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I'd love to see difficulty added into the game, but not as you'd expect.


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In the world of modern football, chairperson/owner (I'll use these terms interchangeably) rule supreme and I would love to see this implemented into the game as a way of difficulty. There are patient chairpeople, quick to sack chairpeople and this could all link to difficulty as well as growth as a manager within the game.  A few examples I've thought of that I'd love people thoughts on;

1: IMO the biggest request of mine. The default option that any manager starting the game controls every aspect of the club. I don't think this is realistic to real life as more often than not the DoF or Technical Director handles quite a few areas including recruitment. Imagine starting a game at a big club with a lower reputation and the chairman telling you the DoF handles all transfers. He could give you options at the end of the season or insist that you sign certain players that fit the clubs current philosophies. Not only would this mean that managers have their hands tied but adding a certain level of difficulty that links with the real world.  This  situation could change overtime with certain success and meeting targets so that you become the ultimate gaffer in control of every aspect of the club. Another example is if you're doing a good job as a manager and two clubs offer a job in a higher division, one club could insist that the DoF handles everything, but the other gives you full control. It would make the choice a lot harder. 

2: Chairperson reputation is something I'd love to see. Certain owners/chairpeople have a reputation for having a patient view when it comes to sacking managers. Think of certain Serie A managers that last 4 games with no wins before they're turfed out. Before taking a job I'd love to see certain stats that relate to how patient or understanding the guys upstairs are. Not only would this make taking certain jobs high risk but it would add a greater realism with how football is in certain countries. 

3: More understanding about how club philosophies are linked to the owners desires. Some owners want certain things, if thats signing players from a certain countries or implementing what they see as the beautiful game. But these don't always link up with fans views. Imagine the philosophies screen where it was highlighted who wanted to see what. The fans might want to see youth players from the academy play in the first team, but the owner wants big money signings, the idea that you could appease one group and not the other is interesting and although rare in football it has happened. 

I know these are fanciful requests, but I think they link to how modern football is progressing. And I know it would be a strain to give real life chairpeople statistic or personalities when many of them hide in the shadows. But I'd love to hear what other people have to say and if I'm just dreaming. 


Thanks guy. 

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  • SI Staff

Thanks for taking the time to raise this here. This is something which has already been flagged as a request within the community, so has already been documented and is part of our internal database of features for consideration. Like all features raised to us, it could end up rejected, or could after extensive design and development become a part of a future FM.

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