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Don't be absurd, of course I didn't reinstall FM22 just to start a Scotland save and see the other Countries I can face. That would be preposterous and crazy. And indeed its slander to even accuse me of it.

Anyway completely seperate topic here is a list of the Non-Ranked Nations I can take on in Friendlies 


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Total lack of previous managerial experience? I've been playing this since Championship Manager 2 sunshine!

So it appears they Nations League Group has been completely and utterly randomnise.


Nope, nope and nope. Lovely stuff. And it also appears the game has decided to start laughing at me early as...


Its given me the 2 hardest games possible in this group. Suppose can't grumble I am top after all, although could easily be relegated from this point.

First thing I've done is obviously look at friendlies!


After the two hard away games to start I wanted to get off on a good footing. Two very winable games. You'll notice the Extra Time + Penalties add on. Penalties count. They are a win!

Luckily the board don't count the Nations League as important so I won't be judged. Wonder if that's because I joined half way through it, either way it feels like a bit of a free shot.

88 days until we play. Best get scouting my potential team!

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Decided to do this properly and I've attended my first game as Manager of Scotland. Partick Thistle v Falkirk. It promises to be a barnburner!

So with 69 (hehehe) days until my opening game I visited my first Stadium.


Not going to lie. I forgot who I was there to scout. I might not be good at this.

The news is telling me it was Danny Mullen. He didn't play well. Unluckeeeeee.

I can't see the first lot of teams being much different from real life if I'm honest. I don't want to pick with form but lets face it...Andy Robertson is going to get ahead of anybody.


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17 minutes ago, andychar said:

I can't see the first lot of teams being much different from real life if I'm honest. I don't want to pick with form but lets face it...Andy Robertson is going to get ahead of anybody.



Pain. Its only 4 weeks but we are 28 days from the next game so its touch and go!

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6 minutes ago, Muttley84 said:

My OCD couldn t help notice you ranked some continents alphabetically and some on reputation. Totally irrelevant, good luck with this!

Laziness with the last 2 Continents. It will be amended don't you worry!

So it was time to pick my first team.


Honestly GK is the worse position at the moment. We need some young blood to come through the ranks!


Craig Gordon will be the Number 1 although when we play lesser Nations I will probably be looking elsewhere.


You'll notice to Robertson. I made the decision to leave him at home and heal. Instead Josh Doig is looking to make his first Scotland apperance ahead of the slightly injured Tierney. Cooper and Hanley will hold the line while Nathan Patterson will likely be the starting RB for a long time.


John McGinn and McTominay will be in the centre of midfield. I like playing 3 attacking players so will be rocking AMR and AML as well as a AMC. As you can see Armstrong, Christie and Fraser have been picked for this. Keep an eye on Billy Gilmour for the future. 


Che Adams the obvious choice here.

Is this team good enough? Lets wait and see.


The tactics I'm rocking. I don't know why but I haven't got high hopes for my first few games. Testing the waters a little bit here.

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Nations League

Romania (a)

I believe if results go our way tonight then we will be promoted before facing Sweden away. That would be nice.


We are favourites but its a very loose term. Basically bookies haven't got a clue. This could go any which way.

I've picked my Captain and Vice Captain...neither of which are playing...up steps Grant Hanley!


Well this is new.


Can see this ending in a 0-0 draw!


Well its not going to finish 0-0! A brilliant counter-attack and its Ryan Christie that slots home. The first step to global domination!


Ooft its been coming. Corner not dealt with properly and its smashed home, if I'm being critical (which I am) Gordon could have done better. Momentum lost.


Attacker going nowhere, brought down needlessly in the box. Silly goal to give away. Not happy.

36th minute and Che Adams smashes it home! But its chalked off for offside. We have been the better side since falling behind.


A brilliant ball played over the top to Che Adams, not offside this time and no mistake. Game back on. Certainly not 0-0!


We have taken the chances we have been given. This still could go anywhere. A draw would be good for the Nations League...bad for the challenge!


Like a knife through butter. We are missing some players tonight that might have made a difference.


A game that could have gone either way but we didn't offer much in the second half to show we deserved anything.

Sweden away next. Not much easier!


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Nations League

Sweden (a)


Once again a very hard to predict game. I think its harder than Romania, hopefully we have learnt a thing or two and can bounce back. Don't think its likely we are going to win Promotion, we can still go down but can't see that either. Lets win and tick a tricky team off early.



Quite a few changes. Gilmour comes in ahead of Armstrong who was very disappointing against Romania. A new centre back pairing and Tierney comes in. McGregor comes in ahead of McTominay.


A couple of minutes after cracking the crossbar McGregor makes no mistake this time. It's been a good start. Lets see if we can hold on to it a bit longer this time.


Ryan Fraiser with a cool calm finish and our lead is doubled! Sweden were just starting to get back into the game.


A very good half of football. This would be a good start to the save if we could hold on and tick off a tricky team.


The defence in no mans land and that's an awful start to the second half.



Absolute sheer pain. A clearance that went sideways instead of out, straight to an attacker who fires home. I mean its like these players don't want to win.


The 91st minute! Sweden pile forward for a corner. Its cleared and suddenly its 3 v 1! The ball is played with excellent timing to Billy Gilmour who finishes with composure to bag his first ever Scotland goal and surely seals the win....


Or not.


Is it too late to cancel my pre-order?


I mean just what in the chuff happened here?

I need to rethink my tactics because my defence might as well have not been there both games. Awful.

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16 minutes ago, DaneBramage said:

Fun premise, good luck with this.

Though I'm sure I won't be the only person slightly hoping for a humiliating, typically Scottish, loss to minnows at some point.

Its already pain never mind a loss against Micronesia!

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European Qualifers were drawn and it was a kind draw. Top 2 go through automatically. We might have a Playoff depending on what Romania and Sweden do via the Nations League. Key games against Austria should decide it. Nice to have a go at a big boy as well.


They want playoffs at least...which I think at the moment is impossible without hoping other teams qualify automatically as well. Lets just finish 2nd eh. Make it easier. 

Bahamas is still the next game. A mere 113 days away.

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The next International Break looks like this. I lost one friendly to make way for Italy. Lets face it, if I'm going to complete this challenge most of the games are going to be home wins. Hopefully (and probably!) 2 Countries will be ticked off here. If we could bump off Italy...well I'd be so happy.

It does change how I was going to call players up. It was going to be a youthful side but with the Italy game it needs to be the strongest.


Aye yeah. It was the media campaign. Without you guys he's be sat in his boxers watching it on the tele.


Angus Gunn gave me a bell and said "I wanna play for Scotland" and I said "Aye. Ok then". He will get the nod and make his International Debut this break. Liam Kelly just can't catch a break.


Obviously Robertson will play in the Qualifiers but it will be a very different team that play The Bahamas.


A few people have been called up in order to fill in squad places against The Bahamas. Oliver Burke I'm looking at you!


Forwards avaliable to me. McBurnie will likely start in the Friendly then Che Adams for the main games.

Im confident I should beat the weaker teams and hopefully give Italy a run for their money. Either way we should chalk off our first Country over the next 3 games.


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The Bahamas

I wanted to win one of the first games but narrow defeats means this is an important game for the save. The chance to knock off the first Country.

We are obviously heavy favourites here and nothing sort of a win would be acceptable.



Its by far our strongest XI but a few names I've played.


McBurnie strikes early. That's 3 games in a row we have taken the lead.


McBurnie double...I've been 2-0 up before...


It's been a training ground exercise at the moment. Not impressed its only 2-0! Vietnam flashbacks occuring.


A penalty seals the hat-trick for McBurnie. He won't play again this break so better make the most of it!


McBurnie gets his 4th. The Peter Crouch of Scottish Football.


Job done. That'll do pig.

Just the small task of Italy up next.

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Euro 2024 Qualifier

Italy (h)


This isn't going to be easy at all. In fact I'd go as far as to say a point would be a great result! I need wins but I also need to think about keeping my job.

I change my tactic for the game against The Bahamas. So don't know if its a good tactic, or if they are just awful. We will soon find out!



I think its something like 9 or 10 changes. This is my strongest XI. No injuries. No excuses. Lets shock the World.


And the World is shook! A 30 yard screamer. Nothing can be done about those. Sigh.


Out of absolutely nothing. We have obviously been 2nd best throughout so this is a bolt out the blue! Che Adams. He will be handy I think.


Just too good. Robertson ventured forward, lost it and was way out of position. Free real estate and a simple cross for a simple goal. Mistakes will be punished.


We haven't been totally outclassed. A sniff of a draw maybe?


Scruffy goal with a hint of luck about this one. Game set and match. 



We didn't deserve that in the slightest. This game has been cruel so far and I don't like it! Horrible for the goal difference as well.

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Euro 2024 Qualifier

Luxembourg (a)

Suddenly I'm feeling the pressure on this game. It has not been a good start in the slighest. This needs to be a win.


We aren't as big favourites as I would have liked if I'm honest!



I've decided to make Zero changes here. I don't think we were horrible against Italy. Just overwhelmed. I have faith in this XI.


One to calm the nerves! McTominey heads home from a corner. Needed that.


Che Adams has the easiest job in the World after some good work down the wing. Nice to get the 2nd.


We have been dominant. Faith in the team restored. I know we aren't beating World Beaters here but it still feels good so far!


Nice start to the second half. Are the floodgates about to open. Be nice to get that GD back.


The floodgates did not open. 3-0. Solid win. 


We are where I expect us to be. Some big games coming up. Lets get it!

Georgia and Austria away next. 2 very tricky games but if we can get 6 out of 6 then it will go a very long way to that place at the Euros. 

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The next International Break soon came around.


Look Gordon isn't going to play. This isn't a headline! Cooper hasn't been playing regular. Sorry. I'm a hard nut to crack.


Gunn or Kelly. Not sure. Both the same age so unless somebody comes out of nowhere then this is going to be the decision for a while. Gordon literally making up the numbers.


On paper its not a horrible defence. On the pitch its a horrible defence.


Mikey Johnston. What can I say? I said I'd pick in form players and he's crushed it this season...I mean he won't play but bless him he's there.


It will be Che. All day long.

So its Georgia away and then Austria away. This is going to be a tricky break but both games winable.

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Euro 2024 Qualifier

Georgia (a)


We are favourites but not overwhelming. We need to turn up here and get the win. A nice early goal would be very nice.



I chose Gunn over Kelly. Trying McTominay at CB as I'm getting desperate!


Ask and you shall recieve. We started slow but our first attack Robertson plays a lovely through ball to Christie who is Cucumber like in his coolness to slot it home. Lovely stuff.


John McGinn doubles the lead. A lovely curling shot left the keeper no chance.

Its not been comfortable not going to lie but its a 2 goal lead...what could go wrong!


Honestly this feels like the Italy game but for us. Its been an even game but we are taking our chances. Che Adams fires home after a corner.


Do not look a gift horse in the mouth. Robertson on fire!


We are not a second half team it seems. Big win in my eyes. Sets us up nicely for a big game against Austria. Against the spirit of the save....I'd take a point!



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Euro 2024 Qualifier

Austria (a)

Biggest game so far, if we can sneak a win then we will take full control of the 2nd place in this Group. I'd be happy with a point as well.


Austria favourites, not surprising with home field advantage. Lets see what we can do.



No changes. Stuck with same XI.


Che Adams rises higher than anybody (I know right) and heads home from a cross. Dream start!


Not exactly been the better team but the quality going forward for both has been shocking. No complaints if it stays like this!


Get in there! Keeper error. Passes it straight to Adams who says thank you very much. What a win!


We had to hold on in large parts of the game but that is huge!


After 4 its driving seat.

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On 20/10/2022 at 05:00, andychar said:

Don't be absurd, of course I didn't reinstall FM22 just to start a Scotland save and see the other Countries I can face. That would be preposterous and crazy. And indeed its slander to even accuse me of it.

Anyway completely seperate topic here is a list of the Non-Ranked Nations I can take on in Friendlies 



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On 21/10/2022 at 11:26, TangoFM said:

Nice idea for a save and good start. 

Beating Austria is huge! 

I haven't been able to get on this weekend so the fact I left on that high was massive.

On 21/10/2022 at 14:32, TelcontarTargaryen said:

To make this in line with Scottish traditions, I suggest taking on the challenge of beating every nation at least once, while drunk. :D

Good luck btw, I really like the idea of this.

I'm sorry I don't quite understand the challenge, isn't that how we all play FM anyway?

On 23/10/2022 at 03:17, ManUtd1 said:


How dare you keep up with this slanderous tone!

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80 days between International Fixtures and that's a lot of pressing the space bar. We host Moldova which on paper is the easiest game we play in the Group. Then we go to Italy which is 100% the hardest game of the Group. So it will be a mix bag next Break! Luckily there will be absolutely zero pressure in the Italy game other than the desire not to be spanked.

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Little update in regards to Romania and Sweden, remember if these both Qualify automatically then we will be in line for a Play-Off spot just incase things go belly up here.


Romania currently there but that's so tight its unreal.


Sweden looking good. Spain played in the Nations League Finals so they are a little behind the curve.

So far so good I'd say. All we really need is a Point at home to Austria to secure qualification and I keep my job. Which is all that matters. Be a shame if I got sacked 10 months into this potentially 50 year career.

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Here we go!


I feel this is the first time I've not had many shocks although Aaron Hickey is maaaad.


Jordan Archer comes in as the 3rd choice. Likely see Gunn get both games.


So it turns out Tierney can play a mean Right Back so I can fit them both in. McTominay is proof that I'm full of absolute s***. He's not played a second for United this season, yet....here he is! I'm not a massive fan of my CB choices. I have solid if not spectacular throughout.


As you can see our Midfield is the most stacked area. Likely to see McGregor, Christie, Armstong and McGinn.


Likely see Brown against Moldova and Che Adams against Italy. No point risking him.

My 2 teams are likely to be different for each game. Its going to be an interesting International Break. Expect to thrash and be thrashed.

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Euro 2024 Qualifiers

Moldova (h)

This should be at least 5. We might need the GD and after an earlier hammering against Italy we need to make up for it.


The clearest favourite we have been (although didn't get an odds for the game against The Bahamas. Important to remember this is another Country we can tick off the list.



This is by far our strongest side. Fingers crossed it doesn't come back and bite us.


Well that took longer than I wanted but we got the breakthrough. These games are a war of attrition sometimes and finally we got them. Brown with his first goal for Scotland.


Not quite the thrashing I wanted. Lets get them in the second half when they get tired.


Billy Gilmour has a free kick, it hits the crossbar and Grant Hanley is quickest to arrive. He slots it into an open net. I'll take it!


Nothing spectacular in the slightest as you'd expect but its 3 points. 

We have reached the half way point of the qualifiers.


Not a single draw so far for anybody. Our GD could do with a boost. Luckily its Italy away next. Meaning we will be finishing this Break outside the top 2!

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Euro 2024 Qualifiers

Italy (a)



Lets face it. This is going to be near impossible.


Not half!



Our strongest XI fully fit. I mean it's giving us our best chance but I don't think it will mean much. Absolute scenes if we do win and cross Italy off the list!


Scenes! McGinn is bought down in the box and Callum McGregor slots home from 12 yards. This is going to be the longest 75 minutes of my life.


Out of nothing really. A pot shot from outside the box goes through absolutely everybody and we are level. 


Bitter blow just before half time. Immobile rises high from a cross and nods it home.

I was quite bitter after the 5-1 loss cos I felt we deserved more.


Today is no different. Lets hope we can keep this up. Who knows what could happen.


What a performance that was from the lads. We deserved to take away something, alas we don't. Reason to be very hopeful though.


I assumed it was GD but it must be Head to Head. That's good. 2nd looks a lot better than 3rd. 4 big games coming up but at least we got Italy out the way.

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Only 1 month until the next International Break, we face Luxembourg and Georgia both at home. This should be 6 points.

That's it for Countries to tick off the list for a while but I've got some Friendlies lined up for after the Qualifiers have finished. Should be very easy games just to keep it ticking over! These will include Bermuda, Trinidad and Tobago and Saint Barthelemey. 

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4 players who could be set to make their Scotland debut, including a new keeper oooooooo. I had to beg Siriki Dembele to join us. He could have picked England or Nigeria, I'm going to throw a cap on him so he's trapped forever.


He's out for 2 weeks but not mentioned is poor Grant Hanley who is out for 4 months at least! Big blow.


Sam Long is 20. He will get both these games and I hope he turns into the replacement for both Gunn and Kelly. Nice to see Keepers all under 30.


With Tierney out Hickey comes back into the side. He will probably not be out the squad again to be honest because I'm sure Tierney can also play CB better than most here.


No surprises here, nobody missing. Solid as a rock.


I never noticed before that we only have 3 players 30 or over. Che Adams will play against Georgie but I want to make sure Dembele gets a chance this break.

6 from 6 isn't just the aim its the absolute bare minimum I expect from the next 2 games.

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Euro 2024 Qualifiers 

Luxembourg (h)


We are favourites. We should win. 



Its not the strongest XI but it should get the job done!


What a ball that is from Aaron Hickey, he finds Brown through on goal and its calmly dispatched. We have had a few chances so its nice to get an early goal.


Billy Gilmour calmly slots home a penalty and we double our lead just before half time. Now I know it isn't GD I'm not massively fussed about goals. As long as we win.


Steady as she goes.


Nobody pay attention to the fact we had 26 shots and only managed 5 on target its not important. A win is a win. Keeps us ticking over!

16 minutes ago, andychar said:

I had to beg Siriki Dembele to join us. He could have picked England or Nigeria, I'm going to throw a cap on him so he's trapped forever.



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Euro 2024 Qualifiers

Georgia (h)


We are favourites but its not going to be straighforward on paper. The reverse fixture was the one that flattered us the most. We won by a heavy score but you could argue we were 2nd best throughout. I don't want to take this for granted.



Several changes made. 


This wasn't in the script. A mistake by Cooper gifts the striker the ball in a 1 on 1 position and he finishes past an advancing Gunn.


Boy did we need that. First half stoppage time and Ryan Fraser makes sure we go into the break level.


Its been an International Break where we seemingly can't hit a barn door! Only got to hit it once more at least.

61st minute and Che Adams has fired us into the lead! But...hang on...no its being called back for offside. It was a wicked finish but it counts for nothing. Time is quickly running out.


Get in! It was nervy but finally we break the dreadlock! Ryan Fraser pokes home after a bobble in the box. Huge goal.


We were more than deserving of it.

Its a night where we pick up 3 vital points and a night where Austria decided to show up in Italy and knock them for 5.


So it means we are likely going to be going into the Final game at home to Austria needing just a point to advance. Italy rightfully looking nervously over their shoulder now but can't quite see them being to concerned.


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Ryan Christie is a loss but it could have been worse I suppose. Glad to welcome back Tierney, the Swiss Army Knife at the back. Other than that no real surprises.


Gunn will get both games, no point chopping and changing the keepers for the sake of it. Don't know why Gunn has been my Number 1 ahead of Kelly. 


Moldova away so I'm not going for Strongest XI hence why Robertson and Tierney are on the bench. 


McTominay continues to get picked despite hardly playing for United. He need to move ASAP!


Che Adams will be rested but will feature against Austria. 

Feels like we are setting ourselves up for a fall against Moldova but surely we have enough about us to get passed that game and onto the 1 game shootout against Austria at Hampden.

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