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Interpretation of likes to beat active repeatedly

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I'm asking because I don't understand exactly while reading the description of likes to beat opponent repeatedly.
From what I understand, I think you want to break through the opponent through a change of direction dribble. But I don't know what cutting back means. Also, does "again" mean that you repeat the act frequently?
Can you explain it in detail through example pictures, videos, or writings?

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From what I understand of this trait, the player who has it will choose to continue to dribble more often after someone has tried to tackle him. By default, dribblers will look to pass on to someone else fairly often when they have drawn enough pressure, and charging a defensive line with the ball, while it does happen, is a rare event. With the trait, think of Messi relentlessly pushing through virtually all of the defensive line, bobbing and weaving, just to get a clear shot on goal. If they have lots of dribbling skill, technique, balance, agility, and perhaps a bit of flair, this could be a very good ability to have, especially in more advanced positions where a foul could draw benefits. Good concentration, composure, and bravery may be necessary too, as it's a very technically demanding task in a very high pressure scenario.

Don't have the games description of it handy, so I'm not sure how it's referring to cutting back, but it could refer to a common dribbling tactic of making a short back pass to a teammate, moving forward a short way to receive it again, in kind of a one-two setup that briefly throws defenders off guard and reduces pressure. Could mean the "cut back", or back cut, though that's more of a short cross while dribbling, typically in the penalty box. Otherwise, it's not uncommon to stop, turn around, wait for someone to come at you from a particular direction, then break the other way, which would also be cutting back in a sense. Dribbling has a lot of "cut" terminology, but so does general motion and I'm not sure which it's specifically referring to.

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"Likes to beat man repeatedly" means that if they get part way past their opponent with a dribble, they are less likely to use that space to immediately put in a cross/shot/pass, and more likely to turn back and cut across that opponent with the ball again or do another trick to get themselves a bit more space or a different angle. Doing it well when you're a great dribbler (but not necessarily quick enough to run away from your opponent) can result in better final balls but slows the move down a bit. Doing it too much is just showing off.

"Moves into channels" is trying to find space in between the centre of defence and the fullback (instead of finding larger amounts of space out wide, coming deep to receive passes or staying up front in the middle but having a marker behind you). It's good for quick forwards you want to run in behind, less good for players you want heavily involved in linkup play, backing into the central defenders or staying wide.


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