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Talk me off the FM22 Ledge

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I recently started playing FM22, having played every game previous to this & after one week of 22, I am considering giving up all together. 

I am managing Arsenal and have had seven (7) goals ruled out for offside in my last three consecutive games. Not just that, in each of those games I conceded a goal with the opposition having one shot on target. 

I appreciate that Football Manager does this, and their social media teams like to use this as marketing on Twitter (tell us about the worst Football Managered done to your save etc..) - but honestly, surely this is a bug? And if not, can anyone give me any good reason why I should keep playing? I have played since the early 00s,  I am on the ledge looking into the abyss. 



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Goals ruled out due to offsides could be lack of tactical familiarity or squad gelling. Better understanding and communication can see forward runs being timed better, along with the pass to them, of course.

Conceding from a single shot on target has a lot of possible answers. Did they score early and then set up to defend the lead? Were they toothless for most of the game and then made changes toward the end to get back into the game? Did you defend well, but a lapse in concentration (possibly due to tiredness) gave away an easy chance?

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10 hours ago, connorohanlon said:

I recently started playing FM22, having played every game previous to this & after one week of 22, I am considering giving up all together. 

I am managing Arsenal and have had seven (7) goals ruled out for offside in my last three consecutive games. Not just that, in each of those games I conceded a goal with the opposition having one shot on target. 

I appreciate that Football Manager does this, and their social media teams like to use this as marketing on Twitter (tell us about the worst Football Managered done to your save etc..) - but honestly, surely this is a bug? And if not, can anyone give me any good reason why I should keep playing? I have played since the early 00s,  I am on the ledge looking into the abyss. 



Well, first of all, welcome to the madness. Football Manager is a hard game to get around at times, and one of the drawbacks is the lack of explanation of why something happens.

As for the game, it does not in anyway "create drama", so to speak. The match engine runs on inputs alone and not to fit any narrative or the like, that has been confirmed by the devs here several times.

Having a lot of goals called off like that could be down to a few things like poor team cohesion, poorly timed runs (if it's the same player again and again perhaps he has bad decisions or OtB or something), tactical instructions, or just plain old bad luck. Games like this can have huge variance, and sometimes you get streaks like this without cause.

As @HUNT3R writes, conceding from few chances happens at times, just look at the Liverpool match yesterday, the first half especially. But if happens regularly, then it could be player based or tactical. If you have a tactic that leaves your defenders 1v1 a lot, you really need great defenders and goalkeeper since being in that position is not easy for the defense. Otherwise try to identify why the goals happen (crosses, long balls, individual errors, etc) and see if you can remedy it, either tactically or changing players.

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My only comment to add to the others above is that it would be best if you have a lot more games under your belt before drawing any conclusions about the ME and it will also help to try to analyse why things are happening without assuming that it is a bug- of course it could be a bug, but by this stage in the cycle, most of the main issues have been identified and the issues that you have mentioned  are not among the recognised bugs as far as I know

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