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League second phase as a cup tie - not recording winner as champion


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So, I've got a league setup where there are two groups of 14. The winner of each group plays each other and that side is the league champion. Both are already promoted (along with four others).

How do I get the second phase to store the winner in the competition history? I have managed to set it up so as the winner of stage 1 is declared as champion in stage 0, but no history records are being created.

So basically, how can I make this winning side listed as a "past winner"? There's no champion being saved. Any help is massively appreciated as I've run out of ideas.



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This is how the Brazilian Serie C does it.


Also, have you got the rankings correctly set up?



They'll be different for you of course due to the different number of stages, but the main one to note here is that the winner should be assigned ranking 0 on both the cup stage and in the ranking level info.

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Thanks for replying! I haven't done the ranking levels to that depth at all ever, if I'm honest. I've not touched this editing stuff for years and I'm having a dramatic crash course so I appreciate the patience.

Is it the ranking levels that dictate the history then, opposed to the stage fate? Presumably the latter is only cosmetic. Do I need to do something to make the ranking levels record, because no other league I've created requires them at all to acknowledge past winners..



Edited by Hershie
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32 minutes ago, Hershie said:

Thanks for replying! I haven't done the ranking levels to that depth at all ever, if I'm honest. I've not touched this editing stuff for years and I'm having a dramatic crash course so I appreciate the patience.

Is it the ranking levels that dictate the history then, opposed to the stage fate? Presumably the latter is only cosmetic. Do I need to do something to make the ranking levels record, because no other league I've created requires them at all to acknowledge past winners..

League stages have a "Top Team Are Champions" box which is usually ticked by default so it's not as important there. Knockout stages can require them to be setup though. I'm not sure exactly how important they are, but they've been the difference between a winner being recorded or not for me when I made an international nations league.

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18 hours ago, Hershie said:

Still doesn't seem to be working despite adding ranking levels as above. Maybe I'm missing something obvious?

Stage 3 for Brazil is separate and doesn't really affect the winner. There was one other thing I did for my Nations League file to get the history recorded though ,I thought maybe it wasn't necessary since the Brazilian league above doesn't use it.

Under Other Stage Rules try adding an instruction to Add History Record, assign it to your playoff stage. You might want Store League History ticked too, not sure about that part though, probably need to test to see what the difference is on the club competitions page history with and without it. Like this, but with the relevant references to your stages.

If you still can't get it to work, upload a copy of your file. There might be something else that could be adjusted to get it to work.

Edited by rusty217
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1 hour ago, rusty217 said:

Stage 3 for Brazil is separate and doesn't really affect the winner. There was one other thing I did for my Nations League file to get the history recorded though ,I thought maybe it wasn't necessary since the Brazilian league above doesn't use it.

Under Other Stage Rules try adding an instruction to Add History Record, assign it to your playoff stage. You might want Store League History ticked too, not sure about that part though, probably need to test to see what the difference is on the club competitions page history with and without it. Like this, but with the relevant references to your stages.

If you still can't get it to work, upload a copy of your file. There might be something else that could be adjusted to get it to work.


Thanks! I've been playing about with all manner of options for how the history is/isn't set to automatically store - didn't realise that there was a stage action to do so.


32 minutes ago, nasaiain said:

Check you have set up the Team order for the top 3 in the History page



This has worked! Thank you! I tried similar previously and it didn't like it, so presumably I set it up wrong somehow. I think I probably had it set to take competition winner rather than the cup stage, which obviously it couldn't find.

What is also probably confusing matters for me is that every league in my setup is duplicated - essentially I've recreated how last season worked in real life, then added the structure for the upcoming season offset by a year. Essentially going from a 12-14-12 structure in the top 3 leagues to 14-14-14 after a season. That all seems to work, but obviously any changes I make to the basics I have to do twice.


Thank you both!


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