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question about UK work permit (workaround with affiliate clubs and loans)

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Hello, I am playing my first save in England and face the problem with work permits.

I heard the advice to get an affiliate to loan players out to - for them to eventually gain a work permit.

My question is though, if I loaned them out to a UK club, how are they allowed to play them? And if I loaned them out to a EU country instead (as some people recommend)  what good would that do? I thought that the EU countries need to apply for work permits as well when moving to England.

Apparently, some recommend the approach to sign South Americans and then send them out to Spain as it only takes 2 years for them to gain the Spanish citizenship. But again, how does the Spanish citizenship help with England?


Edited by AndreasAust
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6 hours ago, AndreasAust said:

if I loaned them out to a UK club

That won't help, as you surmise. The only workaround I'm aware of is to loan them to a top flight team in one of the bigger European or South American countries and hope they play enough first-team matches. And since I'd guess you're going to ask, I have no idea how many matches they'd need to play.

Quantum physics is easier to understand than British work permit rules.

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To be honest, with the current set up in the UK, if a player will not get a WP on initial application now, it is hardly ever worth the hassle of trying to find a way round it.  Move on a find a payer who will get a WP

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I've done a little bit of messing around, and, got a couple of my Scandinavian players (Williot Swedberg and Syver Aas) work permits after a season. Mainly sending them on loan to top tier Scandinavian teams who make the Champions League, as well as finish at the top end of the league. IIRC, Swedberg had a season at Randers with CL appearances, and got his permit, the same with Aas, but at Odds.

Honestly, I think the only real way this will work is if you're a PL club, and are going to be picking up young players from youth setups to play.

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Going back to this, the way I do this, as mentioned above.

These are the excerpts from the FAs Criteria for Work Permits, as of 2021. (Behind spoiler tags in order to save space)


FM runs on the same criteria.

Basically, if you're signing a player who is a full international and regularly plays for a top 50 nation, you're fine.








Theres more stuff about youth player eligibility, but, you can read about that in the document.



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