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Sports Scientist /Physio: do they actually reduce the fatigue/injury risk or do they just provide information?

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I've always wondered about this.

Some people wrote that scientists actually reduce fatigue levels rather than only provide you with the information helping to monitor fatigue.

when it comes to physios:  I know that their skill affects the accuracy of their predictions. But does it actually reduce the likelihood of injuries and the recovery times?  


Edited by Feron
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Sports Science:


So as far as I can tell, the physio can help prevent injuries and help the player recover quicker, and the sports scientist maintain fitness and help let you know how high the injury risk is.

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On 10/07/2022 at 08:58, Dotsworthy said:

Zealand tested this on his YouTube channel and they absolutely make a difference.

Get as many in as possible with as high a rating as possible.

yes I was trying to find that video again, but to no avail.

also, I kinda remember that he showed in this video that the number of scientists does NOT make any difference - just the quality of the main one.

The rest is kinda blurry in my memory - probably the number of physios makes a difference.

But anyway, I wasn't sure anymore what exactly the scientist can do - if he actually reduces the amount of fatigue or if he just gives the manager a more accurate information on fatigue levels

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