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Does 'Pass into space' work with much shorter passing?

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25 minutes ago, Vanchatron said:

I've been having a lot of trouble recently with keeping possession and often end games with around 30% possession or so.  So I figured it may be worth switching to very short passing so that I can keep the ball better.  Whether this is the right option or not, I don't know.

Anyway, I run 433 and also want my wingers to 'get in behind' so I've turned on the 'pass into space' option in the hopes that it'll make my wingers make runs past the opposition's back line.  The thing I've been wondering though is will it work with having my team setup for much shorter passing, as I'm assuming any ball played in behind would probably not count as a "short" pass and would be more kind of direct and long.  So will the 'pass into space' and 'much shorter passing' options cancel each other out or are they okay to run at the same time?


You should ask in the Tactics forum - those guys know their beans. But I'd say it's a bit of a contradiction.

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