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Your top tip…

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What one tip would you give to fellow managers?

For me it is it focusing heavily on the wage budget / finances. Negotiating hard with new signings or contract renewals, trimming all unwanted players and cashing in on over valued players.

Crack that and it gives you much more chance to hold onto your key players, or to sign future stars.

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It really depends on the save circumstances.

But probably overall it's using the match review training after each match, helps tactical familiarity and team cohesion to set you up for the next one.


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A tip for what circumstance? Are we trying to win? Just winning is kind of easy.

Personally I'd just say - have an interesting objective in mind regarding your squad. Make it a project, and make it weird. Those are the memorable saves. Perhaps you build a team of 4'11" midgets and take them to the Euros. Maybe a devoted cult  with extreme aggression and dirtiness, all the while you become a spectacle on your own, trash talking all other teams and managers. All sorts of crazy mechanics are there for you to exploit.

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22 hours ago, Prepper_Jack said:

A tip for what circumstance? Are we trying to win? Just winning is kind of easy.

My top tip is that winning isn't always easy.

Sometimes, dragging your squad of talentless hobos across the line to avoid relegation on the last day of the season is an achievement worth more than a Champions League tie. Enjoy whatever successes you can squeeze out of your team.

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Wherever possible, sign players with decent determination, and who your scouts identify as being consistent and professional.

Simply don't buy players who are inconsistent or unprofessional; there are always other players out there with similar attributes or potential who don't have such significant issues.

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Ongoing: When a scouter have knowledge level of a nation.
Until Finished: When a scouter does not have a knowledge level of a nation.
Scouting Region: When a scouter have knowledge level of nations inside the region.

Newgens (nation factors)

- State of Development
- Economic Factor
- FA Financial Power
- Game Importance
- Youth Rating

Newgens (club factors)

- Youth Coaching
- Youth Facilities
- Youth Recruitment
- Youth Importance

Player Progression

- Age
- Training Facilities
- Coaches
- Injuries
- D.A.P (Determination, Ambition, Professionalism)


- Do not shout during a highlight, will be applied after the highlight.


Ok, it's wasn't one. :-P

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  1. Use "Team bonding" in training schedules.
  2. Use trials to get a better look at unattached players and to lower their wage demands.
  3. Use "Positive" mentality and press more urgently with a higher line of engagement. It's commonly used for good reason.
  4. Get your fastest players into the lineup against better teams so you can have a counter threat.
  5. If you are playing with AML/AMR/LB/RB then experiment with the IWB(a) role. He will often be free in the box to wreak havoc.
  6. The CM(a) and SV(a) roles are very effective.
  7. If you want to play with inside forwards, they pair really well with a F9(s).
  8. Keep an eye on recent form and criticize players if they are in the 6.7 or below rating range. Warn anyone if they have a bad match (6.0 or worse).
  9. Pester the board for more scouts and better training facilities as frequently as possible.
  10. If work permits and squad restrictions are getting you down, try managing in Germany, the Netherlands, or Denmark.
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Click on the playing time view on squad screen and change playing time agreements to level on actual playing time or lower. Better chance of not creating any problems if the team is doing well. 

Set reminders through notes like contract renewals, praising training & conduct, scouting free transfers etc.

Check data hub -> analyst report to see potential weak spots in upcoming opposition tactic

Use search filters on statistics (key passes, dribbles, interceptions etc) based on averages on the level you want your team to play

Rotate your team against weaker sides especially if injury risk is high and match load heavy on your regular players

Use the next match only for tactical tweaks and player changes

Don't be afraid to sell rotation options if and especially you have a competent replacement in the youth system

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Praise all players that have an 8.00+ performance in training. Seems to improve your relationship closeness with the players, lead to continued high levels of training (8.00+ ratings) and seems to sometimes increases work rate attribute.

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1 hour ago, Barf_Vader said:

Praise all players that have an 8.00+ performance in training. Seems to improve your relationship closeness with the players, lead to continued high levels of training (8.00+ ratings) and seems to sometimes increases work rate attribute.

Was going to add this. Helps morale and seems to overall improve relationship with players. Make sure you tell players they trained well though and don't select the 'you're developing well option'. Some don't like the latter where as the former never seems to get a bad reaction.

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- Check training schedules even if you don't want to deal with them. The game sometimes doesn't add a recovery and a match review session after matches and you can end up with a full week of heavy physical training before the match of the season.

- Avoid promises at all costs, especially the ones about coaching staff and bringing in reinforcements.

- Don't be afraid to play players out of position. If their attributes are compatible with the position, they'll play fine.

- Go to Development -> Progress. Check how your youngsters are doing. If they haven't progressed in the last couple of months, go to training and criticise their development. Does wonders on some players.

Edited by sdx15
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If your in the player search screen looking for players using attributes then be careful what attributes you pick depending on the position.

Players you have limited knowledge on show different stat ranges depending on their position.

A player natural in RB/LB/CB will show a stat range for these attributes in screenshot



A player natural in any of the RWB/DM/LWB/RM/CM/LM position will show this stat range



A player natural in any of the RW/AM/LW/ST position will show this stat range



So if you was to search using the attribute PACE you would automatically rule out any player who plays in the RWB/DM/LWB/RM/CM/LM position that you have limited knowledge on.

Players with limited knowledge share these attributes ranges (First Touch/Heading/Passing/Technique/Work Rate/Acceleration/Jumping Reach/Strength) so stick with these and you won't rule the players you have limited knowledge of out of your search, especially good when searching for newgen's.

Edited by kevkel
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2 minutes ago, H_a_a_k_o_n said:

Could you explain more what this is?

It lets the game carry on automatically after the 2 seconds without the need to press continue. I set mine to 10 seconds so it gives me chance to stop it if I want to do something




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1 minute ago, kevkel said:

It lets the game carry on automatically after the 2 seconds without the need to press continue. I set mine to 10 seconds so it gives me chance to stop it if I want to do something

  Reveal hidden contents



wow, was not aware of this. Most of my time is waiting for the game to process. Thanks!

Does it stop when needing input? (select team, press conference, game needing input)

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1 minute ago, H_a_a_k_o_n said:

wow, was not aware of this. Most of my time is waiting for the game to process. Thanks!

Does it stop when needing input? (select team, press conference, game needing input)

Yeah it stops at any point your needed to respond to something(not 100% if it stops for transfer offers). After processing the continue button in top right corner will show a count down next to it, if you don't want it to continue just click the screen before it counts down and it wont continue until you do it. Like I said I set mine to ten seconds so I got time to decide if I want to stop it. I also stop every couple days to catch up on my news items. I use it most for if I want to step away for a few minutes, when I come back I'll be at the next game.

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  • Buy youth and sell oldies.
  • Have your trialists come and when they are not +3/4 stars CA, send them home.
    • Optionally, when they don´t have +5 stars, send them home too
  • Have friendlies to get more money (LLM: this will be your budget for the year)
  • Do not ask for a bigger stadium in year one, since it is only allowed once every 25 years (!)
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/05/2022 at 14:11, fc.cadoni said:

Ongoing: When a scouter have knowledge level of a nation.
Until Finished: When a scouter does not have a knowledge level of a nation.
Scouting Region: When a scouter have knowledge level of nations inside the region.


I often wonder how to assign a scout who has the knowledge of multiple nations but only one of them is 100%.

For example:


If i want to scout Egypt and Tunisia (and maybe Morocco) is Until Finished still best for these type of scouts?

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53 minutes ago, twister said:


I often wonder how to assign a scout who has the knowledge of multiple nations but only one of them is 100%.

For example:


If i want to scout Egypt and Tunisia (and maybe Morocco) is Until Finished still best for these type of scouts?

The question is if you have load those nations in database setup, otherwise you spend plenty time just to scout very limited player pool. So, in order to maximize more knowledge in Cameroon, Mali etc you need to send them as Until Finished. In Egypt send him as Ongoing. 

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1. Check your squad's injury suspectibility under "risk assessment". If the value is "above average" or greater, then go into training and set individual training intensity to "light". Same if you have a player who you need to play most games - he should train lighter than a player who is a squad player. If you have a very small squad (typically when you get promoted and have just started building a new squad), then all players should be on "light" training intensity because you can't afford to lose any of them due to injury. 


2. Never let a coach have a secondary job, as it decreases the number of stars he has for training. The exception is when that coach is only there to make up the numbers to reduce the workload.


3. Expanding on tip 2, if you have a coach/scout/HoYD with good values for analysing data, then you can save some wages by going into the data hub and select that person to handle own/opposition analysis reports. This does not impact his coaching/scouting stars as far as I can tell.


4. Under "training", select "rest" and choose to have "no pitch or gym work" when player condition is poor, and only "half intensity" when player condition is fair. This reduces chance of injury and fatigue, plus you won't have to remember to manually rest players.


5. Remember to do team meetings - at least 3 times during the season. They are crucial for keeping morale up. The most effective team meeting is when your team has been on a good run of 5-6 games and overperformed, only to hit a sudden bad patch of 2-3 games with losses/draws. The manager can then go into the team meeting and praise the players for their performance in the season so far, and urge them not to be discouraged by the recent change in results. The players will then rally together because their manager believes in them.


6. When a player is complaining about not getting enough games, you can often get him to back down when they come to you by threating to transfer list them. This usually works on players who do get games every now and then, but not as often as they would have liked (typically a player being used as a squad player when he has been promised being an important player).


7. Expanding on tip 6, try to reduce a player's promised playing time only after you have strengthened the squad in his playing position. The player is far more likely to accept taking a backseat if he sees that the competition for places have increased. 


8. Think about which one of your players you eventually want as staff at your club. If they have coveted personalities such as "model professional", "perfectioninst", etc, then it can only be a good thing to keep them around - especially if one of them becomes a HoYD where their staff personality will rub off on youngsters coming through. Fans will like it if fan favorites are kept at the club. Think longterm - if you have a player in his early 30s who you know you want to keep at the club until he's ready to transition into a staff role, then have him start on his coaching badges already then. By the time he's ready to retire he will hopefully have earned a Continental Pro license and add value to your staff.


9. Untick "sugar" in the cafeteria menu. This will reduce weight of your players and improve stamina longterm.


10. Sign Freddy Adu on a free transfer first chance you get. Last seen in the 2nd tier of Swedish football, he's suffered while applying his trade in 9 different nations. He's now pondering retirment unless a club will pay for food and board (and preferably bring him on as a super-sub). Considering how much entertainment Freddy has given FM-managers over the years, this shouldn't be too much to ask. 

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