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*Official* Football Manager 2023 Feedback Thread

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Depois de ler o tópico, e ver os cabeçalhos dos jogos, fui dar uma olhada no último que ganhei contra o Liverpool.
e realmente a quantidade de cabeceios no jogo é absurdamente alta!
e eu tenho a teoria de que isso está impactando totalmente no resultado da partida.
se você tiver um alto ZG e MC = grande chance de ganhar.

Sim, meu jogo é em PT, salve do Brasil o/



Edited by Marcelouw
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1 hour ago, Nick_CB said:

Hi Neil. The problem with this bug is not just the "numbers", but what is happening in the game for them to be excessively high. The game almost doesn't exist in midfield or close to the box because players tend to throw balls at players' heads even from short distances. In addition to significantly affecting the rate of players.

Fm23 has many positive aspects when it comes to animation. However, those aspects of the game that go against the decision-making of the players are negatively affecting my experience.

Right, headers are a symptom of the problem, not the cause.

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3 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

Like everything we're trying to balance the match engine to make it the most realistic representation of football possible. We're aware of certain areas that don't align with real life that we're investigating. However, as always with these, we won't look to make changes which risk the integrity of the match engine's overall balance, so have to work to find the best overall outcome. Whilst of course we'd want everything to be perfect, imagine you'd agree that FM players would much rather the number of headers be too high than other major aspects, such as scorelines for instance, be completely inaccurate.   

Even the most minor changes to the ME can have knock-ons elsewhere, so any changes have to be extremely considered and heavily tested before they can be considered for an update. 

Really appreciate response like this , I get that it’s a balancing act but have you never thought that maybe it’s about time to build a new match engine from the ground up ? So that adjustments could be made easier by your team and so that it doesn’t upset the balance of other parts of the Match engine by making changes? 

I would imagine its hard to make adjustments now since it’s practically the same 3d match engine from FM 2009 with additional code/features every year added to it , that has made it very difficult for you guys to make the changes needed to improve the game? 

P.S please fix the overly diva players , id imagine Arsenal would be tough to manage now with all the recent signings bound to have cry babies not starting 10 out of 10 games. 

Edited by jlboybeamer
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I dont like to complain too much about fm, it gives me a lot of joy, regardles of bugs and glitches here and there, BUT !

What really annoys me is that every free kick from the line from penalty box is a clear goal, I've experienced it like literally every match. As soon as I see free kick from line on penalty box, I know its goal, every frickin time. Anyone else experiencing the same ? Is it possibly a bug or something ? I can also upload the save and tell you the matches and goals i'm reffering too. I am not quite sure if its just bad luck (unreal bad luck) or is something wrong with free kicks from line of penalty box.

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9 minutes ago, blejdek said:

I dont like to complain too much about fm, it gives me a lot of joy, regardles of bugs and glitches here and there, BUT !

What really annoys me is that every free kick from the line from penalty box is a clear goal, I've experienced it like literally every match. As soon as I see free kick from line on penalty box, I know its goal, every frickin time. Anyone else experiencing the same ? Is it possibly a bug or something ? I can also upload the save and tell you the matches and goals i'm reffering too. I am not quite sure if its just bad luck (unreal bad luck) or is something wrong with free kicks from line of penalty box.

Which highlight level do you use?  I've definitely seen those hit the top of the wall, be saved or comeback off the crossbar on comprehensive , so they're not guaranteed goals, but they are always threatening so under key highlights maybe they're always seen as goals.

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6 minutes ago, rp1966 said:

Which highlight level do you use?  I've definitely seen those hit the top of the wall, be saved or comeback off the crossbar on comprehensive , so they're not guaranteed goals, but they are always threatening so under key highlights maybe they're always seen as goals.

Im watching all matches on comprehensive.

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46 minutes ago, Sunstrikuuu said:

But you can understand why people ask for it when they're told the ME's complexity is the obstacle to fixing things that are acknowledged to be issues, right?

I expected optimisation of the ME to make it more manageable to be part of the development of the women's game - if they are going to need to tune MEs to support play in both men's and women's games they are going to need to be able to better control outcomes than at present.  

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Just now, rp1966 said:

Strange.  I know exactly which free kicks you mean as I'm always nervous when one is given against me.

Its just so frustrating. Lost one match and draw another one in the fight against demotion. Where I draw the opponent hit 2 free kicks from line of penalty box, both freaking goals, the last one I lost 1-0, against from goal from the line of penalty box, again freaking goal. 

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13 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

This is something that's easily said/asked. I'm not Neil and I don't work for SI, but just to give you an idea of the scale of the ME - 

It contains 2-3 million lines of code. That code allows it to calculate (it's a disservice to call it a giant calculator, but that's how I think of it) several decisions (I can't remember exactly how many) per second for the 22 players on the pitch and a full 90 minute match to play out and not only generate realistic scorelines, but also fairly realistic detailed stats (and it'll be different if you compare the EPL to the VNN, to other countries, IRL and FM) over that 90 mins. And trust me, SI do compare match stats (team and player stats) from multiple leagues around the world to what's generated in-game. No other football game (to my knowledge) has done that - simulate a realistic 90 mins. You don't just throw that away.

Over the years, sections of the ME, both small and large were overhauled or re-written. I don't know where SI stands on this, to make it clear, but there isn't another ME that's close to it. I'm not saying it's perfect and there aren't areas that can be improved, because there certainly are, but (again, IMO) you build on something that's good - you don't get rid of it.

I understand your point but clearly there’s something wrong if a change breaks the rest of the game engine. Something has to change. Since some of the bugs have now existed in consecutive editions of the games. What you’re practically saying at this point is that the bugs can’t be fixed because it will break the rest of the game , accept it. Which is lazy excuse. 

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15 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

This is something that's easily said/asked. I'm not Neil and I don't work for SI, but just to give you an idea of the scale of the ME - 

It contains 2-3 million lines of code. That code allows it to calculate (it's a disservice to call it a giant calculator, but that's how I think of it) several decisions (I can't remember exactly how many) per second for the 22 players on the pitch and a full 90 minute match to play out and not only generate realistic scorelines, but also fairly realistic detailed stats (and it'll be different if you compare the EPL to the VNN, to other countries, IRL and FM) over that 90 mins. And trust me, SI do compare match stats (team and player stats) from multiple leagues around the world to what's generated in-game. No other football game (to my knowledge) has done that - simulate a realistic 90 mins. You don't just throw that away.

Over the years, sections of the ME, both small and large were overhauled or re-written. I don't know where SI stands on this, to make it clear, but there isn't another ME that's close to it. I'm not saying it's perfect and there aren't areas that can be improved, because there certainly are, but (again, IMO) you build on something that's good - you don't get rid of it.

Come on now, millions lines of code :D...

Facebook is not build with millions lines of code, if you count only typed code ( no dynamic generated code or frameworks, libraries)

Yes the ME is complex but the whole premise of the ME needs to be reworked grounds up.....let attributes decide outcomes not other variables....

Like for instance the million headers per match, that means that in simple terms either the players make awful decisions ( even those players with good mental attributes making the attributes irelevant ) or they lack vision to see a ground pass, again making their attributes irelevant.....or they lack passing skill even players with high passing making their attributes irelevant etc.....

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12 minutes ago, FM1000 said:

Come on now, millions lines of code :D...

Facebook is not build with millions lines of code, if you count only typed code ( no dynamic generated code or frameworks, libraries)

Yes the ME is complex but the whole premise of the ME needs to be reworked grounds up.....let attributes decide outcomes not other variables....

Like for instance the million headers per match, that means that in simple terms either the players make awful decisions ( even those players with good mental attributes making the attributes irelevant ) or they lack vision to see a ground pass, again making their attributes irelevant.....or they lack passing skill even players with high passing making their attributes irelevant etc.....

Yeah, and also, if the match engine really has millions of lines of code, then it's pretty much unmaintainable at this point, and it's no wonder it takes ages for them for the simplest tweaks.

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2 hours ago, FM1000 said:

Come on now, millions lines of code :D...

Facebook is not build with millions lines of code, if you count only typed code ( no dynamic generated code or frameworks, libraries)

Yes the ME is complex but the whole premise of the ME needs to be reworked grounds up.....let attributes decide outcomes not other variables....

Like for instance the million headers per match, that means that in simple terms either the players make awful decisions ( even those players with good mental attributes making the attributes irelevant ) or they lack vision to see a ground pass, again making their attributes irelevant.....or they lack passing skill even players with high passing making their attributes irelevant etc.....

But other varibles in Football do decide outcomes all the time . Weather , Crowd , fitness , Well being , The coach , Staff , Cohesions , Other players etc etc etc . The best attributes in the world wont make you a great Player or a great Team unless you have all the right ingrediants 

Edited by alian62
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12 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

The ME is not several years behind anything - there's no other product that produces such a realistic simulation of football over ninety minutes. At some point it may be worth asking why have so few people/studios been successful in creating one? 

Seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding in this thread to how complex and difficult coding something like this is.  Newer does not always mean better.

I don't know if you have some tools designed inside the team, but I think some kind of sandbox where you can artificially place players on the pitch, place the ball where you want, fire up the debugger and just watch and see why a player chooses to give the ball to the head of another player...

This way you won't need pkms you could recreate any scenario on the pitch.

And ability to rewind and start the play again and again.


This sandbox could be modified to be the new training module where we can see players in training and how they react to a certain situation or tactical setting.

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10 hours ago, esca said:

Is there any statement from SI team how they will implement this Chelsea contract strategy in the game?

Are we also able to offer more than 5 years ( not included extension ofc ) contract in the future?

Some of you guys are crazy and please don't take this as an attack on you but the situation just happened and it's not something that happens frequently in football and you're already asking for it meanwhile in most countries the rule is 5 years and it seems FIFA are trying to come up with rules to stop that.

Give it some time. If it's something every premier league club starts doing then yes you can make an argument for it being in the game but this is just one case of it 

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I still can't believe that 3(or more?) years later, they still haven't fixed the bug where the players you sign at the beginning of July count as last year's transfers, and part of the last year's total spending. 

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38 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

We've got a number of internal tools that allow us to do a whole host of experiments and visualisation. One of my favourites is a tool that shows all the lines of thought/pass for individual players when on the ball. Depending on their available attributes (so decisions, passing, vision etc) it'll show a lot more options for top calibre players. 

PKMs allow us to view specific incidents within the engine, so we can walk through with said tools to see why a decision or mistake was made. Do bear in mind we need to have players making mistakes in game. Playing poorly conceived passes or failing with technique. There's just of course a difference between a mistake made by mistake and a mistake made due to a bug/issue. 

What I wouldn't give to see lines of thought for a pass, it would cure so many of my headaches :D

Also regarding the lines of code, the project that I work on is currently on 3.5 million....I just counted with a python script, a lot more than I expected :)

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20 minutes ago, FM1000 said:

What I wouldn't give to see lines of thought for a pass, it would cure so many of my headaches :D

Also regarding the lines of code, the project that I work on is currently on 3.5 million....I just counted with a python script, a lot more than I expected :)

I think you can see snippets of it in the headline features video.



If that is the same, I have no idea, it just seemed likely to me.

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1 hour ago, Neil Brock said:

The ME is not several years behind anything - there's no other product that produces such a realistic simulation of football over ninety minutes. At some point it may be worth asking why have so few people/studios been successful in creating one? 

Seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding in this thread to how complex and difficult coding something like this is.  Newer does not always mean better.

Can you in all honestly look back 5 years and say the ME has changed/evolved significantly in a positive manner? My point still stands.

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1 hour ago, xenomorphing said:

Can you in all honestly look back 5 years and say the ME has changed/evolved significantly in a positive manner? My point still stands.

Yes definitely has . The issue i see is syncing the animations of the player to what the ME is doing . When a player doesn't seem to want the ball when running for it 

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4 hours ago, xenomorphing said:

Can you in all honestly look back 5 years and say the ME has changed/evolved significantly in a positive manner? My point still stands.

Yes, I thought FM22's was the best in a while.  23's is a step back from that, but that doesn't mean the overall trajectory from 2018-2023 isn't positive.  My criticisms of 23, and there are many, and my criticisms of 22, and there were many, are and were primarily focused on the bits of the game outside the match engine, which in many cases have either not improved when improvement was needed or have gotten worse.

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vor 53 Minuten schrieb coh2009:

This may be a silly question but when I do team talks at half time and make substitutions they don’t happen until play stops in the second half. I can’t see a confirm button or am I completely missing it ?

Starting second half acts as confirm - if not you have found a bug.

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3 hours ago, Sunstrikuuu said:

Yes, I thought FM22's was the best in a while.  23's is a step back from that, but that doesn't mean the overall trajectory from 2018-2023 isn't positive.  My criticisms of 23, and there are many, and my criticisms of 22, and there were many, are and were primarily focused on the bits of the game outside the match engine, which in many cases have either not improved when improvement was needed or have gotten worse.

yeah I agree with this. 22 was a load of fun for me and I honestly haven't had any fun on 23 since the BETA. I can see how the ME has evolved, although it's a shame that other parts of the game have regressed.

Last time I played this game was late December, which shows how little I enjoy it right now. Hopefully the next update makes this game more enjoyable, but I can only see myself buying FM24 if they add the women's game/actually add some features of value.

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15 hours ago, xenomorphing said:

Seems like you don't either.

I doubt the "million lines of code" is true at all, but lets just pretend that it is, then this just means that the code is very outdated and at this point completely unmanagable. Large updates are going to be impossible because of this messy spaghetti and because of the use of outdated practices. At some point an old engine is pushed to its limits and needs a completely new modernized version. It's no secret that FM is already behind several years on modern game standards (graphics, ME, lack of proper multithreading..). 

The question is at what point is this going to be updated to post 2020 standards, rather than mid 2000s.

I think something like this should've gotten priority over adding and scouting women leagues which frankly the vast majority of players will never care about. Just like  the "new features" this year.

Android has 12-15 million lines of code depending on your build.

Facebook had ~60 million lines of code if you don't include the backend.

Your average modern car has about 10 million lines of code total in all devices, but as vehicles get more wired, this will go up.

Chrome has 6.7 million lines of code.

Now, if you want to argue as to whether or not Chrome uses all those lines of code when you have it open, then that's a valid argument.  I would bet if the ME was about 3 million lines of code, it isn't using all of them either, for a variety of reasons.



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10 minutes ago, Jellico73 said:

Chrome has 6.7 million lines of code.

And 6,699,999 of those lines are exclusively dedicated to running as many parallel processes as possible to hog your RAM :lol:

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No one ever here - I am enjoying the FM23 ME. Never got on with FM22 and had been playing FM21 until the Christmas week. Happy I have switched to FM23.

Ofc it still has bugs and dumb behaviour and interactions, and the mono-brows, but for me it's a definite improvement over the previous iterations.

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2 hours ago, Jasas636963 said:

Why have Chelsea got a transfer budget of £15million also will there be an update with all

transfer from January deadline day 

when the winter update comes out will include all jan transfers …chelsea 15 million budget imo probally because chelsea spent big in the summer and i dont think anyone new at the time the amount of money the new owners were going to inject  into the team they have so far 

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Can someone from SI clarify if youth development and the AI’s issue with not picking young players anywhere near often enough, who are clearly good enough, for the first team AND national teams, is being looked at for the next update please?

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