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FM08 V8.0.2 Help please

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Ok, first of all apologies for asking about a game that's now a year old and it's a boring issue!


On FM08, I have downloaded the patch v8.0.2 and updated it with seemingly going to plan, but when I load my FM08 game again it reads "C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2008\fm.exe is not a valid win32 application". Is this a problem with the patch update? Has it corrupted somewhere along the way? If so, how do I eradicate the problem? Are there different patch updates that won't currupt or is it a fault/issue with my computer?

Also, if I delete the new update, will my old game still be saved? (I was in the year 2020 for gods sake! :))

Thanks in advance!

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Might be a good idea to defrag your hard drive and check for virus\spyware. If this comes back ok then either disable your antivirus software when FM is running or make sure it ignores any folders that FM uses.

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I had exactly the same message when installing FM09 this weekend. The patch creates a new .exe file. What I did was delete my old shortcut and copy the new .exe file from the Program Files folder onto the desktop again. It should have happened automatically but for some reason didn't.

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