.

Any thoughts?

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The game can pull ALL info on the ref scheduled to officiate the upcoming match. I’m not trying to put info on the screen that inherently doesn’t want to be there, I believe.

I just want his ugly mug under his name! But having tried every combination I can think of with widget structure his face just doesn’t show.

It just strikes me as odd.

I’m on a mission to rejig inbox panels. It’s frankly … nuts.

Would like to tick this off, one way or another.


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I don't really use dynamic images, so this is a complete stab in the dark - but could it because you've got two sets of dynamic images in the file?  Maybe you can change the container id for the ref picture?

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Thanks for responding.

Actually yes. Having two sets of dynamic images in one file CAN mess it up a bit. I tried adding yet another dynamic image to the container that holds the fixture text and it stopped reading the first dynamic image. This makes sense to me. I think the game will read the latter of the same ID’s in a block of panel code.

Adding a dynamic image to the ref container didn’t have this affect though, (not showing the first dynamic image) although it didn’t show it’s self either!

I have moved away from the dynamic image approach for this issue and am hoping to be able to add the image widget directly into the inbox item’s code now.

Will try and mess around with the ID for the ref container some more.

Thanks for extra eyes!

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