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[Suggestion] Simple contract/transfer QoL update


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I'm sure everyone has been in this situation before - you're trying to sign a new player, you agree a price with the other club, go in to the contract screen - and you don't have enough money to offer the contract. You have no choice but to walk away from the negotiation, and now the player is upset at you and refuses to speak to you again for several weeks.

It's so frustrating. This happens all the time, and at times when we know that we can afford the transfer. Just let us offer the contract and use the "Delay / Cancel / Update Budgets" screen for confirmation if the money isn't there at the end of the transfer.

Usually the money isn't there because the transfer relies on selling another player at the same time. Maybe the money isn't there because I'm offering on multiple players, and don't expect to win them all. Sometimes it's just because my money is in my transfer budget, and for some reason the budgets are locked from moving - the money is literally in the budget I just can't touch it.

This is genuinely one of the most frustrating interactions in FM and it feels so illogical and easily fixed.


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