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*Official* Football Manager 2023 Feedback Thread

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10 hours ago, theinfamousmielie said:

Yet another year (4th year running of me reporting it) where a fundamental and basic issue of staff numbers has been reported and not fixed.

Why does a club have more staff than they're allowed at the start of the game. That's the staff, it's not made up. So the club hired these people (especially those on contracts!) and yet somehow it doesn't fit into their expected numbers.

I'm a programmer, but it doesn't take a programmer to understand this.

if (startOfGame === true) {
    if (numberOfCoaches > allowedCoaches) {
        allowedCoaches = numberOfCoaches

Obviously there's a bit more to it than that, I'm not naive ... but come on, really? 4 game versions _since I've reported it_ and it's still not addressed? 

What is the point in these "betas" if you're not going to fix the issues that are brought up in them?

This really messes up the starts of a save, every year. So frustrating.

Could someone tell me if this is ever going to be fixed and if so, when? This way, I can stop buying the game in hopes that my support means it's more likely that actual improvement will occur!

(And yes, I did post this on the bug tracker - it's a "known issue" ... thanks ... https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/dynamics-interactions-press-conferences-club-vision-supporter-confidence-staff-appointments-meetings/maximum-staff-numbers-at-start-of-game-too-low-at-some-clubs-have-22-scouts-max-allowed-is-16-have-9-coaches-max-allowed-is-5-r9441/



As someone who very rarely manages big clubs from the off, this one honestly has me speechless, and it's very very alarming to see the response in the bug tracker.

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1 hour ago, HighFlyingDwarf said:

I have to say, even as someone who doesn't generally buy the in game editor, the decision to increase the price is flat out absurd. How much extra revenue is that really going to bring in. I mean, really?

It might be a Sega decision and here you all are shouting at SI. We're also in a period of heavy inflation. Prices for a lot of things have risen, and that effects development too.

58 minutes ago, greenz81 said:

Its true... ive been lurking these forums since 2003 and never seen such backlash on release day. The frustration is, people were advised to use bug tracker... they did... nothing happened!

That's not true, is it? The introductory posts say stuff happened but didn't happen quite the way they wanted. There's always been significant unconstructive whining on this forum.

Am I entirely happy? No. There are things I have pointed out this beta period that have been issues for a number of FM editions and there have been things with the current release features that I didn't like.

a) I don't believe it is a simple thing to 'fix' new ideas this late in the day

b) The ME is even more a case of this, and they have explained one of the things they tried to improve. No doubt if they changed it the mob would complain that they changed it.

c) and here is the big one. People will play anyway, the game's not super broken from what I have seen (the ME will never be perfect and no one should expect it to be so) and people will get 100s of hours from FM23. Very few games give such terrific value for money

I wish SI were a lot more transparent and provided a lot more engagement with fans. The introductory posts were a good start but I would like more. My other big game atm is Satisfactory and Coffee Stain engage with the fans on such a high level that they make SI look like pariahs.

After the trailer I applauded SI on them getting City stars to advertise the game. I also suggested this was a start to get new people playing FM. I do, however, think they need to tidy up a lot of UI issues in the game and probably add a few things to bring the game more accessible. I'#ve been thinking a lot about it and may just add some ideas when I have more free time.

The fact of the matter is that I don't think FM23 is worth as much moaning as we're seeing, but fans do seem to want everything in this decade.

I'm a glass half full person but I just see FM as a game I will get hundreds of hours from every year. I see it as a work in progress game that we pay an annual subscription for. People ask for subscriptions but I reckon you'd pay more for it than you do now under that scheme. Getting it on Xbox can do that for people though.

Conclusion: I'd like more additions, I'd like long time issues fixed or improved and I'd like more communication and even more transparency from SI. But, I thought the beta was fine. There were issues with the new features but they are introductory and I'll accept them as a fresh idea. I can get round issues, as I have done in previous editions. I know I will still get huge value for money from FM this year. For me, that's enough. 

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12 minutes ago, anagain said:

It might be a Sega decision and here you all are shouting at SI. We're also in a period of heavy inflation. Prices for a lot of things have risen, and that effects development too.

Surely if it affects the price of development it's a SI decision based on their assessment of the cost/gain implications? edit: (same as any other feature??)

I have no idea, I'm not going to debate the ins and outs of that, but one of the trending items on the FM subreddit is "Editor being £7 is a p******e" and it's once again mostly negative reviews for the in game editor on steam. I don't think this is justified or fair based on the development time going into it, but still, come on?

Edited by HighFlyingDwarf
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2 hours ago, CoffeeFueledCurmudgeon said:

When you refund it, but can't resist the romance of a few hours of FM on winter nights, so you buy it again anyway.

And this is why things will never change!

Not a slight on you directly mate, your money and your time and not on me or anyone to dictate what you should do with it. 

Things ain't ever gone change if its just snapped up year on year on year. But thems the breaks. We all accept mediocrity, so be it!

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1 ora fa, CoffeeFueledCurmudgeon ha scritto:

Well, yeah, obviously using that renders the rest of the game a waste of time, but each to their own :D

The beauty of a single player game is that each person can enjoy it in it's own way.

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34 minutes ago, CoffeeFueledCurmudgeon said:

You realise, and I'm not entirely happy with the game myself, that not everything raised is fixed on release day but rather in a forthcoming patch? I mean, it seems theres a lot to fix, and while I don't want to trigger the 'unpaid bugtesters brigade', it probably wasn't all integrated into whatever changes were made today.

I know, and I trust the people at SI don't just sit around doing nothing but still I can be disappointed with what we got.

This is the 3rd year in a row that some youth structures of the two countries that i follow are not in game, I cannot imagine how may more is not correct.

Every year i get the same response: different priorities, well if I then see this morning that the Youth Champions league qual. patch has still the wrong clubs, but i can choose a ring on every finger, i do see we have different priorities.

Of course, i know that is not a fair comparison, but when frustrated we are not always fair.


And Patches, 2 years ago the then new Dutch U 18 division wasn't in game, it took till the February update before this competition and his staff was in the game, so that hold you back from starting a game in NL for over 4 months.

For me, takes away al lot of fun if the youth is not correct or present in one of my 2 favorite clubs.

I would apricate it if SI can comment, and indeed say: didn't make it, but expect the correction in the next patch, or the one in Feb, then at least I know what we are up against, (they did so with the Dutch U18 comp) 


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47 minutes ago, HighFlyingDwarf said:

Could someone tell me if this is ever going to be fixed and if so, when? This way, I can stop buying the game in hopes that my support means it's more likely that actual improvement will occur!

Sorry to say, but i have this same feeling.

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59 minutes ago, diLLa88 said:

Not true. The general consensus last year was that the ME was heaps better compared to FM21.

There is so much stuff lacking and broken this year, and nothing of it is adressed on release day. Then why bother with a beta? It's actually disrespectful to keep suggesting to spend our time adressing the issues in the bug tracker, just to be completely ignored.

Well, if you search last years thread for words like "ME is broken" or "Unplayable" you get pages upon pages with people saying its broken/unplayable. I was here last years as well, I remember it quite vividly. Also search function: https://community.sigames.com/search/?q=me broken unplayable&quick=1&type=forums_topic&item=558883

I'm not sure you've paid enough attention if you feel reported bugs not being replied to is because they're being completely ignored, the staff here has been quite clear on the fact that they do read everything even though everythings not being answered. And explains why they cant fix everything without new problems appearing.

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11 hours ago, theinfamousmielie said:

Yet another year (4th year running of me reporting it) where a fundamental and basic issue of staff numbers has been reported and not fixed.

Why does a club have more staff than they're allowed at the start of the game. That's the staff, it's not made up. So the club hired these people (especially those on contracts!) and yet somehow it doesn't fit into their expected numbers.

I'm a programmer, but it doesn't take a programmer to understand this.

if (startOfGame === true) {
    if (numberOfCoaches > allowedCoaches) {
        allowedCoaches = numberOfCoaches

Obviously there's a bit more to it than that, I'm not naive ... but come on, really? 4 game versions _since I've reported it_ and it's still not addressed? 

What is the point in these "betas" if you're not going to fix the issues that are brought up in them?

This really messes up the starts of a save, every year. So frustrating.

Could someone tell me if this is ever going to be fixed and if so, when? This way, I can stop buying the game in hopes that my support means it's more likely that actual improvement will occur!

(And yes, I did post this on the bug tracker - it's a "known issue" ... thanks ... https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/dynamics-interactions-press-conferences-club-vision-supporter-confidence-staff-appointments-meetings/maximum-staff-numbers-at-start-of-game-too-low-at-some-clubs-have-22-scouts-max-allowed-is-16-have-9-coaches-max-allowed-is-5-r9441/



Something is amiss.

That something as fundamentally flawed and as basic as this can go unaddressed for so long is mind boggling. It's just one of many examples as well. Literally breaks my heart to read some of the frustrations this time around, people should be diving into another year of escapism at a time when lets be frank, we all need a bit that.......

Edited by janrzm
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49 minutes ago, HighFlyingDwarf said:

Surely if it affects the price of development it's a SI decision based on their assessment of the cost/gain implications? edit: (same as any other feature??)

I have no idea, I'm not going to debate the ins and outs of that, but one of the trending items on the FM subreddit is "Editor being £7 is a p******e" and it's once again mostly negative reviews for the in game editor on steam. I don't think this is justified or fair based on the development time going into it, but still, come on?

I am sure the development of all games is different but I play a lot of games and quite often see sugegstions that publishers are the one pushing for release dates and prices.

I don't think £7 is a lot tbh. And it's had just 78 reviews. To me that sums up how few people use it. For comparison, there have been over 2k reviews for the base game on Steam and the reviews are very positive.

What I think people have to remember is that for every one person making complaints or posting feedback there are a lot of people (I wouldn't like to say how many, could be 10 or 100) just playing the game and never feeling the need to post anything. The reason? They're just happy Football Managing? That doesn't mean people can't have a view, and I respect that right. but I think the grumbling here is often excessive.

Like I say, glass half full person. :D

Wish I had more time to play midweek now. :)

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29 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

Well, if you search last years thread for words like "ME is broken" or "Unplayable" you get pages upon pages with people saying its broken/unplayable. I was here last years as well, I remember it quite vividly. Also search function: https://community.sigames.com/search/?q=me broken unplayable&quick=1&type=forums_topic&item=558883

I'm not sure you've paid enough attention if you feel reported bugs not being replied to is because they're being completely ignored, the staff here has been quite clear on the fact that they do read everything even though everythings not being answered. And explains why they cant fix everything without new problems appearing.

I wasn't aware they just hired a bunch of readers. There are plenty of issues (ME aside) that have been there for multiple years and that have been adressed in the bug section for multiple years as well.

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1 hour ago, HighFlyingDwarf said:

As someone who very rarely manages big clubs from the off, this one honestly has me speechless, and it's very very alarming to see the response in the bug tracker.

Yeah, I just saw that response. I've responded in kind with my suggestion. Obviously I don't know the codebase but I'm not asking for total rewrites, I'm asking for a multi-year old bug to be fixed, and I'm even offering a way for how to do it - it shouldn't be anywhere near as hard as suggested and if it is then I think they ought to scrap the codebase and start from scratch because it's clearly worse than the 15 year old monolithic legacy hellscape of a PHP webapp I toil away on for my day-job. And I thought that couldn't be beaten. :D

My reply:



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I've started a new save in the Vanarama North and, having disabled transfer activity in the first window, I just realised I'm unable to sign anyone basically this season, not even free transfers - presumably because the window is open all the way until end of March before it re-opens in the summer.

I get that this is technically correct, as this is still the first transfer window for the league, but not being able to sign players even in January is probably not what the feature is there for. Perhaps a better workaround can be to set a date after which transfers can be made?

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16 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

You did - and I did too for the last few weeks. Turns out you have two ears - and two hands. You have to remove the bling from both of them!

How do I remove an earring? Can't seem to find the option anywhere. Can only see ring or watch in accessories but nothing about earrings.

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26 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

The Squad Planner not including trialists or non-contract players is a massive oversight.  Especially as the Squad Depth screen is now gone, not having these players showing makes these screens basically useless for people playing in non-league or other smaller leagues where non-contract players are more common.

The squad planner which held so much potential IMO has been so poorly executed as to render it almost useless. It's such a missed opportunity and I maintain it could and should be a core element of anyone's save if they just listen to the feedback in here and implement it correctly. 

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22 hours ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

Yes, the exact options available to you will depend on your screen resolution, but you should have the same options as in FM22.

I dont have the same options has i had in 21 or 22 ( they gave me six scale options )

With 23, i am only getting one scale option

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1 hour ago, Robbie51991 said:

How do I remove an earring? Can't seem to find the option anywhere. Can only see ring or watch in accessories but nothing about earrings.

Repeated from my comment in the early access feedback


- My new manager has a ring on. I want to remove this.
- I press the ring button. This takes me to a screen with two hands, one with no rings, one with a ring and "Applied" above it. What does this represent? Presumably, because humans have two hands, one represents the hand without and the other the hand with the ring. So I press the hand with "Applied" and the ring on.
- This page takes me to a page with a hand selection and rings on all the fingers. Okay, a bit finicky, making it a bit difficult here but I shall persevere. I choose the hand with the ring on and press the finger that the ring is on. There is no applied header above this option. Nothing happens when I press it.
- I press cancel, because that doesn't seem to do anything. This takes me back to the main manager creation page. I go back into the ring page. I select the other hand button
- Again I get a hand selection and no rings on any fingers. I select the hand and finger that I don't want a ring on. FINALLY IT'S REMOVED.

Even worse, this is duplicated with the other accessories like watches. So someone actually thought "Yes, this system works so well, that we actually want to replicate it for multiple different elements".

Yes it really is this bad.

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12 minutes ago, d d said:

Is there anyway i can make the scaling 100% on the preference screen.

Thank You.

Does scaling not change the size of the text in preferences then? Is that what you mean? 

Try changing the scaling, save then close and reopen preferences.

100% would be default though, wouldn't it. Think bigger only goes to 150% of default. 

Sorry if I misunderstood. 

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18 minutes ago, anagain said:

Does scaling not change the size of the text in preferences then? Is that what you mean? 

Try changing the scaling, save then close and reopen preferences.

100% would be default though, wouldn't it. Think bigger only goes to 150% of default. 

Sorry if I misunderstood. 

On the game preference screen, on FM23, it's only give me 85% On FM21, and FM22 I was getting 85%, 95% and then 100 %. That was perfect because i could zoom in more, The text was larger.

Thank You for your help.

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An observation regarding the UEFA licences.

I really like the presentation with the draws and match-days but wonder why the screens for the competition don’t have the same look? I think SI missed a beat here - it would really add to the immersion if all the CL screens for example were shown in the same format rather than going back to whatever skin you have loaded. 

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Noticed that just like FM22, people who are favoured personnel at clubs/icons etc are far more favourable to join a club as manager when perhaps their ability/reputation doesn't match.

In a tester save I noticed Neil Harris go back to Millwall, Wrexham's Phil Parkinson head back to Reading, Neil Lennon get the Leicester job and Nigel Pearson linked with it. Seems very heavily weighted to those kinds of moves when perhaps it doesnt't ought to be.

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On 08/11/2022 at 08:06, Jack Joyce said:

With the full version of FM23 now available, we thought it might be helpful if we gave you a quick update on our short-term plans for the match engine.

While the current match engine is the same one that featured in the Early Access Beta, this doesn't mean that we’re not working on improvements. In fact, we're currently in the process of taking on board the feedback we received from Beta players and looking to incorporate this in a forthcoming major update. We have however, included some animation tweaks with the aim of improving immersion, which as an example, means you'll be less likely to see keepers making odd looking saves with their feet. 

Making changes to the match engine is a delicate and complex business. Changes that we make often result in unforeseen knock-ons that we need to chase down and fix... and those fixes then often have their own knock-on effects as well. In a recent internal update we had an engine that ‘felt’ really good and played really nicely… except that central defenders were racking up 200+ passes in some matches, which is unrealistically high. As soon as we discovered that we had to 'go back in' to address that issue without, of course, losing the parts we liked.

Although we're happy with the engine in the current game, we’re confident that we can improve on it with the right update, but we need a bit more time to make sure we balance things out. Thanks for all of your feedback so far, it’s been and continues to be incredibly useful.

The Match Team

Hello Match Team,

Do we have a thread for reporting match engine related issues or offering suggestions?


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23 minutes ago, 寸身辛木 said:

Hello Match Team,

Do we have a thread for reporting match engine related issues or offering suggestions?


There's a section in the bug tracker dedicated to reporting issues relating to the ME: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/753_match-engine-ai-and-tactics/

Please go through the pinned topic so that you are aware of what SI need to be able to investigate a reported issue.

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7 hours ago, kokafalasi said:

I've started a new save in the Vanarama North and, having disabled transfer activity in the first window, I just realised I'm unable to sign anyone basically this season, not even free transfers - presumably because the window is open all the way until end of March before it re-opens in the summer.

I get that this is technically correct, as this is still the first transfer window for the league, but not being able to sign players even in January is probably not what the feature is there for. Perhaps a better workaround can be to set a date after which transfers can be made?

I believe that setting goes off of the top division window. I’m in the vanarama south and was able to start signing players on Sep 2nd. 

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5 hours ago, kiingallen said:

It’s a sad day. 

for the first time in over 20 years, it’s come to the point of requesting a refund. Never in my life have I ever thought it would get to this point. 
but I’m truly disappointed in the way this release has turned out, and even the build. 

from feeling underwhelmed at the “headline features” barring the UEFA licensing, and the new ME. To the lack of changes from Beta to full release (ZERO in case of the ME). 
I cannot continue to support this. 

this hurts to write, as I’ve been a loyal buyer for over 20 years! But this is the final straw for me. 

I’ll keep an eye out for any future updates, and perhaps consider things from there.

but until then,


im out


You read to many negatives and not enough positives . If you read the headline they do say that from Beta to Full release there has been some ME changes mainly the goalkeeper . This is one they have done with many to come ....( While the current match engine is the same one that featured in the Early Access Beta, this doesn't mean that we’re not working on improvements. In fact, we're currently in the process of taking on board the feedback we received from Beta players and looking to incorporate this in a forthcoming major update. We have however, included some animation tweaks with the aim of improving immersion, which as an example, means you'll be less likely to see keepers making odd looking saves with their feet. 


So there has not been no updates has there ? Coming out of Covid lockdowns there has probably been a lot of distruptions to this years game more than the previous 2 as they were probably mostly done anyways . 

Its your choice to get a refund but i dont see the point when some upgrades are on the way . The ME is vastly improved IMO and although some headline features might not be my cup of tea i think it is a very good release .....


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8 hours ago, BrightLad5 said:

SI can’t keep hiding behind the “value for money” line. Because it’s cheap means that they shouldn’t strive to make it better? Cause that’s how it comes across when they use this line, like an excuse. A justification of a substandard “new” game release. “You get what you pay for” may as well be their line :lol:

Also, the value for money point implies that more hours spent playing a game is a positive thing. But time is also an investment on top of the price of the game itself. Not every minute spent playing FM is enjoyable. If anything, the time spent playing the game is a risk -- a risk that any of us might feel as if we wasted time on a game that ultimately let us down. If you spend 100 hours getting into a save, setting it up for those magical payoffs that FM can provide, but on hour 101 you encounter something that destroys your enjoyment of the game then you're not going to come away thinking it was time well spent.

A 4-season TV series is not better than a 1-season TV series simply because you end up watching more episodes of it. That's not how entertainment works.

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5 hours ago, d d said:

On the game preference screen, on FM23, it's only give me 85% On FM21, and FM22 I was getting 85%, 95% and then 100 %. That was perfect because i could zoom in more, The text was larger.

Thank You for your help.

I see. I am sure the option is there, at least it was in beta because I always zoom to 110%. I'm not in front of the game atm but is it not in User Interface?

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10 hours ago, steviemay17 said:

From playing the Beta and looking at some of the social media output over the past few weeks, I do think it's reasonable to say that both of these things are true:

1) The game is outstanding value for money, I'll rack up hundreds if not thousands of hours for a £35 purchase, it's easily the best value entertainment purchase I'll make each year in terms of what I have to pay vs the escape and general fun/joy I'll get from playing it, and I don't see any other games giving me that just now

However also

2) SI aren't pushing any new boundaries and if we're honest, they haven't for a long, long time. If a fair-weather gamer or fan of the franchise was to ask me why should they purchase this version of the game over the previous version, I don't have anything to really stand on the table for and say is amazing, it's really just a continuation of what we all know and love. Can they be proud of the brand that's been built up over years and enjoy the benefits of that? I would certainly hope that they do because this is decades worth of work that continues to stand up, so from a long-term standpoint it's really admirable.

In more of a short-term view, should everyone associated with the game be delighted with the innovation and progress in recent years? I would have me doubts. - This part is pure speculation on my part, but I would be fascinated to know if the general FM world has become far more corporate than we really appreciate and actually that's a major obstacle in pushing boundaries. How many people does a change idea have to go through before it's approved? What are the priorities of those who look after the money (I presume sega?) Is it to really improve the existing game to delight the existing fan base? Or is it just to start pushing out the same thing on as many different platforms as possible, with the reality being that you can afford to lose a lot of pc players because it's easily replaced by the consoles and mobile? I'm guessing it's very much the second.

Personally I get the impression that's there a frustration somewhere in a lot of the people who work on the game. Only they can answer if it's what some voices are presenting as arrogance and being completely incapable of taking criticism. Again, I wouldn't be shocked at all if it's more of a case where the brand/company has grown to a point where there are too many decision makers who prioritise money over gameplay/art/innovation.

The lack of competition is often cited as the root-cause of this and it's probably a fair comment in that we'll all keep buying it regardless until something new comes along, but I would guess that the people who we get to interact with on here or elsewhere in regards to their input into the game are handcuffed by a corporate world that couldn't give two hoots about doing any more than they have to.


Love the game as always, will play it a ton. Am I disappointed about the lack of any real progress? Honestly yes, I think I've now played enough games over the years to realise that nobody really innovates or pushes boundaries anymore, it's all just bare-minimum and microtransactions (Thankfully we don't really see that in FM) and that makes me a part of the problem too, but I feel comfortable in saying that the vast majority of the frustration being presented is valid, I just think it's being directed at the wrong people.

P.S please fix this issue in the Scottish Leagues where I can't put anyone in the reserves or youth team, the clutter is doing my t*ts in

Everything is like that now not just games but every product you buy is essentially an MVP a minimum viable product. Often with features you got included with the product as part of the purchase price, cut out and withheld so these can be sold back to you for an additional cost at a later date. At least SI haven't started doing this as yet (yes I know the in game editor is an additional extra, but as far as I remember it's never been a part of the base game), the minute they do that is probably when I stop playing the game.

At the minute FM23 is essentially FM22 in a new t-shirt but for what I paid and the amount of hours I've already played I can't complain.

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10 hours ago, BrightLad5 said:

SI can’t keep hiding behind the “value for money” line. Because it’s cheap means that they shouldn’t strive to make it better? Cause that’s how it comes across when they use this line, like an excuse. A justification of a substandard “new” game release. “You get what you pay for” may as well be their line :lol:


Yeah I agree they should hide behind the best selling PC game of all time line or maybe even the millions of hours played by players line.

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I cannot believe that the game has been released in this state. I stopped playing the BETA  because of the defensive issues and the odd balancing between home and away games.

I fully expected some (if not all) of these issues to be fixed upon full release but it’s no different.

I’m not going to go full hyperbole and say “I’m never playing this again”. I’ve been fm/cm since 01/02 like many others here in the forum.

I just find it a little insulting that the game has been released when it is so far from the finished product. As it stands, I find the game unplayable and it seems like many others agree.

It would be good to hear from SI when the next patch is due so that I can look forward to playing the game I bought.

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Same as it ever was isn't it? Game isn't brilliant, all the new stuff is a waste of time, all the bad and boring stuff is still bad and boring, it's still great when you score a late winner or find a young player or win against the odds and I'll still play it for hundreds of hours while not really being sure if it's actually any good at any point.

And then I'll do it all again next year.

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6 hours ago, T-IceMan said:

Yea i wish the Squad Depth screen wasnt ripped from the game. Squad Planner is a lackluster replacement with way too much missing compared to Squad Depth. No trialists, only 3 per position at the squad view ("design decision"), way more clicking to see ur positional depth, etc etc. Should just have kept Squad Depth in as well next to the planner. Having to add players manually that are at the club is just baffling and just increases the amount of pointless busywork.

Yeah, the old squad depth screen should have been implemented as part of the squad planner tbh.

I didn't realise the issue of the non-contract players etc until now as I played as a Premier League club during the beta, which is something I don't usually do.

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2 minutes ago, jcw163 said:

Same as it ever was isn't it? Game isn't brilliant, all the new stuff is a waste of time, all the bad and boring stuff is still bad and boring, it's still great when you score a late winner or find a young player or win against the odds and I'll still play it for hundreds of hours while not really being sure if it's actually any good at any point.

And then I'll do it all again next year.

That's the thing isn't it. Whatever is going on around the edges, the main game loop of FM is always compelling and with a decent ME it's going to hook you in for another year regardless of disappointments around stagnation or poorly implemented new features.

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15 hours ago, JordanMilly said:

And the average playtime solely for during the 2 week beta period was 62 hours per person, which even if you bought it at £30 is still around 50p an hour, which is a bargain.

Bargain Not! Ps plus membership works out around £4.20 a month thats under 20p a day for me to play all my PS5 online games and other access to free games, thats just one example i could name more. Thou as a yearly play the price is about right for FM23, i wouldnt say anything amazing.

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On the earing

I created my profile in the beta. Couldn't remove it, didn't even have the option.  I looked multiple times couldn't see it, with other people claiming it is easy look again.

Yesterday I loaded my new save up and created my holiday man to holiday to the 8th November. When creating this holiday man the earing option was there clearly visible. When I then added my manager profile and went to edit the profile the earing option wasn't there and I am still stuck with it.

Edited by wazup
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